What would be the acceptability of this in your workplace? For context, which country and industry are you in?
I guess I’m mainly thinking about professional jobs, but interested to hear from. I think in France it would be quite common to have a glass of wine, even at a work canteen or so. But in the UK it seems like people would think that was a problem, and in a lot of cases you’d be in violation of something at work.
School bus driver here. Drinks at lunch would not be a good idea.
I’m a welder, and no I would not. It’s not allowed on the shipyard. But even if I could, I wouldn’t. I’m a professional and I’m working with high power tools & equipment. I need to have a clear head.
The trades aint what they used to be 😔
Canadian IT worker.
I refuse to drink at work parties. Everyone else does and I get some peer pressure to drink but I don’t care. Its normal to see people get super drunk and embarrass themselves which is why I don’t even start.
Specifically at lunch, if I’m not driving and others are having a beer I will but only one. If I’m driving, it depends on how I’m feeling.
Working from home I’ve been known to have a beer or two on a Friday afternoon by my self.
When I left my last job we had a meeting at the end of the day with the guys I got along with and anyone they wanted to invite. There was about 15 people from different departments with their cameras on having a drink or smoking (pot) if they didn’t drink as a goodbye. Was a nice goodbye. Lol
I don’t drink but if I did I’d never drink at a work social. I leave work socials early to avoid any drunkenness because there are 535356 ways it can go wrong.
Way 535354: coworker gets really drunk, as does the owners wife. Coworker later fired for sleeping with owners wife. Like that you mean?
Haha yep that’s on the list
I’ve drank, and got drunk, at exactly one work function in my current capacity. The living hell that was a day of serious meetings with 3 hours of sleep and a wicked hangover/still being drunk has made all other functions water and bed by 9:30 affairs.
Luckily everyone in the meetings had either made the same mistake before, or were functioning alcoholics, so the fallout was just being a pile of misery.
If a VP decides to take everyone for drinks at a club after the official function, at absolute most show up to nurse one drink then leave. Do not be the last one out the door.
yeah I like to have around 7 at lunch and then puke and shit and piss all over my desk
Depending on your company culture, 5 to 10 drinks may be considered the socially acceptable limit for a work lunch. Pissing at your desk is mandatory. Shitting and puking is optional.
your are in Asia also
Software guy. Most productive/distraction free time of the day is mid-afternoon. Drinking at lunch would just take that zone away and push everything to the next day.
Happy to wait till 5pm, or whenever feels like a good time to do a git push.
git drunk
I work in corporate retail in the USA. It’s generally acceptable if you’re out of the office on a business lunch. Cracking open a beer in the kitchen at lunch probably wouldn’t have any immediate consequences but you’re probably looking outside of the company for a promotion.
Lol, yeah I was definitely picturing a restaurant setting. Drinking white cider in the alley on your lunch break, or going to a toilet cubicle with a bottle of vodka, really projects a different image…
Part of my job involves operate hoists that are lifting several tonnes over the general public. Anything that is even impairment adjacent, like being tired, will get you removed from that position. If you are actually impaired you’re fired no questions.
Almost was crushed cause of a rigger 👍🏼. I’d never work with a drunk one.
I used to think it was unprofessional. But once I had a few jobs where employees were treated like crap, I changed my mind.
Bartender. I don’t get a lunch break so I just drink on the clock.
At my first job, a fairly large firm with a few hundred people, I remember the furtive glances around the table as everyone didn’t want to be the first one to order a beer. Once a single person ordered one, several others would too. The boss was fine with it, but nobody did it in front of the boss’s boss. We never had more than one, though.
At my second job, a small, new company with 12ish people, it was pretty common. Sometimes someone would bring a six pack to share into the office on a Friday afternoon. Usually, the owners would join in.
At my current job in the public sector, the culture just isn’t there. Nobody drinks at all during work hours. I don’t drink as much anymore, anyway.
I went back to work once (programming) after a couple of beers at the bar. Turns out not a job I can do while drinking.
Switzerland, IT
Depends on the team. It’s not that uncommon in some occasions, for example on a friday, to have a beer when eating lunch in a restaurant.
Very common is the “Apero”-culture. Small festivities after work to celebrate something. Snacks, beer and wine are part of it. Sometimes this can also be during the day and people will continue to work after.
When I go lunch I go home for the day. I only work in the morning.
So, no need of alcohol to cope with overwork.
how?? this is like my wet dream.
I work in europe in sector that have signed that we only have to work 35 hours a week. So I work 8 to 15 and that’s it.
The secret sauce is that we have massive unions. So we have achieve a lot of labor rights.
You should see my desk is full of propaganda of 4 different unions, and everyone desk is the same, Unions are very present in my sector.
im taking a shit
Work from home, drink as much as I like
Which is how much?
I’m not into overdosing into anything, so it’s all about balance, which means I usually stick with a beer a day at most
UK IT dev here. When I started working in the field back in 2000ish it was perfectly fine for IT staff to pop to the pub. Did for many years. Then in my 20s it became normal to have drinks after work rather than during work. Then when marriage etc came along, it became neither.