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Cake day: February 13th, 2025


  • again; I’m not saying I didn’t vote.

    that said: there is no voting. there was an election last year, and, fairly or unfairly: you fuckers stuck the landing, snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. past tense. done. MOVING THE FUCK ON

    I don’t know if there’s going to be another election, or, if there is, whether it’s going to be real or fake. I think counting on that is foolish. I think obsessing over electoral shit instead of the actual mechanics of community and machinery of power is why we’re all in this mess.

    so please touch fucking grass, talk to your neighbors, and do something that will literally ever matter.

  • who says I didn’t vote?

    and if you vote for the democrats, and they decide to NOT take office after winning again, like they did 25 years ago, then you’ve done worse than waste your vote-not that it was ever worth much.

    if you vote for the democrats, and they throw that shit, you’re basically saying "I am okay with these dipshits who will always snatch defeat from the jaws of victory when it’s most important, and will never actually fix what’s been damaged, they just won’t damage it quite as deliberately’. which is not good.

  • IBM: the machinery of government (and the various things they’ve enabled over the years) and just a really warm fuzzy folksy time lapse montage (mid-late season)

    exxonmobil: burning tomorrow, today. slogan after a couple minutes of horrible disaster (natural and otherwise) footage and a park ranger drinking to forget, with a translucent exxon logo on screen. then you flash up the slogan at the end. (mid-late season)

    it’s true, the coke idea could use some work, but these are all pretty rough.

  • like holocaust denial, or child-rape

    yeah but nobody advertises to any sort of lefty, so those aren’t controversial among basically every company’s target market. I might be more likely to go for “glock: protecting trans kids since [year they were founded]” if I were trying to cause a problem for them.

    but you don’t start off with that. you start off each season with stuff that’s on the edge side of what a company would actual buy from an ad agency. then you get more and more. until it’s paramilitaries marching blindfolded factory workers out into the jungle, then shooting them in the head, with full gore and horror and maybe one begging for their life. then a coca cola logo. coca cola: an american tradition.