It’s the Torment Nexus dilemma.
It’s the Torment Nexus dilemma.
We do have Aldi’s here in the US, unless Aldi Nord is something different than this division.
I don’t see any thumbs on that hand!
abberration arbor-ation
I suspect you called me out to do this by your choice of words. I appreciate it.
Abhorrent Arbor-ent thief.
Now if we can just have a decent case that is…
I would be happy.
Now this is a prime example of what an AI should be used to do. Improve the lives of people in ways that will make a difference in the day to day real world.
I came looking for the Stargate joke. Did not leave disappointed.
The truth hurts when I see it.
So sorry! I totally missed your reference.
Just made some and the joke runs through my head (going to get it very wrong I am afraid)…
Host: Welcome to my party! Can I interest you in a half dozen hard boiled eggs?
Guest: uhhhhhh, no thanks?
Host: What if I cut them in half, add in some mayo and some other stuff?
Guest: (busily stuffing face) Got any more?
This was really good. Thanks for sharing it.
Captains Casual Duty Uniform
Well I know what I’m making this weekend! Thanks.
Lottery numbers? Stock market movements? Sports predictions?
Saw this just the other day here…