The Dallas Police Department (DPD) announced it will not participate in ICE immigration raids, instead launching outreach meetings to reassure immigrant communities.
Led by the UNIDOS Latino Community Outreach Program, the initiative aims to dispel misinformation and encourage crime reporting.
Interim Chief Michael Igo emphasized that DPD focuses on public safety, not immigration enforcement. However, individuals with outstanding warrants may still face arrest and possible deportation.
Additional meetings, including legal guidance sessions, are planned in Dallas and neighboring areas to support and inform migrant residents.
Uplifting news? In MY feed?
From a police department? In Texas???
On a Monday during a Trump Administration?
May I see it?
Truly the end times are upon us.
Sad fact, most major cities in Texas are blue. Even Fort Worth has been going more blue. It the gerrymandering and rural areas keeping it red.
Right, pretty awesome!
The Trump administration is so far right it’s making Texas look liberal.
The major cities are little drops of blue in a sea of red.
It’s still more purple. Remember, land doesn’t vote. You may be able to gerrymander state and congressional seats, but governor and president are still the entire state. My hopes is it keeps moving more blue, but then you get the Hispanics in the valley who vote against their own interests.
Texas will inevitably be blue. Just like what happened with California.
I keep patiently waiting but I’m so ready to ditch this place.
don’t leave. same reason i remain in florida. that’s why they want. if all the sane people leave, you raise the % of insane to sane.
we counter intuitively need more progressives to move and live in florida and texas. these are going to be the two most important starts in the upcoming century
plus while the government is insane, there are many varied and diverse communities in these states. i live in an immigrant heavy community in florid and absolutely love it more than the blue states i’ve lived in the past. minus the state government, needless to say
I wish I could believe that, but every time an area turn blue all they do is redraw the maps. Texas district 26 and 13 are perfect example of this. 13 was solid red going across north Texas and the panhandle. District 26 was turning more and more blue. So, they took the city of Denton and moved it into district 13. Denton is home to a liberal art college, so they watered it down by putting it in a district that is over 350 miles across, and filled with rural red voters. Meanwhile the extended district 26 north and west to include more red voters.
Edit: This is 26 before the redrew it
Some parts of the cities might be, but it sure as shit ain’t the police departments.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think these cops have to live in the areas they police.
The worst cops aren’t always where you’d expect. Cops in Seattle and Austin are atrocious, for example, but Dallas, despite generally being much more conservative, has a much more professional police force in my experience.
I agree, Dallas is better than you might expect, but it gets worse in the Dallas suburbs.
Seattle and Portland both have major problems with the police acting like a hostile occupying force and interfering in politics.
They’re cops and the vast majority are probably racist magats. They just use this as an excuse so they can sit on their fat ass and not do extra work. There’s donuts to be eaten and minorities to be shot.
Texas has been going purple for a while
DPD has a loooooong, fucked up history with minorities. I’m not fan of cops, but I’ll take a W where I can get it.
Imma wait for the other shoe to drop before I start taking this win.
They want to be the ones to genocide migrants, not the feds.
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
Yeah… Unless things have significantly changed since I lived in Dallas 10 years ago, I’d say this is just dpd not wanting to add additional work on their plate. Getting them to respond to anything short of murder was like pulling teeth.
My first thought was ‘is Dallas county majority Hispanic now?’ So I checked and yes, the largest demographic group is now Hispanic/Latino
Fuck trump. Fucking traitor.
Yeah, I don’t know if this is out of benevolence, but I bet there’s a big dose of understanding who props up a lot of the Texas economy.
Hot take:
They’re only doing this because they know if they commit resources ($$$) to helping ICE, they will NEVER see a single cent come back.And these meetings aren’t just gonna be a honeypot for ICE to raid?
Ummm yes, literally what you wrote. A honeypot FOR ICE; if all the ICE agents show up where they are told there will be a bunch of immigrants but there’s just one middle aged white guy named Jim Bob, then everyone else is safe.
The chamber is also offering remote participation for those hesitant to attend in person.
Definitely, absolutely, unequivocally; ACAB.
Seems a bit more like a “broken clock is still right twice a day” situation.
Wait for it…
Says a lot about the times we’re living in that this is what good news is now.
How much you want to bet that ICE tries to raid one of these meetings?
admiral ackbar:
It’s a Trapper Keeper!
*velcro noises*
Holy shit, what?
A cop doing their job correctly? I never thought I’d see the day.
Yeah but remember, ACAB /s