I don’t understand what those two categories are for. “All” and “No Among”? Is it breaking down the “no” responses?
I don’t understand what those two categories are for. “All” and “No Among”? Is it breaking down the “no” responses?
Don’t forget the kidnapping and holding against their will! Gotta make sure they have time to realize just how rich you are.
Personally, I’ve never downloaded documentation of a programming language, and certainly not any third party libraries.
Agreed. Not sure it’s quite $100k cool, but still cool.
I mean they essentially already released it with The Crew 2. How else would they sell copies to the people who played the first?
I would actually love to find a nice big list of examples of this. Mostly because I want to know about stuff I’ve taken as truth
While in principle, I don’t disagree. If you’re impaired, you shouldn’t drive. I lost a parent after they were hit by a drunk driver.
However, there are monstrously different amounts of impairment. You have reaction times and motor skills, decision making and judgement, awareness and attention.
Implying any type of impairment to be an unequivocal “no” to driving is short sighted, in my opinion. It’s the easy argument to point at any mind-altering substance: caffeine, tobacco, or antidepressants could be classified an impaired driver.
It’s also worth pointing out that even different emotions could dramatically alter driving performance. Not that we would ever think about restrictions on crying while driving.
I mean, he was speaking at the Black Conservative Federation. It’s sorta relevant just given the venue.
If it want a really good 4X game
Is this for real?
There’s no reason that guilt would be absent from helpinghelp a specific person in need (like your struggling mother example). Plenty of people feel guilty taking handouts and will outright refuse help when they might need it.
As for the drive thru thing, I think you might be talking about something different than what I’ve seen/done, which is just paying for your own meal and the people behind you. There isn’t any expectation for them to continue some chain, and in many ways it’s a bit of an empty gesture (they are just taking that first person’s goodwill and passing it to the next in line).
My interpretation of paying it forward is the premise of receiving something when you’re in need, then, when you’re able, to give something back. Not to the one who helped you, as that would be repaying a debt.
not a typo
This amuses me
If that’s a joke, I don’t get it.
If that’s real, I don’t know why.
Do they need a “strategy” when the whole point of a primary is to find a suitable candidate?
Can always go bigger?
This seems to be the limit. One more very and it 404s
In the same way that watching porn on public transit is a social no-no
I think you’re taking it the wrong way. I understand it as “anything negative about Biden, is also true about Trump”
I guess it’s more asking what the alternatives could be. I don’t have the answer, and truthfully don’t have much of an idea what is out there to solve that problem.
Is there a system that can get information to someone, maintaining anonymity for the sender the whole way through? Like having an open drop box where you’d be able to put whatever documents you want into it.
So I recognize that having the files securely encrypted is a valuable thing, and that having privacy for sharing is also important. But how do you actually share this without creating a vulnerable point?
Say I wanted to leak some file as a whistleblower, I’d still need to get the link/password/etc shared to whomever I’m leaking to, right? Sorta defeats the purpose when you need some other source of contact, right?
I’m unfamiliar with the mineral rights treaty specifics, but I remember it being said that it was a pretty shite deal for Ukraine anyway, and that it likely wouldn’t have been signed anyway