Ted Cruz is the seventh dildo
Ted Cruz is the seventh dildo
Stop breaking the law, asshole!
That doesn’t look great
I tried a Delta 8 gummy once, very pleasant mild high. I also tried a Delta 9 gummy and that stuff is crazy and not enjoyable.
He’s just a terrific healer. Like a more orange Wolverine.
I wonder what kind of growth regular football is at? Funny that it’s the most popular sport in the US by far but I know very few kids that play it. Flag football coming in at 25 is also surprising based on how much that’s being pushed in the last 5 years.
Oh Terry… What have you become?
What more do you need?
Good or bad, no one is going to beat Trump except Biden. I’ll take the last 4 years we’ve had, where he’s had times that he seems out if it, but the country is doing a lot better and doesn’t seem like we are at each other’s throats. If he dies the day before election, I’ll vote for his corpse.
More than half of us have had enough. I’m not sure what’s wrong about the others…
I declare an official act of presidency!
South Park explained this quite well in “Volcano”
Live every week, like it’s shark week.
You’re slightly off. A senile old man vs a senile old man that’s also a convicted criminal.
I’d estimate it’s between 3-10 bananas, depending on the size of the bananas.
If I’m not mistaken, Biden could add seats if he wanted to, so could any president. I think no one wants to do it because then the other party would add more as well.
Dude, the corporations pinky sweared that they totally did it. What more could you ask for?
Miracle Max was also pretty miraculous
Lindsay Graham did the same thing in his last re-election
Pussies don’t like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes: assholes that just want to shit on everything.