Something that was sung to you to help you sleep, and you’d sing to help another sleep.
I’ve sung “Sweet Child o’ Mine” to my son (with minor lyric changes, she->you for instance) in a soft voice almost every night since he was born… three and a half years now.
I typically just make them up on the go but I feel like good night moon counts! :)
My son used to only fall asleep if we played Voodoo by Godsmack.
Brahm’s lullaby was the one mom would hum to me and would buy music boxes with it.
Blackbird by the Beatles was the one I wanted to sing to my kids if I’d ever had any.
Twinkle twinkle little star. It’s neat because there are versions in almost every language.
Do Lullabies for a Deadman count?
Or perhaps the Lullaby of Woe?
Everything Stays from Adventure Time
Tuba’s Song from Infinity Train
Mother would ‘sing’ the Oranges Lemons song. Er…
“Orange lemons sang the bells of St. Clemens” song thing. It’s longer. I don’t remember it now.
Was introduced to a Rockabye Baby! On spotify.
Lullabye versioms of rock songs.
Really enjoy Zepplin lullabye covers, but thats prbably just my zepplin fanboy status.
But i really enjoy the majority of what they do