This is the time to step back and ask ourselves if women’s sex toys have gone too far.
No need to be jealous now. There’s nothing about this toy that forbids men and enbies from trying it too. ;)
There are very few toys that are exclusive to one body type.
Depending on how creative you are, there are probably no toys that are exclusive to one body type
Silicone eggs.
Throat play.
No, thats what the gelatin eggs are for. If it goes near the digestive system it must be either edible or have a flared base.
Safety concerns, fair. Silicone can be warmed/chilled though right? Temperature play?
I wanted to avoid using absolutes but I don’t have any counterexamples.
Sounds like a skill issue.
Not yet, there’s only the one of them. Until you see a line of them behind a sofa….
No, robot, the xenomorph is not the “perfect organism.” That’s a bad robot. Now let me inject more milk into your tubes here. I think I’ll call you “Ash”.
Day 2: It seems to have shifted overnight. We are adding a continuous power source to prevent failure during unsupervised hours.
Day 11: More items have gone missing from the lab.
It works even better if the first entries are triumphant and overly optimistic while obvious mistakes and warming are ignored ore recasted as positives.
The real art lies in designing it in such a way the the destruction it will inevitably bring wrecks the building in such a way that someone entering it will find the sticks in the order that will reveal more and more ominous details.
Nice gif, but how is Iceland’s Prime Minister relevant here?
Frostadottir is a badass last name… Am I wrong to surmise that it means, “frost daughter”?
Yes and no. It means Frosti’s daughter because her father’s name is Frosti (Frosti is conjugated to Frosta to mean Frosti’s). All Icelandic “last names” work like that: made from the father’s name and ‘dottir’ or ‘son’. The name Frosti comes from a dwarf in the Eddur and yes is derived from the Icelandic/Old Norse word frost.
Yeah, I’m familiar with Scandinavian naming conventions. I think it leads to some cool names, but also seems to make it slightly more difficult to ascertain family relations without tracing shit back generations.
Reminds me of biblical genealogies. “Jared who begot Enoch who begot Methuselah who begot Lamech who begot Noah” sort of deal
It’s a patronymic, so she has it because her father’s name is “Frosti”. But that name presumably comes from “frost”.
So that’s where the away team went!
Must have missed the terminator movie with these dad bods
Body shaming an android? REALLY? 😂
The resistance starts now
Resiatance training
Wanted to know if they made any real advances in muscle actuators so I looked this up. They’re pneumatic, and the model in the photo barely moves and doesn’t stand on its own. An article said they will switch to hydraulics in the future. Neither pneumatics or hydraulics is efficient enough to be useful in a standalone human sized machine, so this looks like more of an art piece aimed at fleecing some idiot venture capitalists.
To be fair. They are really dumb and easy to fleece. Remember Elons “robots” that were just people in suits.
They have been upgraded to puppets. Humans are still needed for operation.
Are humans technically hydraulic with all the blood and such?
No hydraulic would imply using fluid pressure to effect work whereas we use electricity to contract and relax muscle fibers
While muscle contraction is triggered electrically (or electrolytically, considering the role that ions play in action potentials) the physical force of the contraction is generated by a mechanochemical process.
Think spiders are.
Looks like a Westworld prototype, designed by a Daft Punk fan.
what if it could do all that and grow fermented delicacies in its robot extra parts
Get back to me when it does something I can’t.
Zing! Sorry I missed this one lol
I’ll take 5
i got a “mini waffle maker”, makes some weird ass sandwiches
Let me guess where the waffle maker is located:
Weird-ass sandwiches or Weird ass-sandwiches?
And if you hear all the reports, you even get a like achievement sticker for completion.
Chat, is this real?
Yep, but it requires a 500W electric-hydraulic pump to run the muscles. Human brain is ~20W Human heart is ~1.5W. Human body total is ~100W at rest, ~350W doing physical work.
This android has some serious efficiency issues to overcome, or it’ll need to be constantly recharged.
I hope we don’t become the batteries …
It can make a small rabbit run for days!
Just turn off the nVidia card while you run the robot.
I appreciate the vibe, but this thing would be hilariously incompetent. It’d be like if all the sperm in a cum sock each individually gained sentience and tried to control the sock like a mech. That is to say - it would not be very effective.
deleted by creator
man, the audio logs in Watch Dogs were a genius idea; it gives much more insight to the characters you see in the game in a natural way.
I wonder if they intended to make Westworld bots initially or it was accidental?
The Miclones of the Protoculture will bringe the eventual downfall of the Zentradi Empire!