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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 29th, 2024


  • One of the more recent examples from last year was Mozilla’s announcement of PPA (Privacy-Preserving Attribution). Essentially the organisation is trying to create a new system for click-based advertising where an advertiser can be notified that you clicked on their ad, helping them and the websites which host their ads, without compromising your personal privacy. The way it has historically worked is you click on an ad and give away a ton of your personal data, or you straight up block all these ads and their trackers which makes a lot of the web unsustainable (because it is funded by advertising). Anyway, like with this latest controversy a lot of people didn’t bother to read any of Mozilla’s statements and instead based their entire opinion off clickbait headlines like ‘Firefox’s New ‘Privacy’ Feature Actually Gives Your Data to Advertisers’ which made PPA sound like a reduction of consumer privacy, which it isn’t. And again, like this current controversy, you also had a lot of privacy activists who do not live in reality claiming that anything other than a 100$ rejection of all advertising online equaled 100% complicity and that Mozilla had sold out on one of its core principles.

  • Your initial criticism wasn’t even that it was bad, just that it was shallow, which is an objective truth. The triggered minority who identify as blue cat people don’t want to live in reality with the rest of us though, so they have to come up with these cope reasons like “you’re just a hater” or “you’re just too dumb to understand it”. Like you can enjoy the franchise and not pretend it has more depth or symbolic value than it actually does, there is nothing wrong with enjoying some light entertainment. People always have to make these things their entire personality now though, so any valid critique immediately gets twisted into a personal attack.

  • I find reading books quite meditative and I like the initial challenge of maintaining my concentration for the first 10 minutes or so before I can relax and sink into it a bit. I sympathise with everyone else struggling to read as much as an adult though, it was so much easier for me during childhood. Sometimes I feel a bit embarrassed about how little I read now given how advanced I was as a kid. It feels like I’ve been wasting a skill/hobby that could have provided me with a lot of happiness and growth as an adult.

  • The first one was definitely a massive cinematic event because of its visuals and the second one was also an event in itself because it was the sequel to the first film. If the third is released any time soon then I might reconsider going to see it. The gap between the first two was sort of what interested me but the second wasn’t as visually impressive for its time as the first. I would be surprised if there were many Avatar “fans”, though. It just doesn’t have anywhere near enough depth to its characters or their world and a lot of its themes about spirituality and indigeneity feel like some borderline cultural appropriation white guilt stuff. The people who are really into that aspect of the films are revealing quite a lot about themselves and their own insecurities, I think.