I think autocorrect has some things mixed up. Not every rectangle is a square, but every square is a rectangle …
I think autocorrect has some things mixed up. Not every rectangle is a square, but every square is a rectangle …
From what I know, particles that have a mass greater than 0 move below the speed of light and can never reach it. Particles that have no mass (every force is transferred via particles) move at the speed of light. So there is no way to have anything that is faster than the speed of light, not even forces.
It’s good to be proud of German values, but racism and being a nazi are not German values. Tolerance, punctuality and „Lüften“ are German values.
It’s still information, tho.
Is it? According to the Oxford dictionary, information are “facts or details about somebody/something”. Wouldn’t that make false information technically not information?
And then you look at paintings from the Middle Ages and wonder how people evolved backwards
I didn’t vote for her as I am not American. What is your excuse for supporting the criminal felon Trump?
I don’t think the campaigns are about converting people, but more about getting people to care about voting for their candidate. At this point there is just no way people still don’t prefer one candidate over the other
aNOthEr aTtAcK oN oUR rIGHtful LEaDer bY thE wOkE mOb
Exactly. At this point it can’t be about convincing undecided voters (whoever is still undecided won’t pay attention to any of this and will still be undecided). It’s more about whether or not people can be arsed to go out of their homes to vote.
Saying this: Please vote (as long as you are not planning to vote for the convicted felon of course)
From what I read is that republican led states usually make it harder to vote than democratic states, but I haven’t looked further into this.
Although maybe you technically actually are only voting for the elector in your state that then casts their vote on your behalf, I even read that there have been rare occasions where the state elector went against what their state voted for!?
This whole process of voting in the US seems very outdated to me (I am from Europe too). I know that it is hard to fundamentally change the system as long as nothing goes completely wrong. Germany had big loopholes in the constitution during the Republic of Weimar too. Changing this was easy after the total defeat during the Second World War. I have no idea how you could get through with updating the complete political system of a more or less „functional“ country. Even less if the country is as divided as the US is at the moment
whether they will bother to vote for their preferred candidate or just stay home
It’s more like vote or go to work. I really don’t get why this country doesn’t hold elections on a day where most people can participate. Actually I do get it, but I don’t get how people can still think of the USA as a democracy
That is what I was hoping he is referring to. But if I’m completely honest, the “I will make myself King of Murica” approach sounds more realistic
Isn’t that exactly the reason for the second amendment? From what I learned, it is not to go to the gun range because it’s fun, it is to fight the government if it goes rogue
Wall Street Journal
You were born after Covid, right?
Well, in the tv series his shoes start burning if he doesn’t use his specific flash shoes. So surely he needs a special bike.
About handling you might be right, but I can’t image running at speeds faster than sound without crashing into everything either
That would be a great idea. I mean, I am more than twice as fast on a bike than by foot and I can drive more than 10 times as far. Just imagine what Flash could accomplish with a bike
I totally get it, why buy one expensive thing once, when you can buy cheap stuff that will cost more in the long run? 5 times 30 surely is cheaper than 1 times 150.
From my experience, there is just stuff where you don’t want to cheap out on. Don’t get me wrong, there is no need to buy „premium“ stuff when good stuff is about the same quality but cheaper, but buying cheap stuff, just because it is a little less than the good stuff usually never pays off for me
Might be. I am actually not quite sure about this
Americans are very proud about the second amendment