And no particular goal, like a dog with the zoomies.
ADHD is basically the only reason I’m able to work in the area I do, I have absolutely no formal training in it other than what I taught myself while procrastinating.
Is it tech
I bet it’s tech isn’t it
Why did I even pretend I could get away without saying it -3-
I’m lowkey jealous of neurodiverhent people who obsessed over tech. My fixation is emergency medicine. Now I’m a jaded and traumatized EMT who can barely pay rent lol
I used to be obsessed with tech. Believe me, there’s plenty to be jaded and traumatized about, though obviously in a much different category than what you went through.
Actually, it’s professional volleyball.
That’s cool. Volleyball is nice, just watched Japan vs Germany this morning
True, volleyball is good. As long as you’re not cheering for the Dutch beach volley team 😬
Why are they controversial?
Because one of them is a convicted child rapist who only got one year in prison for raping a 12yo and the rest are defending him 🤬
If only… 🥲
If I stop being addicted to computers, I will lose my house.
What area do you work in?
I’m in a software development-ish role (slightly too specialised to say I actually develop software anymore)
I often envy people working in IT. It feels like the perfect field for ADHD people. For me it feels like it’s too late to change over. (I’m in my early 30s.) So I think it’s gonna be best to just try to be happy with my current job. After all, wanting something else than what you currently have is very ADHDish…
Nah mate, you wouldn’t believe how many early 30s and end 20s start their IT studies over here. If you like it and you’re into it, you can still rock it. Think about how many years of work you have left and take 2-5 years off that it takes to switch … I think its still worth it in the long run isn’t it?
Think about how many years of work you have left
It’s incredibly depressing.
I started university when I was in my mid 30s and graduated as a chemical engineer, much better than working retail or something for another 20 years
I don’t know. I have a full time job and have to pay off a house for the next ~30 years. There’s no room to follow other professions.
WGU can get you a BS in software development or IT in a handful of years for like $3,500 per half year.
Trained an ex chef of 20 years who took bsc in CS in his early 40s. Gone on to start a great career in tech. It’s never too late fren
Can you tell more about it?
I mostly do security and server maintenance to support a team of developers. It’s kinda a bore tbh, too much paperwork
I’m old. Before internet, I would read the encyclopedia for fun, and spend hours in the library.
Growing up in the 80s, we somehow had an encyclopedia set from the 60s. You bet your ass I was reading random (possibly outdated) crap all the time.
We are still learning possibly outdated crap
Atlas was my favorite book as a child
*except what you initially set out to do and actually need to do.
I literally had to ban myself from TV Tropes for life.
Not gonna link it since I’m pretty sure that doing so in a community like this one counts as a war crime 😄
Oh god, TVTropes is like fucking crack cocaine for my brain, I’m like a wet sponge after those endless rabbitholes. I have had the most difficult time explaining to others what it’s about, but I’m quite content for it to be my own little getaway.
Hmm this sounds like reading about old wrestlers on the lives they led on Wikipedia for me. I’ve spent hours upon hours doing that, and I don’t know why. I haven’t watched wrasslin in 35 years.
Dude, even mentioning it violates some international convention. There goes the rest of my day.
Sorry 😬
The only thing that saves me from that site is that some point in the past it became browser cancer. Not sure if it’s gotten better but I don’t intend on finding out.
This is why I’m such a good car nerd. Ive built dozens of high performance cars with tools, ive built THOUSANDS using google.
At the moment Im spreadsheet building a new drag car. Before I buy a single part I know if its going to go together the way I plan, what all the major parts are going to cost and what jobs Ill have to send out and what they will cost. The weights and measurements of most parts and what kind of end quarter mile results it will put me in the ballpark of.
I don’t even care about cars but that’s amazing.
The sad thing is that as cars get more complicated, google is getting thousands of times worse and old forums and photobucket accounts get deleted its becoming very hard to do these days.
Also its kind of horrifying how fast all the parts prices add up, nothing takes the shine off the terrible (awesome) idea you have like realising you will spend $20k and take 2 years to lose a race to a $10k used car.
But, can you pivot a table?
I have a particular set of skills
I have an approximate knowledge of many things.
Nonsense. Here’s the link to the Minoan Eruption:
Woah. Imagine your entire island explodes, causing the world to enter a volcanic winter.
… And also have the ability to skim internet content really really fast for all relevant information i need somehow without actually reading any of it.
It’s kind of crazy that so many people don’t know how to skim a page.
I’ve met far too many people that have to read the entire page in order to find the one section they need. It’s infuriating.
I should memorise this reply.
My trivia team has two weaponised autists. I’m one of them. I brought the second one in. We’re only allowed to play together once a month. Loool
In the future, we will be known as history men. (Sorry, just watched furiosa not long ago)
Yeah, but did you know Swans can be gay? Also, don’t tell your wife - she might start crying (again).