The New Yorker has a piece on the Bay Area AI doomer and e/acc scenes.


[Katja] Grace used to work for Eliezer Yudkowsky, a bearded guy with a fedora, a petulant demeanor, and a p(doom) of ninety-nine per cent. Raised in Chicago as an Orthodox Jew, he dropped out of school after eighth grade, taught himself calculus and atheism, started blogging, and, in the early two-thousands, made his way to the Bay Area. His best-known works include “Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality,” a piece of fan fiction running to more than six hundred thousand words, and “The Sequences,” a gargantuan series of essays about how to sharpen one’s thinking.


A guest brought up Scott Alexander, one of the scene’s microcelebrities, who is often invoked mononymically. “I assume you read Scott’s post yesterday?” the guest asked [Katja] Grace, referring to an essay about “major AI safety advances,” among other things. “He was truly in top form.”

Grace looked sheepish. “Scott and I are dating,” she said—intermittently, nonexclusively—“but that doesn’t mean I always remember to read his stuff.”


“The same people cycle between selling AGI utopia and doom,” Timnit Gebru, a former Google computer scientist and now a critic of the industry, told me. “They are all endowed and funded by the tech billionaires who build all the systems we’re supposed to be worried about making us extinct.”

  • @swlabr
    7 months ago

    quirk-washing TREACLES

    I can’t wait to be quirk-washed, I’m ready to hang up my pick-me hat and let the new yorker do the work for me

      • @TinyTimmyTokyoOP
        107 months ago

        I’m probably not saying anything you didn’t already know, but Vox’s “Future Perfect” section, of which this article is a part, was explicitly founded as a booster for effective altruism. They’ve also memory-holed the fact that it was funded in large part by FTX. Anything by one of its regular writers (particularly Dylan Matthews or Kelsey Piper) should be mentally filed into the rationalist propaganda folder. I mean, this article throws in an off-hand remark by Scott Alexander as if it’s just taken for granted that he’s some kind of visionary genius.

        • @froztbyte
          37 months ago

          yep aware. didn’t care too much about the article itself, was more observing the coincidence in timing. but you have a point there with the names, I really should make that a standing mental ban

      • @swlabr
        57 months ago

        Had to stop reading that. My eyes were rolling too much.

        • @froztbyte
          77 months ago

          uwu smol-bean number starers, lovable little group of misfits from checks notes fucking RAND

      • @gerikson
        37 months ago

        What happened to Samotsvety last year? I missed that .

        • @froztbyte
          57 months ago

          I meant more the general state of the things in the TREACLES umbrella catching unfavourable public attention over the last while

    • @sc_griffith
      77 months ago

      you gotta be white cis and loathsome or they won’t do it