Kenshi mentioned!
Kenshi mentioned!
Those who could vote but chose not to are at the same level, they actively chose to not participate, which means they at best aggree with whatever is happening. At least trump cult is way out there mentally, and there is no more humanity in those creatures, so they couldn’t do otherwise. Non-participators had something in them to prevent the worst, but they chose not to. That’s agency, that’s responsibility.
As a Russian escaped Russia, in my experience people all over the world are incredibly good at differentiating between a shit country and it’s unfortunate citizens who got unlucky to be born there. I had to have my fair share of embarrassment about what those fucks back in Russia are doing, but people are usually understanding enough
Countries that do authitarianism become bad, yes. That’s exactly how it works, glad you’re getting it.
Tankie always meant a fan of authoritarianism but not of the nazi variety. And hand to hand with that goes hate for America, but hate for America isn’t enough on it’s own, it should be paired with love of Strong Hand Of The East.
Tankie thinks China, Russia, North Korea are just swell, and not because of some underlying ideology, but because they have an authoritarian model of governance and generally in opposition to the west to some degree.
And that’s the reason why it’s so hard to define for some people, boiled down to it’s definition, it’s very hard to spin into something universally good, so talking to a general public they have to do what authoritarian lovers from the other side of the spectrum call “hiding the power lever”, which muddies the water.
Nazi dogwistle.
And what exactly does eastern do?
You very deliberately created a sentence rhat doesn’t tell the truth while being not incorrect.
There is nothing Biden administration did in 4 years that is even comparable to what Trump is doing, but because they also weren’t perfect and did some bad shit, you can technically say both sides bullshit as if you achieved something.
Well, I am ungenerous, by bothsidsing you actually helping the worst side, but I don’t know if that is your goal or not.
You need to find, pressure, back up, help and signalboost elected politicians who are willing to challenge that. Or civilians going the route of lawsuits. Or Luigy some motherfucker or two, but that’s more of a desperate option.
When one of the opinions is Nazi one, it stops being “simple disagreement”. You can’t simply disagree with a nazi on any topic. It needs to be shameful, maybe even dangerous to be a nazi, nobody should ever take them seriously and have conversations with them, there is no other ways to deal with that ideology. It feeds on hate and idiocy.
“You just don’t like people with different opinions about what types of humans should be eradicated. Not me, willing to have all sorts of conversations about ranking people in terms of who is subhuman.”
I don’t think any technology can be successfuly kept secret in the long term
It’s safe when infrastructure exists, people used to snow, and everyone has winter tires.
That’s a very interesting theory that for some reason circulates around.
It has nothing to do with reality, both because in the final roaster there were both Bloomberg and Buttigeg, who got 3 million and a million votes respectively, and who aren’t exactly paragons of the leftist values, and also because more people voted for Biden than for every other candidate combined, he got 4 million votes more than Bernie, Warren, Bloomberg, and Buttigeg combined.
I don’t know where did you got all those theories, but they once again, seem to not correlate with reality.
You probably think that if you attack me that means your arguments hold more weight, but you are sorely mistaken on that. I am slightly tired of you not actually engaging with what I’m writing, so let me state it last time, and I would like you to read it this time.
The fact that Bernie wasn’t able to win a popular vote in the democratic primaries twice doesn’t support the idea that he will be better at the general elections. Whatever opposition he faced, whatever they did to him in your opinion, will be tenfold in the generals. The opposition there will be stronger and richer. The notion that everyone secretly agrees with him and only evil they are keeping him from getting into the office is a very comforting one, but none of the numbers support it. Unfortunately.
Did they personally brake the legs of all the leftist voters so they don’t vote for their preferred candidate? Or did they just run a campaign against him and all the passionate Bernie voters just decided to believe their campaign and not vote for him?
I don’t see an explanation here that supports that “Bernie would won the election” narrative.
And I don’t think it’s a good thing, I totally agree that he would be the best president US ever saw and he absolutely, unequivocally was the best candidate with the best ideas. I just don’t believe american voting population wants what’s best for them, there is much to be done to undone centuries of capitalist propaganda. But this work doesn’t start with escaping into fantasy world, it stops there.
It would be a nice story, in theory, but unfortunately in reality in 2020 finals there also were such bastions of leftist values like Bloomberg and Buttigieg. Which still would not matter because Biden got more votes than all the other candidates combined.
Which once again brings us to the question, where are all the Bernie voters that are suppose to bring his victory? Do they don’t know how to vote, do they too apathetic to do that or do they just not exist?
Nah, maybe 10 years ago or so. Now you install it with a script and it just works.
Installing packages on Arch is way, way easier than doing it on Ubuntu, the OS that for some reason people keep recommending for newcommers.
And since installing packages is about the only thing that you do with your OS as a beginner, that’s a big deal