Hexbear acc: https://hexbear.net/u/Deinonychus
You are doing a terrible job at twisting reality to push a “fuck the poor” narrative and im fed up of trying to be civil towards it. Please learn some empathy and stop trying to make giving homeless people money seem like a bad thing.
Also making a rich person marginally richer is objectively not as bad letting somebody starve to death you worthless fascist.
2/10 for reading comprehension, i never said that giving money to somebody who doesn’t need it isn’t harmful, i said it wasn’t as harmful as not giving money to somebody who does need it. Please go back to school and retake your english exams
In that case, you simply just have to take the risk. A well-off person giving money to another well-off person pretending to be poor isn’t as harmful as a well-off person not giving money to a poor person because they think they are a well-off person pretending to be poor.
federation isn’t working for hexbear currently due to them loosing the domain
For your point on trust, hexbear users mostly just have to trust that the user is acting in good faith as there isn’t really any way to properly verify if the person is telling the truth without forcing them to reveal personal, and potentially identifiable, information. And for your point on funding destructive behaviours, if we assume that this individual is telling the truth about their situation, then you aren’t funding their drug addiction by helping them pay rent or buy food.
Weren’t the nazi scientists in the USSR essentially slaves though?
this person needs serious help, and by help i mean
Heavily scratched liberal gets banned from hexbear for being a debate pervert and trying to start fights, immediately proceeds to call everyone there mentally ill
Have you considered that its simply possible for somebody to have an opinion that differs from your own?
“Everything I don’t like is Russian or Chinese.”
“Everything i don’t like is Russian or Chinese.”
“Everything I don’t like is Russian or Chinese.”
removed by mod
Brigading is when people talk about stuff
Whithout citing any side in particular.
Do you really think Biden is talking about anyone other than the pro-Palistinian protesters in this context?
What’s wrong with people deleting posts that they don’t agree with / don’t want public?