“Legally”. Remember what he can do while in the process of “official acts”.
I pledge a chicken in every mosh pit
Oh there would be plenty of strokes, I’ll grant you that.
Makes me want to turn to a life of crime.
To be fair, Leo Fender didn’t play guitar. He did pretty well.
It sounds like there is some other sort of resentment at play here. Is there some other underlying attribute the coworkers who annoy you share? Example: Are they friends outside of work and you are not? Is it a racial or ethnic difference? Look for the reasons why they specifically “set you off” and address those biases. Try to better understand them as people first.
You say they are lazy - is it your job to police them at work? If not, then do your work and get promoted. Then you can actually do something about it. Until then, back off unless they prevent you from doing your job. Maybe when they see you are doing better than they are, maybe they’ll follow your lead.
If you want to be a leader, lead. Be the change you want to see. Take pride in yourself and your work, inspire others.
Anyway, ask yourself those questions and be honest. If you are troubled by the answers, start there.
Hope this helps
We all know that’s total bullshit because Mel Gibson has no friends.
Nelson Mandela died because of the Smiths
My cats are in a constant state of amazement: “Wow! Wow!”
They need to understand it’s a service, not a business. Sure, a fire department doesn’t make money but, neither does a city that burns to the ground.
As a society, we have simply got to get past the notion that everything that exists needs to be monetized to be deemed worthy of existence.
Assistant manager at a Burger King. One day, he WILL make manager. You’ll see.
That’s a bit like emptying the sewer into the street
Same. Luckily you can add his name to the block list.
Gotta pay for those skyrocketing AI server bills somehow
Your friend needs to realize that no matter how much they want employees to work extra hard, they will not do it because they do not have incentive. No matter how hard they work, they will not benefit in the long term like he will.
Bust my ass six days a week to make HIM wealthy? No. And fuck you.
That is the difference.
Man, that’s some shit.
In general, people may lie to their partners but, they are lying to themselves first and foremost.
Awwww he deleted his account. Or maybe it burned down too.
Gross. Those hotdogs need to be grilled first.