More directly comparable, is the Ring cameras inside the house.
This is the same sort of BS that led me to leave Plex. I use Jellyfin now. I know it’s not the same as Roku, or the others, and that’s why I use it.
I’m not contributing to some CEO’s mortgage to be spied on and have my habits commodified.
We had one here in my small suburb town a couple of days ago. I was surprised, and pleased to see it. There were only about 50 people, but there was 50 people.
Imagine Trump, or any other billionaire, saying something like this. Can’t do it? Me neither.
Actual free market at work, as opposed to the shit we have in the U.S.
I often need to remind myself that Harry Potter, and Lord of the Rings are not recent movies.
It’s the same as being a kid in the 80s, which I was, and thinking The Seven Year Itch was a recent movie. Now, I had seen that movie on TV, because my parents liked it, and I thought it was funny, but never did I think of it as “recent”.
Still, you can’t tell me that Harry Potter movies didn’t happen in the last ten years.
I’m an accelerationist, when it comes to this situation. Let’s get the super-villain phase over with and move on to final scene.
Their vices all run the same direction: They do the things that are forbidden to we poors. They get off on the power of getting away with the taboo and illegal. The only time they’re held to account is if they fuck over one of their own. Epstein wasn’t brought down because he was a pedo, he was taken down because he was blackmailing the rich. Madoff stole from the rich.
Arcology: architectural ecology, a city intended to be contained in a single structure.
I’ve been on Firefox since I left Internet Explorer many years ago. But, recently, I switched to LibreWolf, and I’ve been checking out Pale Moon. Pale Moon is close to doing everything I want, but not quite there.
So, do I get back everything I paid into it for the past 40 years? Is that part of the plan? If not, who gets that money, let me guess.
Inflation was always going to go back up, and they all damn well knew it. Expect interest rates to stay high for the foreseeable future.
I think it’s far more sinister than that. In this case, I attribute to malice what could be explained by incompetence.
We’ll need to surround every Tesla store with cops. It will be like crossing a picket line to buy one, and should be protested as such.
We should also get rid of starter motors. Who needs them? We can just hand crank the car to start it, like real men did back in the day.
No one who voted for these assholes read Project 2025. They bought all the lies, because Trump said he hates the people they hate, and everything said against him was “fake news”.
The morons doomed us all to dealing with the fucking billionaires in direct control of our government.
If the filthy rich know anything, it’s that quashing one’s personal morals takes money.
Super glad we put Trump in office so he could make Mexico pay tariffs and bring down food prices. Feels so good to be owning the libs.
/fucking sarcasm
I use StartPage because it does image search, and none of the AI BS.