
Donald Trump has signed a far-reaching executive order that promises to fundamentally disrupt American voter registration processes, introducing measures so restrictive they could in effect disenfranchise millions of citizens if enacted.

Described by Will Scharf, the White House staff secretary, on Tuesday as “the farthest reaching executive action taken” in the nation’s history, the order represents the latest in a long list of assaults against immigration, but also on current voting systems.

The sweeping order amends the federal voter registration form to require proof of citizenship in order to vote. It demands documentary proof for citizenship such as a passport to be eligible to vote in federal elections, empowers federal agencies to cut funding to states deemed non-compliant and instructs the Department of Justice to prosecute what the White House paints as “election crimes”. All the executive orders Trump has signed so far Read more

The measure also seeks to block states from accepting mail-in ballots after election day, regardless of when they are mailed in.

Many of the provisions in the order are likely to be quickly challenged and are legally suspect. The US constitution explicitly gives states and Congress the authority to set the rules for election and does not authorize the president to do so.

“The short answer is that this executive order, like all too many that we’ve seen before, is lawless and asserts all sorts of executive authority that he most assuredly does not have,” said Danielle Lang, a voting rights lawyer at the non-profit Campaign Legal Center.

Republicans have long sought to add a citizenship to the federal form and been stymied by the courts. In a 7-2 decision in 2013, for example, the US supreme court said that Arizona could not require proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections. The power to set the requirements on the federal form is left to the bipartisan Election Assistance Commission. Courts have also blocked efforts to short-circuit efforts to add the question.

The order tracks with a controversial bill in Congress Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (Save) Act, which would require Americans to prove citizenship in person – a requirement that could immediately eliminate mail-in and online voter registration already across 42 states, as well as DC and Guam.

  • wuphysics87
    120 minutes ago

    Joke’s on you. Billy Bob Joe Bob and his pig cousin Suuuuey Jane Sue Jane don’t have passports

    9 hours ago

    empowers federal agencies to cut funding to states deemed non-compliant and instructs the Department of Justice to prosecute what the White House paints as “election crimes”.

    This is the bigger problem, it will allow them to “fix” elections

    3711 hours ago

    I’m so sick of seeing “Trump has just signed this insane executive order but don’t worry, what he’s doing is actually ✨_illegal!_✨”

    Yeah, well who the fuck is stopping him them? Because from where I’m standing, it seems like no one is.

    Fascism has well and truly arrived in the US and American libs still have this insane idea that it can be stopped by the rule of law and the checks and balances they love so much. Well they don’t fucking work when your opponent ignores them and every bureaucrat in government allows him to do so. When the history books are written, let these people be regarded in the same way as those who thought they could work with or appease Hitler.

    • The people spending long hours working to challenge his illegal efforts in court are who is stopping him. And they are winning, a lot. But courts take time, so trump uses the gap to cause chaos and slip in a few illegal actions.

      Thanks to them, in the long term trumps presidency will cost many X more then any savings it is claiming. There will be tons of payouts to federal employees, legal expenses, and the cost of putting back together what he has damaged or destroyed.

      All that aside, I don’t here people saying don’t worry. I see them saying that his team and his efforts are incompetent attempts to garner attention. Essentially they are just saying that this crew is idiots.

        11 hour ago

        Plus when all the contracts get litigated in court the taxpayers will end up paying for a majority of the remaining unexpended funds to payout for legally reimbursable project expenses.

      39 hours ago

      Not a single disparaging remark about the conservative majority in all 3 branches of government thrusting the knife into the dying corpse of our republic. No why didn’t neoliberals stop them.

      Dont paint all these caucuses as the same general groups of people. Like 11% of the representatives of the electors are gutting us alive.

        27 hours ago

        While those being gutted just stand by and do nothing.

        If you have the power to stop something, and choose not to, you’re choosing to help. That makes you complicit, and history will not be kind to you.

    6522 hours ago

    Oh hey, look! I don’t have a Real ID or a Passport. I already can’t fly or enter federal buildings. Now I won’t be able to vote? They’re basically making it a requirement to have a Real ID or Passport to be considered a citizen at this point.

    Millions of poor people are about to lose their U.S. citizenship is what this sounds like it’s coming to.

      79 hours ago

      Red states also resisted the RealID rollout. They kept having to delay the requirements for requiring them for flights, because states like Oklahoma were pissing and moaning the entire time.

      The same kinds of places that don’t want the wrong kind of people to vote intentionally have made the process of getting that identification difficult. I have no idea why I was turned away for a RealID a few years ago, and now I’m not even going to try because having my marker reverted back to an ‘F’ would probably get me killed.

        139 minutes ago

        They do that cause Republicans win the less people are able to vote. When you disenfranchise people who don’t have the time or care to deal with getting an ID you are left with either richer people or older people who both tend to vote Republican. So of course they’re gonna require ID to vote and make it as hard as possible for working people to get a valid ID for voting.

      3321 hours ago

      Democrats are fighting on the wrong side of this issue and have been for some time IMO. I think requiring them is 100% fine, but they should be fucking free.

      • Yes and no. The issue is really with the difficulty and time it takes to get these ids. Not to mention the expense. The poorer a person is, the less likely they are to have the correct id. And make no mistake, the Republicans know this, and they know that poor people favor democrats. Same with mail in voters. So their effort to make this rule is not one of common sense, but stratrgic value. They are just trying to put up obstacles that making voting hardrr for people who don’t vote from them.

        And really, what should be addressed is the difficulty of getting id. But noone wants to pay for that. This causes some people to have to travel significant distances on our meager public transit system which can take many hours to go 15 miles. And again, the poorer a person is, the less likely they are to have a car to drive, or the money to uber, or the time away from work to get to these places and even attempt to get the id.

          39 hours ago

          Because they control the media grandpa is watching all day and know he has the time to show up and vote.

          9 hours ago

          And really, what should be addressed is the difficulty of getting id. But noone wants to pay for that.

          That’s my point. Fix that. Everyone gives up on that without even half a fight.

          To casual observers, it looks like you’re arguing for voter fraud. Then Republicans can cynically appeal to the stupidest people by making that argument directly.

            22 hours ago

            But… why?

            Voter fraud isn’t an issue that needs solving. Yes, we could (should) make an ID easier to get, but not for this. Conservatives would just move the goalposts again and add more roadblocks for the voters they don’t like.

            If you give a fascist a cookie…

      • Imo, being present in the jurisdiction, subject to the jurisdiction’s laws, and only voting once and in and one jurisdiction per election, with some form of proof of residence issued by the jurisdiction, should be all that’s required.

        Step 0: Show your finger at the door to the polls.

        Step 1: Bring a letter to yourself from state or town government, register to vote with your town, have a current driver’s license, or something equivalent, and receive a ballot.

        Optional Step 1: Swear an affidavit before the registrat of voters that you are who you say you are and live where you say you live, no ID required; hold the ballot provisionally for a period in case someone wishes to challenge it for cause. This is currently the law in my state. If local government cannot take a citizen at their unchallenged, sworn oath, then everything falls apart.

        Step 2: Vote.

        Step 3: Dip your pointer finger in temporary die, also known as election ink.

        Optional Steps 0-3: Preregister to vote with proof of residence only to be able to receive an official, serialized ballot mailed to your residence. Register checks serial number to make sure you don’t vote twice.


        Just let people vote. Who cares about their citizenship if they reside in the jurisdiction and are subject to its laws, as long as they can’t vote twice?

        I’m also in favor of lowering the voting age to sixteen. Kids can be very smart. No reason they can’t start shaping their future if they want.

          511 hours ago

          Showing ID when you vote is an requirement in every European country since forever. There’s no slippery slope here. Ability to identify yourself is a pretty basic thing in a civilized country. Where I live proof of residence allows you to vote in local elections. National elections require citizenship. National ID proves you’re a citizen. It’s really simple.

            48 hours ago

            Ability to identify yourself is a pretty basic thing in a civilized country

            And there’s the rub

        1119 hours ago

        Yeah, in all EU countries people get a national ID card when they’re in their teens and then get automatically added to the voter registry when they’re 18.

        It’s mandatory to have an ID card and it’s provided for free.

        For every election all I have to do is show up, show my ID card and cast my vote. It baffles me why it doesn’t work like this in the US and why is it even controversial.

        (At least as far as I know, this is how it works in all EU countries)

          715 hours ago

          It doesn’t work like this in the US in part because some consider it illegal under the first and fourth amendments for the federal government to mandate identification. This also ties back into the early history of identification documents in the us that sparked a lot of outrage.

            117 hours ago

            Oh, is it? Even the first time you get it and renewals? I think those should be free.

  • sp3ctr4l
    4723 hours ago

    So uh, only about half of Americans actually have active, valid passports.

    So thats a neat trick to disenfranchise half the population, instantly.

    I’m guessing the next thing will be to fire everyone involved in processing and issuing passports.

      65 hours ago

      Half the people in the country have passports? That’s seems WAY too high of an estimate. Even just thinking of the people I know who’s status I’m sure of, only about 10% have one, and most of those are expired.

      • sp3ctr4l
        5 hours ago

        The figure I found was just an estimate, and yes, I agree, the actual number is probably lower, but I wasn’t able to find … precise numbers.

        If you live in the US, and you either never, or rarely travel internationally?

        Yeah, you don’t actually have any reason to actually even go through the process and even get a passport, or keep it current.

        … Well, until right now, apparently.

        Fucking Glory to Arstotkza! I guess…

    • You get it.

      I used to represent a lot of trade workers for a very large defense contractor. They had an employee benefits office with an 800 number for workers to call to ask about their retirement, insurance, death benefits, short and long term disability, workers comp., etc., and nobody ever answered the phone. They would change the hours every six months. Like sometimes it was only open on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, then the other half of the year it was only open on Mondays. Ratfuckers.

        1220 hours ago

        Also DOGE cutting the workforce that would process things like this, ensuring that people have even more trouble getting proper documentation for voting.

        [insert Andy Samberg saying “cool cool cool cool cool cool…”]

      • sp3ctr4l
        1722 hours ago

        Oh fuck right.

        Yeah, I guess basically all trans people are now inelligible to vote, along with… yeah, basically anyone with sufficient melanation that the government decides is an immigrant, for any reason.

        … Yeah this is pretty fucking bad.

  • Rhaedas
    1651 day ago

    “The short answer is that this executive order, like all too many that we’ve seen before, is lawless and asserts all sorts of executive authority that he most assuredly does not have.”

    Yes. Agreed. How’s the whole shouting, “hey, this isn’t legal” working out so far? The key to having laws is also enforcing said laws. Not doing great on that part so far.

    • @zbyte64
      871 day ago

      Hey, the Democratic leadership did more than shouting. They also approved the GOP budget for the next 6 months…

      191 day ago

      Many of his deranged executive orders are actually getting halted and reversed.

      The president can’t suffer consequences for disobeying a judge (apparently), but his idiotic followers sure can.

      823 hours ago

      Well, it’s going to be hard to enforce when the courts rule against them. Because the states run the elections.

      • And then the Republican partisans in Congress will refuse to accept electors from states that don’t fall in line.

        The next midterm election is this country’s absolute last chance.

          512 hours ago

          So, fun fact, it’s the new Congress that deals with the electors. And if the Republicans keep this approval rating going they aren’t going to control congress on Jan 6th 2029.

    1420 hours ago

    The funny thing is that this could be easily mitigated if the left reached out to their neighbors and helped each other get the IDs. This can become a great opportunity to organize.

      49 hours ago

      The line at every DMV at all three of the cities I have lived and worked in starts at 3 am.

      To get my drivers license the first time, we had to try three times to get a testing spot. (And the first time they failed me because of my leftist bumper stickers 🙃)

      I tried to get a real ID a couple years ago, and somehow my documentation wasn’t correct. They demanded my marriage license and didn’t like something about it.

      Bureaucratic institutions have already not been functioning in the south.

      1718 hours ago

      No, it can’t. Passports take months to get and cost money, for example. Disenfranchisement of the poor.

      Also, why would Trump stop here? Wannabe dictators never let opponents compete fairly. If you overcome this hurdle, he’ll just make another ruling designed to undercut your vote. That’s why we need to fight against all of his changes. The power grab itself is the existential threat, not the individual action.

  • Bone
    1622 hours ago

    After bad faith testing the water like this over and over you should no longer be allowed to be president, seeing as you can’t follow the rules, the law, or the constitution. We can see what you’re doing. It should be over for him now.

      411 hours ago

      It should’ve been over on 1/7, or at the latest 1/20 and Biden throws his ass in Gitmo for attempting a fucking coup. Nah, let’s just see how it all plays out, pretend it’s all normal and another normal election that he’s somehow allowed to run in. Soooo much failure at all levels.

    1 day ago

    Barring transit delayed mail-in ballots is 100% the way these fucks will steal the next election.

    I hope Vermont doesn’t deregister me - thankfully voting administration is done by the individual states so they’ll likely push back on the EO but I’m absolutely not going to fly to Burlington to prove my identity in person.

    • @zbyte64
      501 day ago

      The move really synergizes with privatizing the USPS…

  • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
    311 day ago


    Motor-voting registration in all states through the DMV. You already have to prove citizenship for Real ID. Make sure everyone getting a state ID is also registered to vote.

    Then you do 100% vote by mail.

    Republicans: “Wait, not like that…”

    • Noxy
      1224 hours ago

      what you suggested has been a republican talking point. wisconsin republicans admitted that they forced it into state law because it results in fewer democratic voters being able to vote.

      not everyone can afford to travel (thus not everyone needs a state ID). and many can’t get to a DMV without taking time off of work that their employers may not allow even if unpaid. and many can’t even physically get to a DMV in areas with poor or no public transit. but they still have the right to vote.

      101 day ago

      Have you tried getting a realID? It’s just as bad as getting a passport and costs a chunk of change. I’m pissed off states weren’t able to shut it down. Now you need a passport effectively to fly domestically.

      • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
        1 day ago

        I haven’t needed to because I already have both a passport and a passport card, but it’s really not that hard or expensive (at least, not here it’s not!)

        The DMV already requires proof of citizenship even without Real ID, so that requirement didn’t change.

        One of these:

        U.S. passport or U.S. passport card
        U.S. birth certificate issued by a state or local government
        Certificate of Citizenship
        Certificate of Naturalization
        Consular Report of Birth Abroad
        Permanent Resident Card
        Employment Authorization Card
        Foreign Passport with unexpired visa and valid I-94 issued by DHS

        Proof of Legal Name:

        Social Security Number (SSN):

        Proof of Address:
        TWO printed documents that show your current name and current residential (home) address.

        Bring $30 for the Real ID charge in addition to the other fees.

        So a Drivers License is $64, a state ID is $47, a permit is $30. +$30 for Real ID.

        $94 for a license with real ID.

    241 day ago

    Just ignore the fucking thing. It isn’t a law. Don’t pretend it is one. Don’t try and interpret it. Just ignore it.

      151 day ago

      This is the answer. Why even act on these bullshit EO? Just ignore forever. Not like Trump will get his fat ass up to enforce.

        923 hours ago

        The “enforcement” will be “blue states x, y, z did not follow this rule, so their electoral college votes are invalid and will not be accepted”.

          29 hours ago

          Sweet, then we can secede and form new alliances with Canada, Mexico, the EU, and the rest of the civilized world.

  • venotic
    201 day ago

    He can sign as many EOs as he wants, but until he goes through the process (as if he has the attention span and focus to), gets the votes through Senate and House to make this mandatory, this means dogshit.

      1023 hours ago

      Congress implicitly consents. There has been no push back from Congress on any of this, even stripping funding powers from Congress themselves.

      He proved this train has no brakes, but we’re still accelerating. Just wait till his attacks on judges/the judicial branch really ramp up…

        120 hours ago

        “Old charlie stole the handle, the train it won’t stop rolling and it won’t slow down.”

    81 day ago

    I guess the one piece of good news? (Gosh it’s fucking slim) is that if there is a Democratic president in the future they can mandate national voting by mail if the SC doesn’t injunction this bullshit.