Man is stuck between a rock and a hard place. He doesn’t want to make this election a referendum on abortion, because as we’ve seen in ballot measures in the past two years, he can’t win that fight. However, his base won’t accept anything but a hardline stance. Must suck to be him, couldn’t happen to a worse person.
Same situation where he was almost begging his cult to take the vaccine. You can see him share how important it was, realizing they were gonna lynch him, and immediately kept twisting it over and over until he was on their side again. .
If he hadn’t politicized it in the first place it would’ve been ok, but he saw the blue cities being hit first and so it was initially a benefit because people voting against him were dying. Then his big dumdum a-brain couldn’t extrapolate to the future where eventually only people against science would be dying, so he came out against protections. By the time the he realized his cult was dying off it was far too late for them to change their personalities.
While this is all true, I do want to clarify. He was always for the vaccine. Because you take the vaccine and then the problem goes away.
He was always against masking and social distancing, because that hurts the Dow Jones Industrial Average. He cared more about the S&P 500 than he did about the American people.
Moreover as Fauci recounts, tiny hands wanted it to be just like the seasonal flu that ‘in a few months just goes away’.
His idiot brain wanted it gone by obfuscation and denial.
He put himself there. Remember that in 2012 he was pretty waffley on abortion and then he listened to the Christian nationals and stuffed to court with people who wanted to kill Roe. Whether he is truly drinking the Kool-Aide (personally I don’t think Trump gives a shit about anything as long as he gets money and fame) or not he is now committed to a position that 70% of Americans disagree with. The fact that Dems aren’t knocking it out of the fucking park (we’re moving in the right direction finally, at least) is a pretty clear sign that America is sick and tired of neoliberalism and wants actual change.
While he doesn’t care about anything 9ther than himself, I think that he such poor management skills that he doesn’t know how to resolve any situation that you can’t bully yourself out of.
Man is stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Imo this is also one of the issues that shows how he has boxed himself into a corner with his VP candidate choice. If he had chosen someone that appeals to a different voter base, rather than Vance, who caters to the same crowd, then they’d have an easier time arguing both sides at the same time.
You shouldn’t have to file a police report or be seriously ill to get an abortion. Fuck the GOP’s stance on abortion.
That’s Trump’s stance on abortion. GOP stance is: you’re not an American if you support ANY abortion publicly.
probably not even his stance on abortion.
“Yeah… i support exceptions for, uh, rape, and stuff… <whink whink whink>”. the boos were because he didn’t make the winking obvious enough for the troglodytes in the back.
He’s been on the record in the past fully supporting abortion; I believe it’s a service family members of his have used more than once.
Also probably “dates” of his.
His stance on abortion is:
“What will benefit me personally the most”?
The American way is to have children die of preventable diseases because they can’t afford healthcare or by school shooting.
They don’t think you’re human if you support abortion. They see you as some sort of serial killer. It’s absolutely batshit crazy.
Lol at GOP writing a law where a police report is sufficient. They will only include a rape/incest allowance if there’s a conviction. Of course that will never happen in time, so the exception becomes meaningless.
This. Only this.
The crowd: “We love rape and incest”
How else do you expect them to procreate???!?
Thats what cousins are for silly!
I wonder how hard a horse would have to kick my skull before I thought the government should assist pedophiles in harming their victims. They hate women so much.
As other commenter said - they are consistent. If abortion is murder, that’s any abortion. If it’s not, then no abortion is a crime.
The only case where you want to forbid abortions generally, but allow them for rape and incest cases, is if you are a fascist who wants to force women to give birth except for most outrageous cases (also with rape the child is more likely to be, eh, not loved by the mother, while with incest more likely to have pathologies), those likely to be less useful for their demography fetish.
So in this case Trump is worse than his supporters if we try to deduce logic from the position taken, while his supporters are worse in practice.
I’ll bet you’ve seen some shit
Neck vaginas, people fuckin couches. It’s a wild world
Go on…
Go on…
It’s hard to get by just upon a smile ♪
This is what happens when you pander to extremists, donnie. You now have the choice of pissing off the nutjobs by trying to appeal to the moderates, or you can double down on the nutjobs. You lose either way.
Ignorance is the greatest weapon of tyranny and old wounds open all too easily. I am merely a fool who created a monster I am now powerless to stop, and so I will play my role to the bloody end.
- Admiral Aken Bosch, Neo-Terran Front
It won’t matter. His supporters will just ignore anything they disagree with. It won’t even be reported in the media they consume.
He’s probably paid for an abortion in a case of rape and incest.
We have court records alleging almost as much. It was a kid on Epstein’s Island.
With campaign money.
That is one cursed, which is not to say inaccurate, conjunction.
More likely he promised to pay for an abortion and then didn’t.
Even Donald would’ve have been fucked if teenage Ivanka gave birth to one of his abominations. He didn’t have the cult yet so he was only protected from financial crimes.
One abortion for both cases or separate incidents?
Dementia Don the racist rapist with 34 felonies that can’t complete a coherent sentence can’t remember what his cult wants. He needs to drop out, he’s just too old.
Just in case someone truly believe that all this s**tshow would just disappear without Trump around. Let’s face it, he’s a symptom of the problem, not the main cause.
The abortion shitshow isn’t about Trump, but the neo-monarchism shitshow is.
Corporate neo-feudalism. It is not about monarchy.
On the one hand, I love to see him booed and I’m sure it actually had an impact on the narcissist. On the other hand, the booers could hardly have chosen a worse stance.
Degenerates is right. You have to be a degenerate to believe that a 10-year-old should have her uncle’s rape baby.
… I mean we’re talking about the people who probably are the uncles who raped a child.
I hate reality.
America, you are a seriously screwed up nation.
These people are in the minority. A very vocal minority, but a minority nonetheless.
A minority that has janky map lines and other voting shenanigans like the electoral college to make them potent beyond their numbers, unfortunately
deleted by creator
Yeah, most of the crowd at a Trump rally is going to be a caricature of all the negative stereotypes about Republicans and/or Americans. And if we know them personally, we can tell they aren’t right in the head.
Twitter mob: protect the religious minority! And roch minority!
Do not compare me to these people.
I would have been booing from the start.
The people showing up to trump and turning point bullshit are not representative of the majority. But constant coverage of those morons since trump definitely makes it seem that way
It feels like a representation based on voting.
Every country has psychos. Ours are just louder and wear red hats.
We also have roughly half the population of the entirety of Europe in one country. With that many people, you’re going to have more dumb dumbs than wherever OP is from.
EU’s 449M + Ukraine’s 38M + Belarusian’s 9M + 115M in european part of Russia = 661M. There are also two european cities in Kazahstan and entire UK, but we will ignore them for now.
So yeah, roughly half.
With that many people, you’re going to have more dumb dumbs than wherever OP is from.
We are talking about concentration, not about absolute numbers.
i don’t understand why people are still anti-abortion in general, but even for those who are completely against it, why not allow it in extreme cases like medical reasons, rape, and incest? surely your god wouldn’t want a young girl raped by her father to give birth to her own child-sibling who’s definitely going to be all kinds of genetically and mentally fucked up?
Honest answer? Yeah, many of them would. Because God doesn’t make mistakes and it must therefore be God’s plan.
Why is rape part of God’s plan but abortion isn’t? No clue, beats me.
It’s all part of God’s plan? It’s either all or not all, so which is it?
Expecting critical thinking supported faith is a waste of time ;-)
Abortion is part of god’s plan, he gives instructions for one way to cause a medical miscarriage in Numbers 5:11-31. They just ignore the parts of the book that don’t agree with their fascism.
Because it’s always just been a lie designed to control, the entirety of their worldview is
Because they believe that women should be subordinate to men, and that their sexuality should be tightly controlled. For the same reason, they want to make it harder to get divorced.
It has never been about religion, that’s just a smokescreen. it’s just control over women.
The Lord works in mysterious ways. Or some other bullshit they tell themselves to justify the horrors of the world. The Lord is almighty. No, fuck you, the “lord” does not exist, you imbecile.
Mental illness.
“Christians” didn’t give two shits about abortion until integrating schools became a thing in the South. Then, suddenly, we care about the “unborn.”
Just gonna leave this here:
"The unborn are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.”
- Pastor David Barnhart
Because they believe that a fetus is a human being, and that killing a human is murder. I find it sad that so many people cannot understand that many Christians really believe that.
It’s crazy how many of those same Christians are okay with killing a human if it’s a stand-your-ground home break in, or if it’s a thief, or if it’s a black guy with a counterfeit dollar bill, or if it’s the death penalty.
It’s sad how people fall for their stupid double-speak but here we are.
Yes some Christians are hypocritical. Yet some really do walk the walk. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a monster.
I have never met a Christian who wouldn’t kill in self-defense.
I didn’t call them monsters, I called them morons.
All Christians are irreedeemable fascist monsters.
Not defending them, but they would probably say it’s about innocence. If it’s a criminal they can convince themselves that they deserve it (and they’re racists, so they’ll just assume that any given black person is a criminal).
Apparently it’s when they are old enough to be in school shootings that they cease to be a precious important life to be protected at all cost.
Sure, they “believe” it is murder up until they or their family would like to undergo one.
I have seen no evidence that they actually believe that, considering how this diverges from their beliefs about the sanctity of life in many other areas.
Buuut they don’t. When was the last time a so called Christian held a funeral for a miscarriage??
They do not believe what you said, not at all.
Their religious texts don’t say it. They don’t believe because they are not ready to throw their sisters and mothers in prison for abortions.
It is all a big fat lie perpetrated by politicians using religion for their personal gain. They have used effective propaganda to dup non-political people into voting for them.
There are some extremists that may believe this but they are not mainstream at all despite how badly they want to be. I would argue these people are not Christians at all.
Christians believe that a zombie can come back to life too. Why would any of their fantasy beliefs matter in the slightest.
We understand that they believe it. We don’t agree with it and resent being told we have to live under someone else’s belief system.
Forcing others to live their lives according to your religion that they do not share is violence.
The rest of humanity does not want or need your beliefs forced on us, so kindly keep them to yourselves.
The post I was replying to literally started with the words “I don’t understand”.
it starts with that because i, as an individual, don’t understand! i’ve lived my whole life surrounded by atheists, was born and raised as an atheist by other atheists, and i genuinely don’t get how someone can think that their outdated organised religion should dictate modern life
Your ONLY allowed to kill Children AFTER they’ve been Born! That’s why these SAME people are TOTALLY COOL with Guns in Schools and Calling in Bomb Threats to Children’s Hospital’s and Outlawing Youth Medicine and Defunding School Lunches!
Pro birth, not pro life.
The correct term is “forced birth”
If you really want to be accurate, they are actually “punish women for enjoying sex”
In my limited experience there is nothing conservatives love more than seeing an “other” suffer the worst consequences possible when they step out of line. Because they DESERVE to suffer. Because they are subhuman.
Yeah it’s like confirmation for them of that’s what you get when you stray from the narrow path of possibility that I’ve been trained to define my life by.
They love to think it’s some natural law and they’re just in on the facts, not a cruel and arbitrary system that has been manufactured by people, and maintained and reproduced by people like themselves.
And of course the big one: that All This could be changed for the better, but they would have to admit to not having all the answers.
Pro life would have implemented Universal Healthcare long time ago.
The forced birth party, that many “libertarians” somehow vote for…
I have to commend these vile shitbags with being consistent about hating women and wanting them to be miserable incubators.
Other “moderate” regressives who find that far too cruel to impose on somebody need to get a fucking clue what team they are backing. Supporting abortion for rape and incest is inconsistent with pretending a fetus is a human. There are no crimes a father can commit where it is morally acceptable to execute a child.
There are no crimes a father can commit where it is morally acceptable to execute a child.
Other than that, Christianity has a lot of things about forgiveness and eternal soul and such, which not only make responsibility quite personal, but also make such child not worse than any other child.
He created that monster. It’s his own fault if they eat him alive- because I guarantee you, they’re going to get far worse and they’ll turn on him in a fucking second if he even so much as glances to the left.
hell one of them already took a shot at him. If that’s not a wake up call I don’t know what is.
Just a reminder that the only sensible way to determine if a pregnancy was caused by rape is to ask the woman.
If you’re pro-rape-exception, you’re pro choice.
I’m pro-choice, but I think this is a bit silly. For example you could say that having car insurance cover accidents but not intentional damage is the same as covering intentional damage because the only sensible way to determine it is to ask the driver.
Is it as hard to prove someone intentionally damaged there car as it is to prove someone wasn’t raped? If so, then yes, insurance companies are covering for intentional damage.
A better fit for your example if is the rules change so that insurance companies only paid out if the other driver intentionally rammed into you. If it was an accident all around they don’t pay out. How would you enforce such a rule? You couldn’t.
How do you prove sex is consensual when you can’t even demonstrate which sex act caused the pregnancy?
Requiring a police report of rape would get you over halfway there. And I hate having this conversation because I completely disagree with the idea, but acting like it’s impossible to implement doesn’t help anyone. We should argue against it because it’s a bad idea, not because the enforcement would be tricky.
The filing a report becomes paper work to get an abortion.
Edit: Also, I don’t know if requiring a police report counts as sensible. There are legitimate reasons a woman my not want to file a police report: they don’t want to make trouble with the rapist (boss, parent etc), they were raped by a cop.
You think they wouldn’t waste a bunch of time looking into it, when it gives them an opportunity to oppress the bodily autonomy of women? C’mon. This is the police we’re talking about.
Unless they think it’s real, then they won’t bother.
Are you suggesting there is some kind of physical way to determine whether or not intercourse was consensual?
Allow me to introduce to you Consensual Non-Consent.
No, I’m saying that if a woman gets pregnant from consensual sexual intercourse with someone and claims that it was rape, it puts her and her partner at risk. This isn’t that difficult.
So if a woman wants an abortion, no problem, just lie and send your partner to prison.
Who says her partner raped her?
Because women with partners are 100% impervious to acts of sexual violence from others?