Let’s fucking go, it’s about time they got all the benefits of statehood while being beholden to the rules.
I’ll miss a couple of friends I had in Texas, but I warned them ages ago, so it’s on them.
They may not like the taxes as much though - there’s a ton of industry and some finance there that might just leave.
They have voted on this a few times already and they do not want to be a state.
They don’t have to be a state but imagine how rich it would be if we invested ad much money as we currently give Texas
We should let Texas go and then re-invade it and rename it Bidentopia.
Please invade and break us into 5 states. I want to live in the state of Houston. Lol.
Houston is a beautiful blue freckle on a big red ass.
Houston is really starting to out-do Austin in terms of the “blue dot in the red area” thing. Austin is still plenty blue, but the Tech growth there is changing it pretty significantly.
Are you asking for “liberation”?
We have oil!
That would be fucking dope. I’m here for it.
New state capitals could be Houston, Dallas, San Antonio (or Austin), Lubbock, and El Paso.
My first thought was “If Biden let Texas go and Trump wins the election, Trump would have to invade Texas for oil and give the Texit people (who seem to be mainly conservative) the identify crisis of a lifetime.” Would almost be worth it.
And make the flag a rainbow
Nah. Obamaland. That would be a much deeper jab for a former slave state.
“It’s my birthday present to me! I’m SO happy!” - Emperor Kuzco on Kuzcotopia
We’ll have to organize a post-ww2 berlin style airlift to support and supply Austin, though. A coworker of mine from there suggested at least one daily C130 fully loaded with kombucha.
Austin can just secede from Texas and become a state.
…after which it will be a US exclave in need of aerial supply.
Similar to all the other non contiguous US territories
Those territories aren’t surrounded by hostile foreign countries.
And to be realistic, Texas absolutely can not secede by force, so it would have to be amicable with the Federal government, and in that case I dont know why they would be hostile to Americans traveling in their territory, as long as there arent any unescorted females, obviously.
Texas can’t secede legally either.
You can see Russia from Alaska
And you can hear russia from the capitol
And if any other states leave with Texas - Guam, American Samoa, US Virgin Islands and DC will immediately be expedited in their statehood confirmations. It’s a win win all round.
Guam pretty specifically will not, since they have laws saying that only people who are 50% Guam-native or more are allowed to buy land there. That’s very much illegal by US law and is a hard blocker to their statehood.
I get why they have that law, but it puts them in a weird position of permanently US-adjacent without ever becoming a full state.
And we would barely have to change the flag in official documents!!
PR is more American than Texas. Texas’s flag looks more like Poland
Texas is a poser, relies on so much federal funding! https://usafacts.org/articles/which-states-rely-the-most-on-federal-aid/
How will TX support itself? Thoughts and prayers?
California receives more per person according to that data, and California would have the 8th highest GDP in the world if it were a country. This isn’t the best metric.
California isn’t threatening to secede though
Wasn’t my point, but noted.
Then what was your point?
Per your link, Texas is pretty low on the list of federal funds as a percentage of the budget. Much less so than many northern states.
Just looking at the amount of money received is a poor metric.
To me that implies TX will have a 20% gap to fill, and I am not sure that 20% counts as “pretty low”. What do you mean? FWIW, I didn’t downvote you.
Oh that’s easy, they’ll just make that the new sales tax! Take I from the poor with more regressive taxes.
Texas would have to issue its own money, and getting enough money wouldn’t be the issue; they could just print it. It will be all the things that come with establishing new money.
I agree though.
I had to look up what “obvert” even means.
Google Spell Check did me dirty. I was seriously second guessing my pronunciation last night. Not the first time I’ve caught a word that I had been incorrectly pronouncing for years.
Thanks for the correction.
My dark side came out when these clowns started up again. Let’s give the Republican Party just the tip of Texas, ship all willing, then immediately declare war on Trumpistan.
And we get a superior state! Brilliant! Plus, imagine the cost savings the next time we want to invade another country for oil!
Win-win. Genius.
An interesting fact about the US Navy is that all of its battleships have been named after states - except for one which was named Kearsarge (after a ship which during the Civil War hunted down and sank the Confederate raider Alabama). This is why I support allowing Puerto Rico in as a state so long as they change their name to Kearsarge.
It’s a metaphorical 50
Puerto Rico does not want to be a state. They have voted on this before.
A majority (52.5%) voted for statehood in the most recent 2020 referendum. There was a typical turnout.
The majority voted for statehood in the last three referendums.