• 11 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I did both when learning but did have to separate them because thinking about all the things, clutch, gears, RPM, mirrors, traffic, pedestrians was too much all together at first. I drove my grandma’s automatic to get used to driving on the road in traffic, and I drove my dad’s manual around empty parking lots, fairgrounds, etc until I was comfortable with the car. Then I moved on to driving dad’s car in traffic.

    I loved driving manual, but my husband can’t drive one, so if we took my car somewhere on a trip, I had to commit to being the driver the whole time. I gave it up after my job required me to do a lot of driving in bad traffic. For fun I will get one as a rental if we travel somewhere that has them commonly available to rent. I’ve had to convince well-meaning but somewhat judgy rental clerks to not upgrade me to automatic and that yes I did know that I selected manual when I made the booking.

  • Funny how being an unpaid extra is a totally different experience. It was a giant party. I was in the crowd at the Steelers stadium when Bane blew up the field in Dark Knight Rises. We had to crouch down behind seats and look terrified. We couldn’t fucking understand anything of what Bane was saying, but assumed it would be fixed in post. Haha, no it wasn’t.

    We had swag bags. They brought out 3 Tumblers to amuse us. Most Steelers players were there, Tom Hardy ofc (who didn’t even look like himself he was so jacked for that role). We got to hear what it sounds like when that 1 of 4 in existence IMAX camera broke. They fed us lots of Popsicles because it was 90-something degrees in July and they were filming a winter scene and wanted us to be wearing cold weather gear. It was a fun day. 10/10 worth the drive up from DC to go do that.

  • Yeah, I don’t religiously follow the steps either. It’s more like a buffet of tips where I sample some of them. I still shampoo, but much less often. My other take aways were to stop using a hairbrush, I rarely use a wide tooth comb anymore either (mostly finger comb in the shower) , and don’t touch the hair while it’s drying.

    If I have a party or something, I’ll use gel and let it form a proper cast, etc etc.