That’s true, I did roll sushi right eventually! Though since I don’t make sushi often, the first (and sometimes second) roll turns out not good before the muscle memory kicks in.
I also Appreciate the tip, kind stranger!
That’s true, I did roll sushi right eventually! Though since I don’t make sushi often, the first (and sometimes second) roll turns out not good before the muscle memory kicks in.
I also Appreciate the tip, kind stranger!
The European chocolates would be specifically earmarked for Canada, so the US can keep their chocolate to themselves.
As a Canadian, I’d much prefer chocolate from local chocolatiers, though European chocolates are also a delightful treat.
This is a little too relatable, and how I felt the first few times I made sushi 😅
Don’t forget that company does fuck all in advertising the small phone at a similar level as the “regular sized” phone
It also used to be commonplace to have a physical home button below the screen on a number of flagship devices, along with the camera being positioned separate from the screen.
I feel like that could bring us closer to a modern equivalent of 6” screens in the same body
That’ll yield the opposite outcome when one of the top complaints from homeowners is their property taxes and how they should remain frozen or cut for the rest of time
This is upsetting, yet unsurprising. Just another 4 years of wasteful spending, public service budget cuts and maybe we’ll get another bribe just before the 2029 election.
It feels like the future is pretty bleak with yet another majority government….
You need both ideally, especially since real estate developers tend to stall or shelve housing projects if they feel like they’ll get less of a return on investment and wait until prices go up again before doing anything
Eh, if they were serious about winning, they could’ve worked with the other parties in only running certain candidates of a particular party in some ridings to avoid cannibalizing votes or even run as a coalition.
At the end of the day, Fptp benefits no one except whoever is leading a majority government.
Piling on here with a recently released cbc article noting that Doug Ford wants to be premier “forever”, it’s ominous in tone with the current state of affairs in the states.
This is informative, but somewhat unsurprising. PCs promising what’s already been committed and making no further statements.
Then Liberals promising to drastically expedite improvements while remaining vague (to me atleast) in the wording
Finally, the NDP has the most solid looking plan with realistic/reasonable looking promises that could actually be implemented within a term or 2.
If only people could look past the bribes and slogans and get out to vote, we could at least get a government that’s _actually _ for the people, and not just in the folksy type of platitudes
It’s way more likely that he’d roll out the welcome mat for the states instead
Canada joining the EU would be great, assuming we don’t end up with lil pp in the next election.
Don’t forget the convenience charge, then there’s a booking fee, as well as payment processing fee to top it off
We haven’t burned coal in well over a decade.
Maybe I’m just bad or slow at queries but I almost never found working coupons when I’m ready to purchase. When I used to have honey (when it somewhat worked), I got a few token percentage off compared to entering codes that were expired or otherwise no longer valid.
Granted, once Honey moved to a rewards based model I dipped out since something didn’t sit right with me about it.
Not only that, but I believe Hitler got the concentration camp model from the Native American reservation setup that the US had setup when manifest destiny was in vogue Relevant article
That’s one way to turn people off from using Canada Post, while the competition offers 7-days/week deliveries, even some doing late night/early morning deliveries with some Amazon couriers.
I believe the issue would lie with the pressure for government procurements to always go for the lowest cost bidder possible, which would be more difficult for local and Canada-first companies to compete.
While I believe that procurements should strongly prefer local/Canada-first companies, it would come at a price and provide an opportunity for one political party to cry foul over “wasteful government spending”.
Amazing- I’m still watching through the MLP (G4) series and now I’m inclined to print and hang this up somewhere