DLC Quest comes to mind. It’s not even a parody anymore 😭
DLC Quest comes to mind. It’s not even a parody anymore 😭
“New” and “All” disagree. Respectfully.
Thanks for the heads up on which instances to avoid!!
Omg that garbage looks like an elephant toothpaste experiment.
That’s gotta be the the riskiest of clicks I’ve ever done.
I would also like to point out that everyone stops to take a shit. (not usually at a red light)
Isn’t this the plot to Bedazzled? Bedazzled (2000)
The lines between fact (…) and opinion can be blurry at times
Are they though?
Fuck. I seriously thought $atya Nadella was above this.
Edit: changed an S for an $ cause it seemed appropriate.
Funny tangent. I remember windows HRESULTS containing E_SUCCESS (error success) and something along the lines of S_FAILURE (success failure) I’m a little fuzzy on that second one though, so someone else can correct me if I have the wrong name for it.
This is sounding oddly specific. OP, please don’t kill your family member.
Edit: Actually, I’d like to add something. If you were to suffocate someone with a pillow or poison them, both of them would point to foul play, which would instantly pull in a list of possible suspects. In that list, the ones with motive would be investigated a bit more: ie, had a spat before the death. And from the on, it would be up to match evidence, now that an investigator knows what they’re looking for, it won’t take long to put 2 and 2 together.
Are these “people banning masks” in the room with you right now?
In all seriousness, I wear masks when I go anywhere where there is high traffic and I’ve never even so much as gotten an angry gaze from anyone. I don’t think anyone would enforce such laws or initiatives.
Edit Feb 2nd 2025: in light of recent events even I would down vote this post now. I can’t believe what were getting to.
I like to believe that it’s a like a news headline “More Americans have died of ebola after marrying Kim Kardashian”
And added sunglasses to mount rushmore and made them smile.
I think the last time I saw a dll issue was windows 8.
Well it seems the puns come in bunches.
Pretty sure that would count as monopoly as well and the sale wouldn’t be approved.
Except he said fluoride which is very different.
Agreed, ai slop is stealing all the attention.