This is one of the reasons I stayed. It was still small enough back then that you actually started to recognize people you had conversations with, and not just the troll farms.
This is one of the reasons I stayed. It was still small enough back then that you actually started to recognize people you had conversations with, and not just the troll farms.
Who’s chopper is this?
So this is a bit of a personal peeve of mine, so please don’t take it as an attack or argumentative, I’m just offering a perspective.
Generally speaking, gamey is a misnomer. Unless, if by gamey you mean “doesn’t taste like domesticated beef”, in which case you’re right on, but gamey itself isn’t a flavor.
Every meat has its own distinct flavor and calling something gamey just indicates that it’s not culturally normal for you.
Tie it to the federal retirement age, which is currently 67.
TCEQ is a fucking joke. They’re a rubber stamp for anything industry wants, and they don’t care where.
Burnet county TX residents are currently trying to fight the installation of (another) rock crusher/quarry in an area with limited water and where three other similar plants already exist.
TCEQ rubber stamped their air quality permit after admitting they have ZERO air quality monitors in the entire county. But I’m sure it’s fine.
If that’s their approach, I’ll just refrain from doing business with a company whose default position is that their customers are intending to commit fraud.
Yeah… that should be tied to the product, not a person. And it doesn’t need a unique serial number. Take the old one back, verify it’s not a fraud, send the replacement. If it’s a fraud, destroy it and let the customer know why, then offer them credit on a genuine piece.
A backpack company doesn’t need to know who I am.
No one is wondering why a backpack has a serial number to begin with? Vehicles, sure. Electronics, ok. But a backpack? Why does it even need a serial number?
It’s essentially a clothing item. My t-shirts don’t have serial numbers. I’m just finding it a bit insane that a backpack would have a unique serial.
Fucking Phil.
Agree completely.
SSA retirement age should be the maximum age for a new term. If you hit 67 during a term, you cannot run for another.
SSA will likely be hesitant to shift that number at will, or risk drawing the ire of one of the largest voting blocks: retired persons.
Maybe I’m misunderstanding the issue, but I’m reading it as a dislike for the new “modern” start menu in win11 that’s center screen and feels designed for touch interfaces?
You can disable that and turn it more like a win 7 style start menu.
but I still can’t get over the crippled start menu
You know you can set it back to “legacy”, right? I’ve been using Win11 since it was beta and when you swap the new default gui elements back to “legacy”, it’s much better than even win 10.
I like looking at female characters more than male characters. I enjoy the female form.
Oh you grew up near Atlanta. I, too, am a Sid Williams commercial survivor.