Circumcision is still done to over 50% of the boys born in the US.
Circumcision is still done to over 50% of the boys born in the US.
My husband is a stay-at-home, homeschooling dad with LOTS of parenting experience, thanks to fostering for over 10 years and having six permanent kids between the ages of 11 and 31. We call it momsplaining when some other homeschool mom with only 1-2 kids tries to tell him how to parent our infant foster son.
Beautiful! I love how the lipstick sets off the pink in the frames without being matchy-matchy!!
Thank you. I can’t find the words to express how much I admire you for doing the work you do despite the hate. I’m sorry we live in a world where the work you do inspires such vile sentiment, but I’m grateful for people like you making the world less horrible.