There are still subreddits though, they’re just called communities
There are still subreddits though, they’re just called communities
Why share a fake AI image to roast someone? There are plenty of real photos to laugh at
I agree with everything except the phantom menace. I think it should be C tier. I love the prequels but when I rawatched them last, the phantom menace stood out as being particularly slow paced and boring
Ah they really had to add “found in North America” so this wouldn’t fully work for non-Americans. Love it otherwise
The issue is, in practically, resumes don’t have all indicators of race or gender removed.
There have been several studies that suggest that the name on the resume is enough of an indicator of race and gender to let bias creep in. Even on otherwise identical resumes. I’m not sure if we’re going to remove names from resumes any time soon.
NES Tetris. I have a little emulator device that looks like a Game Boy Advance SP, and that’s been my go to while I’m traveling
That’s— That’s Wheatley from Portal 2
Just checked out Quillnote, they’ve archived the repository as it’s inactive. Quillpad looks to be the main fork. I’ll check it out, thanks for sharing
I still have the theme song in my head to this day
Guys will see this and just think “hell yeah”
Holy eyebrows Batman
Great Lenna reference
My brother in Christ you signed the law
Though co-op games usually adjust difficulty based on the number of players (usually by scaling the number of enemies)
What? I Google stuff all the time. Just not on Google (DuckDuckGo or Qwant)
I was feeling disconnected from my friends for quite a while. I find I have a hard time keeping up with people, and that usually ends up meaning I am no one’s best friend.
I’ve done two things:
These two things, while simple, have greatly increased my mood and has gotten me much closer with my friends than I was before, as I had drifted apart from them.
The flag with the tree is the flag of Lebanon. I also found this out after asking what the “Christmas tree flag” represented 💀
It’s because the protests worked!!1! they won!! Without their hard work, we would have still been stuck inside. /s
Good question. Anyone who is part or all Māori can choose whether they vote for the Māori electorate or the general electorate. As for services, I don’t know. If I had to guess, you’d have to be a member of an iwi (tribe) or at least be part Māori. But there are services for everyone; it’d be Māori-based services that would be aimed at Māori. They have different cultural values and methods, so it’s more the way the services are provided rather than the services themselves.
For example, during the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, there was some discussion about Māori wanting to have their whole whānau (family) vaccinated at the same time because it’s seen as a collective measure and followed cultural Māori family values. At the time, they were being rolled by age, so some people in a family could get it while others couldn’t. There are valid discussions to be had for both methods.
TL;DR - if someone has Māori ancestry, they can choose which electorate to vote in and which services to receive
Pizzacakecomic Trump is not what I was expecting to see today