This is intentional. The billionaires are salivating waiting in the wings to buy up as much as possible when the prices are low.
This is intentional. The billionaires are salivating waiting in the wings to buy up as much as possible when the prices are low.
“I love you” on the only two things he loves, himself and money. Pretty spot on.
Fingers fucking crossed.
Sue Sue Sue. Take them all down and take them over the coals for every cent you can get.
I hope the level of hate grows and moves into offline hate. That shitbag doesn’t deserve a single moment of peace. Break him.
Trump’s America’s foe.
I wish Vance’s mom put him on the Plan B team instead of inflicting this lifelong b team loser on the world.
Most Americans that watched it don’t think he did anything wrong, either. Even a lot of conservatives think Trump’s behavior was disgraceful.
He should start by doing something, anything, to make the world a more peaceful place.
Has Trump done anything in the past month to not humiliate the US and drastically weaken our global strength and influence?
Thank fucking God we didn’t vote for Harris because she wouldn’t outright condemn Israel. Totally worth everything happening now (that any remotely educated and reasonable person warned about).
It would be wildly illegal for me to say what I think of, and wish for, both Trump and Vance, but I’m still gonna quietly pray to whoever is listening that it happens.
Holy shit, EA did something… Good? I did not have that on my 2025 bingo card. So, what’s the catch? There has to be a catch, right?
Wild how much Musk’s wealth surged after the election and has only slowed its growth due to Tesla stocks suffering from their bullshit
“you’re ignorant and spiteful, so be proud of being one of the dumbest people alive! You’re rare bread!”
“Warrior Essentials” is exactly the name of a snake oil brand id expect moron maga alpha wannabes to ignorantly fall for. They’re so fucking easy to grift.
That’s only because no one else has spare money to spend.
Well, sorta. Different materials bounce different wavelengths of light that our eyes catch and send to the brain to piece together and interpret color from. There is a degree of responsibility for what we see on the object the light bounces off of in the form of what wavelengths they absorb or reflect.
I mean, maybe my friends are just weird, but I’m looking at the success of mass effect trilogy, BG3, the older dragon age games, etc and a huge talking point was always all the companions and possible avenues of romance and sex. That should never be the focus of the game, but it can be a substantial part of the overall experience and add a lot.
Good. I hope he’s fucking devastated. I hope his entire world is fucking crumbling. Everyone with three working braincells or more knew exactly what would happen if we let the christonationalist fascists have total control of the government, and pieces of subhuman trash like him willingly made it happen.