They have until 2027?
Lmao, we know this is bad but what’s another 2yrs going to hurt…
They have until 2027?
Lmao, we know this is bad but what’s another 2yrs going to hurt…
Streisand effect making across the pond to The Guardian this morning, impressive.
Again, I would never have seen this or any other NYT ad if they hadn’t made a fuss.
Given the number of journalists killed in the Genocide so far, the IDF has probably directly murdered NYT affiliated reporters and photographers at this point and they won’t even let the silent Quakers run an ad.
Ha. I would not have seen the add or messaging from the AFSC.
By rejecting it NYT Streisanded the message they sought to silence.
If you can see the sphere, you paid extra for the room and you knew what you were getting into.
And sometimes taste.
The no marriage part is interesting, the rest carries more unintended collateral.
As a movement, removing the institutional component would affect the wider group, and their wallets.
Turning up the sound from automute because you know Ukraine drop those hits!
Harambe 🦍
Plus All them Witches and Danny Brown, show would be hype, $300 is a lot but not out of the realm considering regular ticket prices.
Beckyosaurus with the good hair.
Measuring and establishing some boundaries by plant, rather than type, could be useful to op.
Peppers and carrots can be higher in sugar than expected. Relative to their positive flavor impact on a salad, a cutup strawberry or two adds only a small amount.
Grouping plants into fruit or veg might not be effective for calorie monitoring. Would need to know what they want to eat, and search for nutrition info. Thus a plan.
Think they’d go west over the pacific or back across the US?
Bubble sort? This wizard talk shall not pass.
My god, some of us can’t read past select queries and v-lookup ruins.
On a Friday no less.
Mythic Quest CEO Level Achieved.
Next up, stories of inappropriate conduct leak and somebody tiger’s a camero.
On this map I see a Rastafarian llama with a duck for an ass and tail.
The Nederlands is the duck.
I wouldn’t dismiss the region so easily, Santiago can routinely take 5.+ earthquakes in a city of 6m people and laugh about it because their buildings are designed and built to so.
Love the aesthetic. Looks like it could be trick portable too!
He owed an Austin Martin dealership. The car is a rare model worth far more than its sticker.
From what I understand about the new car business, I’d almost guarantee this car was floorplanned / purchased by the dealership itself (which he owned) and which then sold it for the final and ludacris sum listed.
I don’t doubt he is an out of touch candidate, with zero connection to his constituency and probably terrible ideas on governance, but this storey itself is slightly less remarkable than the headline suggests.
See the divinity in yourself friends.
Earlier marsupials capable of a high level of social assembly would revear this bird a god.
They would say its flesh tasted sweet like curry…
obligatory fuck seagulls comment - they will probably rule with the roaches one day - this one was a boss though