He’s an alien.
You see him drop to earth in the titles.
Actually, he’s an ‘angel’ that has fallen (or returned to Earth because ‘God’ got so tired of dealing with him) from heaven. That’s why they play church choir music during the intro scene.
Fun fact. The choir sing “Ecce homo qui est faba”.
Behold the man who is bean.
And during the end-credits, they sing “Vale homo qui est faba”.
Farewell, the man who is a bean.
I had no idea. That’s a excellent attention to detail.
The animated series says otherwise.
Bean comes from an alien ship full of other Mr Beans that kick him out. So apparently there is an entire race of Beans.
Let’s argue about it like Star Trek: I don’t think the Animated Series is canon. :)
Oh yeah. I had those on DVD as a kid - pirated, of course, this is Lebanon in the 2000s - and this episode was on the last disc. Somehow it got scratched up or something, and not all of the episodes played, or the DVD player would error out or something.
So the memories I had of this episode were hazy for the longest time, because I’d seen all the other episodes way more times.
Would you believe I revisited the show as an adult? Very budget-looking animation, but maybe I think of it as charming because of how familiar it is to me. Seriously, look at some of those scenes, they really build out a world with minimal lines and objects.
Now if you want to see catastrophe, you can look at the PS2 game they made of the animated series. Actual so-bad-it’s-good game that’s not too long.
These images are the same.
My family always took it to mean he was abducted by aliens and promptly spat back because he was so weird.
Mr. Bean: The In BEAN-Tween Years
I think it was already made, it is called The Black Adder.
The best part of Blackadder was the Christmas special, where the lead character starts off as a great guy and then the ghosts visit him and convince him to become a right bastard, culminating in a hilarious scene where he kicks Tiny Tim’s crutch out from under him. Just amazing that nobody else ever thought to do a reverse take on the Christmas Carol cliche like that.
“It’s Beanin’ time.”
I want a Scarecrow movie.
Psychology professor that is a mastermind of manipulation and fear, with a fear toxin. One of Batman’s most brutal and hardest adversaries compared to Joker events.
Literal mind fuck fear-inducing vilain that does—well, he’d say he doesn’t—some really, really horrifying things.
So done with Jokers
That sounds great. They used Scarecrow in the last season of Titans and that was… disappointing. I’d love to see something like Heath Ledger’s take on the Joker applied to Scarecrow.
Joker 2 could have actually been great, if the last 20 minutes wasn’t what it is.
They set up everything to be what one should expect, and then, instead of continuing, destroyed everything they built.
However, I want to see your Scarecrow movie.
I think a story about an evil man who suddenly went sane is really interesting
After the prison rape via the guards, apparently.
But they didn’t set up a story of an evil man suddenly going sane. Just like Game of Thrones didn’t set up Daenerys suddenly going insane.
GoT set up Daenerys going insane in book 1. It was so obvious. I don’t know about the TV show, but it’s clear as day in the first book.
As for joker? It’s set up in the cartoon at the beginning. They literally tell you how the movie is going to go in that animation.
Can we just not make movies where villains are the protagonists?
I want Hitman but with Mr. Bean.
that’s Johnny English innit
I always considered that he grew up lonely with undiagnosed autism, and there are many Mr beans in the real world
Lead paint.
A real human bean.
I want a Batman movie, where The Joker is Mr. Bean instead.