I’m doing a chronological rewatch of the whole franchise and am at the episodes where DS9 and Voyager overlap. It is mind boggling how much better DS9 is. I find myself wanting to skip almost every Voyager episode so I can just get to the DS9 ones.
I’m doing a chronological rewatch of the whole franchise and am at the episodes where DS9 and Voyager overlap. It is mind boggling how much better DS9 is. I find myself wanting to skip almost every Voyager episode so I can just get to the DS9 ones.
I’ve watched Picard and discovery twice now and can safely say they’re very pew pew. The third season of Picard rocks, regardless. I still consider discovery to be the worst of all Star Trek shows. At the end of the day, I love all trek, but those two are not the highlights of the franchise.
For one Star Trek isn’t fantasy in space which is honestly a lot more appealing to those of the nerdy persuasion.
Like, Star Wars has ships that can travel anywhere and basically instantly whereas there are actually in universe explanations for how that might work in Trek and you can’t just zoom home whenever you want - Star Trek Voyager is a whole show about a ship that can’t return home. There are also just way better characters in trek and enough variety that everyone has different favorites.
It’s also nice that many of the conflicts in trek are solved through logic, diplomacy, and smarts. Only in Star Trek Discovery and the Picard show does the franchise venture too far into “pew pew” territory.
At the end of the day Star Wars is like 10 movies and a handful of shows that don’t do much and Trek has that many movies plus like 700 episodes of content.
One last tidbit, most of trek actually flows really well into each other and I think is way more cohesive than Star Wars where each era of movies feels like a different universe.
The overall health of a workforce affects health insurance rates and every employee. The more unhealthy a workforce is, the more money comes out of your check for insurance. This is why wellness programs exist at companies.
I wear a TNG uniform to my local ren fair every year - it almost exclusively generates excitement and high fives.
Honestly not what I expected but I’m interested.
lol what a lame post
It follows
The secret is Jeffrey Combs
Because he’s fully functional.
Honestly one of my favorite things about Star Trek are all my favorite “that guy’s” that show up. Was rewatching DS9 the other night and was like ITS BEN HORNE FROM TWIN PEAKS! Leland being a crazy religious proto-Vulcan in TNG was also a fun appearance.
This dude thinks he’s a Vulcan lol
There are no laws that govern his crimes
I fully support this. Also the Hornblower movies.
Guinan shoulda replaced Troi. She’s 1000% better at helping you solve your problems.
Best appliance I ever sprung for.
Wow I love Flanagan but for some reason thought this show was a documentary about how crappy the hip hop artist, Usher, was. Thanks for this post lol. I now have a show to look forward to.
Get your ads outta here.
Sounds like a sad attempt on Disney’s part because they couldn’t come up with a fresh new movie and instead are cannibalizing characters that should be focused on the tv side of the company.