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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 24th, 2023


  • I live in NYS. I had to pay $200+ out of pocket for the booster because my medical insurance would only cover vaccines administered by a doctor’s office, and the booster was only distributed to pharmacies. My medical insurance does not cover ANY prescriptions because apparently it’s an optional DLC now.

    Only CVS and Walgreens were given the boosters too so they could set whatever price they wanted.

    I don’t know a single other adult other than my partner that paid out for the booster because it was so expensive. If my immune system worked I could play roulette with vaccines too, but it doesn’t so I just continue to get my physical safety held hostage for more money.

  • Today someone threatened to murder me.

    Our car battery died during a snow storm. We only have one car, but I have an e bike and the auto parts store is less than 10 minutes from me. The roads were shit, visibility was shit, but 80% of my ride was on a state designated bike path so I figured I’d be fine for a quick trip.

    I came up to the intersection in question and there was so much snow piled up between the bike path and the street I had to hop off the bike to get through it. The light was red in my favor, all traffic was stopped with no traffic coming from where the light was green. I started to cross the street and a HUGE truck waited until I was directly in front of him to slam on the gas, travel several feet at me, and then slam on the brakes just to intimidate me.

    I doubt I would have survived if he had decided to just keep driving. Even if the light had changed by the time I managed to get off the road, is one life really worth less than the 20 seconds it takes to wait for someone to cross??

  • Me too.

    I couldn’t believe that people were convinced to vote for him the first time. I couldn’t believe that after a term people were even considering voting for him the second time. Now, I’m struggling with how the man is allowed to SPEAK IN PUBLIC.

    Any other felon would have been shunned to obscurity.

    Felons struggle to find work and housing, yet this man gets another crack at leading a nation.

    The man who complimented AMERICAN TERRORISTS after they successfully murdered his constituents gets to try to LEAD A NATION.

    Republicans like to scream about CaNCel CuLTure, but fucking where is it now? This man shouldn’t be allowed to own his own clothes just for his financial crimes, and yet he is treated as a viable option for the presidency.

    Edit: oh yeah, I forgot that he was impeached twice, refused to leave office, THEN lost the vote and tried to stay in office via violence.