Also why Polievre wanted an election called before Trump took power so badly.
Also why Polievre wanted an election called before Trump took power so badly.
A.K.A. traitors.
Non CIS people.
STFU Marlaina and stay in your lane.
Carney did play on the Harvard team.
Only Tesla does not use radar with their control systems. Every single other manufacturer uses radar control mixed with the camera system. The Tesla system is garbage.
Couple of claims by a dealership and their insurance will get cancelled.
Grippen it is then.
Travel to the US and it’s your own fault. We have been warned.
And they can refuse you entry if you don’t comply.
More workers for “Made in America”
The answer is to stop visiting the US.
Because he is dumb as a rock.
Already banned from lemmy.ca with a 7hr old account. That didn’t take long.
Modi and Putin.
He thinks Canadians are as dumb as Americans.
He doesn’t care if people die, he never has.
Burn baby burn.
You really are ignorant.
It’s because he is a Nazi. Nobody should support a Nazi.