that’s simple to answer, my husband recently showed me that show and i think it’s pretty sweet!!
i’m just a guy interested in technology, computers!!! graphic design, reading, being a furry, and other related stuff. i was born in 2003, i’m gay
that’s simple to answer, my husband recently showed me that show and i think it’s pretty sweet!!
thank you!!! i got it on my other laptop, a fresh start, sure!
oh it makes sense, i suppose they do that also because they want the software to be fixed in case there any bugs and therefore it becomes much more stable. thank you!!
what!! oh my gosh until 2026?? i think i should get the flatpak version then. oh woa, thank you
this means ubuntu is no longer a linux distro?? because if linux hardcore people think that linux is kernel+gnu then that means both android and ubuntu are not distros!! i believe the opposite, linux kernel? linux distro of course!! and ubuntu is the android of linux distros even if android is a linux distro itself
oh no!! wait but that means that xubuntu will still be around?? because as far as i know, xfce has some elements that use agpl and that would interfere with some rust code and would hurt xubuntu. would that make xubuntu stop existing?
yea me too!! the night sky here is very nice because the stars are soo bright and the moon is bright too, that’s the advantage of living in a calm city with not a lot of people!!
i’m sorry but i will let them walk away because they have supported linux since the beginning and are open source and have shown respect to torvalds!!
flatpak?? thank you!!
a lot of people on lemmy have called me a troll… or that they suspect i’m a troll… i’m sorry but t’s sad but i understand it, and i’ve had this account for 2 months now so… no troll!!
thank you a lot
i’m sorry, it was a shock for me at first, i should just learn about how that does not matter. thank you!! i’m not trolling or anything
you’re correct actually. thank you very much, just different technologies too
thank you very much!! factual!! they were different technologies then ok!
yea you’re welcome, a classic linux for all people
i know but this picture is just fanart, nothing else. if i were to use it on a personal project tho, i would save it as an svg file too! (which i do for my personal logo)
it was a verified iq test with a lot of questions, logic, math, etc
i know what a flatpak is, a third party app provider for gnu/linux that works in any distro!!