The comic depicts destruction of means of production, hence my question. Would you consider a car “personal property”? What is your overall take on the whole tesla situation. It looks to me as if you support it to some degree
The comic depicts destruction of means of production, hence my question. Would you consider a car “personal property”? What is your overall take on the whole tesla situation. It looks to me as if you support it to some degree
I think it’s partially because of Smithers, who acts like his better half, kind of negating many of Burns’s traits. It’s also because he’s intentionally written like this, akin to Grinch, someone who tries so hard to be evil that it’s hard not to pity him
What do you achieve by destroying the “means of production”? And what is your stance on destroying regular people’s property? Honest questions
You can’t start drinking if you never stop
The joke is not about “eating”, the AI just tried to guess the meaning but kinda failed. The joke is about two famous civil war figures in the USSR (Chapayev and Pet’ka), which often are subjects of crass jokes.
The first half is correct. Pet’ka asks Chapayev to explain the definition of “nuance”, as it’s a foreign word that he doesn’t understand. Chapayev asks him to put his pants down and puts his dick in Pet’ka’s ass. Pet’ka is perplexed.
Chapayev says: “See, we’re both in a “dick in ass” situation. But there’s a nuance.”
And they still try to downplay it - “the worst since Assad”
“Why are you calling this facility a prison? Sure, you cannot leave, but at least you can ENTER!”
But how else can we protect democracy?
You forgot “full scale”
Foobar2000 has become the new winamp for me, been using it for a decade now
I guess that’s pretty close
Pffft, I remember typing without vowels to save space
You can’t possibly win the game
I just tried mine and yes, they do bend a little if I apply enough pressure
And the pouch with the CDs I’ve burnt with my favourite albums from 2010 that I’ll play in a truck I’ll steal once the zombie apocalypse starts
Catholic Christmas you mean
I pay $5 for 100Mb/no cap. I’m not from the US though
I’ve also seen this analogy: “Russia had no business in Ukraine, just as US had no business in Afghanistan”. Apparently coming from someone who couldn’t find Ukraine on the map and had no idea how much history and culture these two countries share
I don’t think the TV was the only thing being “flicked” that evening.