Is that a Catholic thing?
Is that a Catholic thing?
“Least”/“Greatest” in “the kingdom of heaven” is a construction that appears at least once off the top of my head, Matthew 5:19. I’m sure there are more. But also, Jesus is depicted as a literal monarch and heaven a kingdom like you said, so there’s at least one extra class right there.
To be fair, the heaven of the Bible is neither stateless nor classless. “The nations” are still present in Revelation 21 and 22, and inequality in heaven is a common theme in Jesus’s parables.
As long as I’m mocking help forums, I might have a stupid solution for your window decorations, which you can follow at your own risk. I saw your comment and, just out of curiosity, started playing around in a VM with imagemagick, a program I’ve never used before, but that might be useful for you. Here’s what I did:
1.) I copied a theme I liked, in this case “Sassandra”, from /usr/share/themes into ~/.themes.
2.) I renamed Sassandra (in ~/.themes) to Sassandra2 and switched themes to Sassandra2.
3.) I opened up some of the images in ~/.themes/Sassandra2/xfwm4/ and made note of the geometry of the buttons. In this case, they were 24x17.
4.) I opened a terminal in ~/.themes/Sassandra2/xfwm4/ and ran a command I got from an AI chatbot and fiddled with it blindly like an idiot until it ran:
find . -type f -exec magick {} -scale 12x17 {} ;
In this case, I wanted to use magick to shrink the icons from 24x17 to 12x17 (though you could just as easily replace “12x17” with an increased size instead), and I wanted to do all the files at once, using the find command as suggested by my robot overlord. It didn’t work as I intended. I never bothered to read any docs. I’m not even sure I put the “{}” in the right spot. But it did shrink the images, preserving the aspect ratio. It also threw up a couple errors because I forgot about the readme and themerc files in that directory. Speaking of which, you can fiddle with the themerc file to make any minor adjustments, like offsetting text.
Edit: In retrospect, the original image files were actually all different sizes and now Sassandra2 looks like crap, but you can always run magick on files individually.
What are these “solutions” you speak of? All help forum posts must follow this format:
“I want to do x.”
“Why would you want to do x? Don’t do x.”.
I’ve never heard of librewolf preventing dark mode. Garuda’s firedragon browser was based on librewolf before switching to floorp, and it came with the darkreader extension by default.
It’d be nice if archives/front-ends were the default for everything. Redlib, Invidious, etc.
If that’s Yoshi’s biggest gripe, wait till he discovers Kaizo.
Garuda. It’s even easier than Manjaro. The theming can be a bit much, though.
I know this is a bit of a necro-bump, but Today I Found Out just released a video answering exactly this question:
Apparently, adults are better at learning languages than kids.
Aside from your preference for debian-based distros, you’re describing Garuda pretty well. But the chaotic-AUR is enabled by default, so you’d never need to hunt for .deb files in the first place. And the update script, “garuda-update”, has a bunch of nice features by default, like taking snapshots and running grub-update (which would have prevented the grub fiasco that hit the arch-based distros a while back).
The only pain points are 1.) If you don’t like Garuda’s theming, you’ll need to do some minor ricing to start, and 2.) Plasma 6 updates often enough that on a rolling release distro, something minor about your setup might break once every few months, e.g. KDE allows themes to set a minimum taskbar size and all of a sudden your taskbar increases in size, or your wallpaper gets reset for some reason.
KDE, because I’m too lazy to switch back to XFCE, which offered every feature I already use in KDE except without the stuttering, the bugs, and the update cycle that breaks things way, way too often on a rolling release distro.
Or openbox. My old laptop has openbox, but that’s more for screwing around with EWW than doing day-to-day things.
I guess RAM is a bell curve now.
One good thing doesn’t even outweigh one bad one. What do you call someone who tells 99 truths and one lie?
A liar.
It’s the same here; there’s an asymmetry between doing what’s right and betraying someone’s trust. When Mozilla can demonstrate consistent integrity, maybe I’ll stop using a fork.
Technically, hippos don’t swim. They run along the ground. So if you pick a deep enough body of water, you might still have a chance.
This is delightfully unsettling.
Last time I distrohopped, this was actually one of my main benchmarks. If I couldn’t install Librewolf in under a minute, I picked a different distro.
Honestly, there are probably enough people using ublock with tor browser that you can still retain most of the benefits if you do the same. You’ll just be in a smaller cohort than if you didn’t.
I never had much use for non-religious secondary sources back when I was a believer, so I can’t recommend any, but the New Testament isn’t actually that long; you could probably finish it in a week if you read 20-30 chapters a day, and the chapters are short. The first three books, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, and to a lesser extent the fourth, John, are all the same; you can probably just pick one (John is probably the most interesting) and read the rest of the NT as is. Whether or not it’s worth your time is entirely up to you. I certainly have no intention of reading it again any time soon.