Interesting stuff, thanks.
Interesting stuff, thanks.
I had no idea. That’s a excellent attention to detail.
This is the answer. Find your UUID with “blkid” and mount it in fstab with the ID.
It’s worth learning how. This problem is something everyone goes through (hopefully) once.
Overwatch 2 becomes Overwatch 1 again. Gosh, who saw that coming!? rolls eyes dramatically
Sorry, Project what? Never heard of it…
That’s truly excellent news
The Myst “behind the scenes” footage alone is great to see. Very worthy of preservation.
More power to them.
This is the best I could find :)
…and a price tag that screams “yeah, no…I’ll wait”
Yep, Duplicacy to Backblaze B2 for me
mount | column -t -s " "
Ahhhh…sanity. Thanks lovely Internet lady
“We are very supportive of encryption technologies. We just want them to be managed in a way, much like in telecommunications.”
I just threw up a little bit
With or without Sony’s “help”?
KRunner and KRunner-powered search fields can now convert between “rack units” and other units of length. (Lea McLean, Frameworks 6.10.
So nerdy, and I love it :)
I can’t help but wonder what happens when the two boats being pulled come together. Does one of the men go under the other’s rope? If so, who decides who does what? If they don’t get it right, the ropes will get tangled. That can’t be good for business…
That’s just weird.
I listen to porn while watching the BBC. Much more satisfying.
Those demo examples are very impressive. I look forward to giving this a try.
I just tried xpipe out off the back of this post. What an amazing tool. It has a great looking interface with a bubch of features I didnt know I needed. I am inside my docker containers in about 3 clicks. Props to you crschnick, this will probably become my daily driver for homelab server administration. The one downside is it will make me lazier :)
Heh, that’s a BIG goat. I love the fact that we’re talking about it has satisfied the artist’s intention :)
The more I use various LLMs, the more I’ve come to realise that they have a tendency to confidently lie. More often than not, it seems an LLM will give me the answer it thinks I want to hear, even if the details of it’s answer are factually incorrect.
Using these tools to decide and affect real peoples lives is a very dangerous prospect.
Interesting article. Thanks