On orders from the Rupert Murdoch newspapers, the Australian government has passed legislation banning under-16s from social media, on extremely dubious claims of protecting mental health. This is …
These are not people who are going to do things correctly, let alone doing complex things correctly. They are absolutely going to come up with some hamfisted bullshit, there is no way they are not. If they really try to do this, the most likely version is a central ID register but it’s privatised.
These are not people who are going to do things correctly, let alone doing complex things correctly. They are absolutely going to come up with some hamfisted bullshit, there is no way they are not. If they really try to do this, the most likely version is a central ID register but it’s privatised.
Can’t be done vs. won’t be done is a distinction. I said it was a nitpick.
That’s a distinction without a meaningful difference.