Also the hivemind seems to have taken against tweetsXeets, a stunning reversal from last year when St. Elon was gonna usher in a new Dawn of civilized discourse.

  • The Cuuuuube
    1411 months ago

    Maybe I should subscribe to this community. I’ve been falling further and further out of love with Hacker News with all sorts of tech illiterate / science illiterate takes that get lifted to the top. Its getting to the point that I assume any top ranked comment will be demonstrated absolutely wrong in 5 years

    • @selfA
      1311 months ago

      it’s very frankly well worth stepping out of the Y Combinator bubble. I dropped the site for anything other than as a target for sneering years ago because I started to see a lot of dangerous patterns emerge in the community (general scientific illiteracy is one thing, as you mentioned; for me, the site’s general undercurrent of thinly veiled racism got very hard to stomach).

      on a more personal note, not being immersed in HN’s bad ideas did wonders for my mental health. the only thing I feel I really lost was the ability to easily get an audience for my open source projects, but there are other outlets for that.

      • @froztbyte
        711 months ago

        yeah similar. I only skim the link source as a semi-aggregator of stuff (because it’s where a lot of people will share shit), but even that needs significant filtering.

        otherwise a strict policy of Don’t Read The Comments

        • @bitofhope
          1011 months ago

          Allow me to sum up my relationship with the orange site with a lightly edited quote of Dennis Ritchie from The UNIX-HATERS Handbook:

          Here is my metaphor: your book website is a pudding stuffed with apposite observations, many well-conceived. Like excrement, it contains enough undigested nuggets of nutrition to sustain life for some interest to computerniks like me. But it is not a tasty pie: it reeks too much of contempt and of envy silicon valley chauvinism.

        • @selfA
          511 months ago

          mostly Nix code lately: a flake that turns any desktop into an old Lisp machine, another flake that turns any desktop into a new Lisp machine (a Lisp-based workbench that enables system-wide recursive self-improvement), a module that mostly auto-configures a high performance windows gaming VM with dedicated hardware (one of the non-proton ways to game on Linux), and a flake that implements an efficient technique for templating/static website generation

          • @geriksonOP
            411 months ago

            That stuff is guaranteed karma bait on, just fyi

            • @selfA
              311 months ago

              maybe… mostly I’m looking for non-toxic contributors, since these are all projects that do best with community input

          • @saucerwizard
            311 months ago

            Nix sounds very interesting tbh.

            • @selfA
              311 months ago

              I recommend it! this notawfultech post links to a gentle introduction to Nix if you’d like to give it a try. also runs on and is deployed by plain NixOS, mostly because it’s a lot of fun to work with in a way devops almost always isn’t

      • @bitofhope
        511 months ago

        I dare wish for TechTakes to embody its spirit, not in the sense of replicating all of its problematic aspects, but possibly in the sense of using “a hackernews” and to a lesser extent “an internet” as a somewhat (very) derogatory pronoun.

        • David GerardMA
          411 months ago

          after that Urbit thread of hackernewses incorrecting each other,