You need to take off your blinders and see that they are fascist.
You need to take off your blinders and see that they are fascist.
Which fascist is gonna keep fascism out of power, the blue one or the red one?
Talking about winning against fascism and actually doing something or not the same thing, they talk a big game and then end up capitulating to Republicans.
All we needed to do was take off their rose colored glasses. The evidence was plainly in view for everyone to see.
When your two options are both right wing reactionaries, there are not two options.
The alternative in every instance is always no Democrats. We already have a right wing party, we don’t need two.
If you didn’t notice, Democrats were aligning with fascism.
The Oligarchy will never convict one of their own. For four years, I said it was the dog and pony show. And in the end, nothing will happen to Trump. Here we are.
Harris could have aligned with 99% of what I wanted, but that 1% was OK with genocide, and that should have been a red line for anyone.
Sheepdogging is why Bernie’s out on the road right now.
the truth about Bidens condition should have been known
It was known, and lots of us were shouting from the rooftops about it, But Democrats and liberals did everything they could to shut us up, accuse us of being Russian bots, accuse us of helping to get Trump elected, when it was liberals that got Trump elected by ignoring the people that saw every single sign
Elon Musk and Donald Trump can eat my shit
This is who he’s always been.
I’ve said for years our goal is to never win an election, but to keep leftists from winning.
If you haven’t figured it out, they don’t listen to us
We need to revisit this comment in five years. They will do worse.
We have tried to tell liberals for decades this is what their party is. And they kept punching left when they should have been listening
Democrats have no political capital, they’re nothing but hollow platitudes and fake resistance.
With the memory of a goldfish, they forgot.
The left is way beyond Bernie Sanders, Democrats need to move beyond Bernie Sanders