But definitely don’t bring that up with the american ‘christian’ or you’ll have to hear the litany of excuse attempts.
Yes, I downvote youtube links.
But definitely don’t bring that up with the american ‘christian’ or you’ll have to hear the litany of excuse attempts.
Also, if cancer and other diseases are supposed to exist and kill people for some kind of purpose we don’t understand, why do we have the ability to treat, vaccinate and cure those same diseases
Oh god, now you’ve hit on why some of the sects that we consider cults do what they do. Somehow, wearing clothes, using plows, building structures to provide shelter and warehousing, creating roads that wheeled contraptions (but they don’t have engines!) use, etc., etc., as part of our technological lives isn’t a sin, but using medical advancements is!
the third was the story of the great flood
And don’t forget the really fun part, where you can actually still see the three flood stories smashed into one if you look at the sentences.
At the other end you land in limbo if you haven’t been perfect
Slight correction, but limbo was the ‘first’ area of hell, where you just get bored forever. Purgatory was where you washed off the crusted shit on your soul and could eventually get into heaven.
Only the right half. Arminius was responsible for the left.
I don’t think many Christians would actually argue for that first point tbh.
Then truthfully, I don’t think you’ve had this conversation with many christians. Every single one immediately defaults to that point when confronted with the horrors god would be responsible for if god is in control.
He also painted the line leading up to it, if I remember the gag correctly. The real road is off camera.
I mean, ATP would be more like the batteries, yeah. The mitochondria would be the whole power plant, and the little spinny generators would be the big spinny generators.
It varies. I didn’t get the phrase parroted at me until in college, when the professor was making fun of the phrase. I bet it was some slide that was created by a teaching board or textbook maker, and just copied ad nauseam.
May he choke on his own flayed cock force fed to him… but he’s really quite the idiot. If he hadn’t fired the competent leaders of the military, he could have just asked them to pull the pre-made plans out of the file drawer. I don’t remember if it was at the end of bush’s term, or when Assange released documents, but there was a period where the fact was being talked about on everything from radio stations to the local pubs that the US had ‘just in case’ plans for many of their allies. I would also put money on most countries having vague guidelines and goals drawn up for emergencies where a dickhead in an allied country takes power.
It’s not just whether tap water is potable, it’s also about availability. My job gives us water in bottles because we’re mobile for 12 hours at a time, and nowhere near accessible water pipes. I guess I’m fucked.
They have some basic strategies to use there. My go to method is to create stories. I find studying to be intensely boring, and I will either zone out or just stop when it quickly gets boring. Stories, on the other hand, are exciting and fun. I definitely still have stories from twenty or thirty years ago bouncing around inside my head. Random snippets from reading books is where I get my large trove of trivia.
So for your medical terms, try creating stories that involve real world adjacent plots. Maybe the Kingdom of Aorta had a schism, and split into multiple factions vying for power. The Brachiocephalic lords went first, taking the right half of the kingdom with them, but the northern common carotids couldn’t find agreement with the subclavians on anything, so they went their separate ways. That sort of thing.
Mnemonics are amazing too. I don’t know a single person who didn’t find it easier to remember the cranial nerves after “Oh, oh, oh, to touch and feel a girl’s vagina, ah, heaven!” Or the adrenal glands’ “Salt, sugar, sex, the deeper you go, the sweeter it gets” for remembering your “go fuck rats” of the cortex’s layers. Obviously the ‘carnal’ things are easier to remember because they intrigue your mind in a more powerful association. That might just be me… but it does seem like the majority of us who are playing with other people’s bodies have good sex drives.
It’s not always about the cost saving. Sometimes it’s just because it gets more customers! Brominated flour, as an example.
Already did! They can’t ban my blood from helping others now, can they!
uberautism, thank you very much. You’ve got to use fancy foreign words to make your mark, don’t ya know¿
Lol, he’s right. I got measles, or… at least, an attenuated version from the FFUKCING MMR VVAccine, you dolt!
Great, now I’m on another list, but it’s not a cool one like “Most dangerous average person list.”
It’s more like, "People who cracked up watching a trump analogue wear a bronzed putin-bull’s testicles.’
I call them circle spawners. The enemies spawn in a rough circle around you and close in. I think you can modify that with other terms depending on the specifics of what the game adds in.
One of the scripts running on that page is squarespace, so I wonder if the artist just grabbed a preconfigured ‘blog’ style.
Yet if adam and eve had just eaten the fruit of immortality, apparently they would have been exactly like god. That’s also in the bible. It’s almost as if there are contradictory parts and it’s full of bunk…