She set a tone at the very start when she walked right into his space to shake his hand and made him almost pull back into himself in response. She was in charge and never stopped being in charge.

Harris also managed what neither Joe Biden nor Hillary Clinton nor any of the 2016 Republicans managed to do which is successfully bait Donald Trump and get under his skin. Within a few minutes Trump was visibly angry and not in a way that empowered him but in a way that made him lose focus, go down rabbit holes and generally go off onto damaging tangents. Spittle anger, not righteous anger, shall we say.

    177 days ago

    And yet, none of it will matter because anyone who had even been considering voting for the racist cheeto is infinitely entrenched and bound by their own logic.

    • TheHiddenCatboy
      26 days ago

      Indeed, and note that Harris didn’t even attempt to go after his voters. The target is the middle and the squishy left, a reminder of what the stakes are in this election. She made it clear he was a petulant child, only caring about himself and the things important to him, and invited voters who want someone who doesn’t just care about themselves to come out and vote for her.

      Hopefully it’s effective, because Trump has Project 2025 ready to go, despite his lies saying he knows nothing about it.

    6 days ago

    Right off starts with BS.

    She set a tone at the very start when she walked right into his space to shake his hand and made him almost pull back into himself in response. She was in charge and never stopped being in charge.

    Lol, that’s not things work! What a stupid narrative… Trump knew exactly what he was doing by walking straight to his podium. He didn’t even meet her halfway. He made her have to come over to him. That! is the power move. Making her have to come to him. THAT is what shows dominance. Harris displays no dominance and is going to appear weak to other world leaders, which will make America look weak.

    She was never in charge. And she reaked of subservience.

  • MisterCrisper
    2238 days ago

    Kamala Harris dominated the debate despite the fact that she was given about 5 minutes less time to speak!

    It’s disappointing to see how the media invariably accommodates Trump. Contrary to the rules of the debate, when Trump continued talking after his time was up or demanded to respond to a point Harris made, they often let him by not muting his microphone. This added up to right around 5 minutes of extra speaking time on prime time television for him to spew his lies. The one time Harris tried the same thing she was shut down by the moderators. If there is any silver lining here it’s that Trump probably made his debate performance worse by talking more!

    I was glad to see some push back and fact checking by the moderators in regards to Trump’s most egregious lies. Today MAGA is complaining that the debate was rigged and the moderators were against Trump due to the fact checks while they should be thanking ABC for the special treatment that allowed Trump extra air time.

    Go Harris/Walz!

      1178 days ago

      The one time Harris tried the same thing she was shut down by the moderators.

      And she didn’t even put up with that. She just waited until her next turn, went back, said her part, and then answered the new question. Trump was basically incoherent by comparison

        828 days ago

        And she only did it to counter a bold face lie he said about herself.
        Not 10 minutes before she stated that she did not ban fracking, will not ban fracking and made the tie breaking vote in favor of fracking.
        But he still says “shes going to ban fracking if elected” like dude WTH. Are you paying attention?

          688 days ago

          And I, for one, would love it if she actually banned fracking. But that’s not an argument that Trump World can make.

            8 days ago

            What is fracking?.
            Fracking — shorthand for hydraulic fracturing — is the process of extracting gas or oil deep underground using a high-pressure mixture of water, sand and chemicals to break up rock.

            Its definetly a controversial subject.

            I think it’s a hot issue for many working class citizens due to the results of creating more American jobs and lowering gas prices.

            On the other side of the issue is climate risks and feeding our reliance on fossil fuels.

            Yeah keep downvoting me without adding to the conversation. I haven’t said I was one way or the other. Just providing an article for education on the subject and speculating on why people are on both sides.

            To state my opinion. I’m against fracking. Against ICE vehicle subsidies (fuck these huge pick up trucks). Also for nuclear power.

                118 days ago

                We all know in a capitalist society there are people who only see short term. They care about themselves and not the future.

                That means billionaires that only care about making the line go up. Increasing their own wealth. Hoarding it like greedy little lepricons.

                That means working class that wants cheap gas and more jobs.

                All at the cost of the planet and the future of all life on the planet.

    • Coelacanth
      258 days ago

      It was very disappointing, even though it was pretty much as expected. They even let Trump talk over and interrupt the moderators!

  • Cornpop
    1558 days ago

    As soon as she said small crowd size and low energy people leaving early he lost it lol

        8 days ago

        I wasn’t shocked at all (except the general shock that a person like this has ever come close to the presidency). Particularly in recent years, I’ve seen him take bait so many times which wasn’t even intended as bait, but it triggered him. And because it slightly grazed his fragile ego, priority number one for him is to go on an ego-defending tangent that only confuses and undermines any points he could have made about the actual topic.

        Harris knew that as long as she peppered her responses with a trigger here and a trigger there, he would be unable to help himself every time. And that’s what we saw.

        • Coelacanth
          468 days ago

          Yeah I don’t understand how people are still surprised by this either. He is an unrepentant, raging malignant narcissist. He physically - biologically! - cannot resist defending his ego when challenged.

        368 days ago

        I’m more shocked that Democrats haven’t tried to bait him this way much before. It’s not hard to get him to prattle on about nothing while you look like the grown-up in the room.

  • Queen HawlSera
    1028 days ago

    I’m still stuck on this thing about how undocumented immigrants are coming to America to eat dogs and cats, but in the process are being forcibly sent to American Prisons which are actually a front for experimental sex changing drugs creating a squad of latinas-who-used-to-be-latinos with the goal of sending them to dominate women’s sports, and the existence of transpeople like myself are an elaborate hoax to manufacture consent for this program.

    Do I understand that correctly, that is actually what Donald Trump unironically believes?

    • Cethin
      308 days ago

      Don’t forget that the immigrants are coming from insane asylums, and are not legal immigrants seeking asylum.

        117 days ago

        It’s hilarious, he obviously literally does not know the difference between “insane asylum” and “seeking asylum”. He’s so goddamn stupid he thinks they’re the same word.

        • Goddamn, I wish a moderator had called him out on that one. I didn’t realize he was referencing asylum seekers, and the humiliation as they explain it slowly to him would be wonderful.

    • If the last person who talked to him was Stephen Miller, it probably is. To paraphrase George Burns, putting an idea into his head is like putting a basketball into a thimble.

        97 days ago

        putting an idea into his head is like putting a basketball into a thimble.

        I’m so going to steal this expression!

    • SkaveRat
      207 days ago

      Man, I’d hate to sneak into the US just to chill and chow down on some cats, just to end up winning gold medals in woman’s sports

      Would be super annoyed

      207 days ago

      He doesn’t believe anything he says. He doesn’t even hear himself. He’s like a poorly trained LLM at this point. It’s become so over tuned it’s only spews nonsense with conviction

        27 days ago

        He doesn’t believe anything he says.

        Trump has often bragged about how good he is at deceiving people. Anyone who thinks Traitorapist Trump believes his own shit has been Trumped.

    • dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️
      97 days ago

      You forgot the part about how the trans surgeries are actually medical experiments to create an alien-human hybrid to prepare the Earth for the upcoming alien invasion.

      67 days ago

      All Trump proved is that he is the social media-addicted racist uncle everyone has in their family. That is what he demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt.

      • ddh
        47 days ago

        “I saw it on television”

    718 days ago

    Work has been interesting so far. Not many of the huge Trumpers are discussing it and they discuss every time he cuddles out a fart. Most are saying they didn’t have the stomach to watch KuMALuh lie all night or the entire thing is rigged. There’s been one comment that her earrings were secretly devices to feed her the answers.

      848 days ago

      The trucker I swamp for has swapped rhetoric from “Kamala laughs like a hyena/ Trump is fine” to declarations about how he doesn’t care about politics and how maybe we should all just stop talking about it.

      Very funny how fast that disengage happened.

      • RuBisCO
        78 days ago

        How does one ‘swamp for’ a trucker? What new devilry is this?

            57 days ago

            I’m a Teamster … and I’m a fucking school bus driver. When I signed up for the union I made a joke about getting a phone call at midnight to go down to the docks and break some kneecaps. The guy taking the forms un-ironically said “I wish we did that”.

              16 days ago

              Some Teamsters are wild man. One guy I rode with went on a whole thing about how he thought “Swamper” was such an outdated thing to call my position and I brought up the whole thing about how he wasn’t driving horses either and he went on a 40 minute tyrade about how very dare I/ it’s still called “horsepower” / proud history of the union…

              Cocaine is one hell of a drug.

      278 days ago

      I doubt most of them watch it even when he was doing well. They just say they do and parrot whatever Fox tells them.

    • socsa
      17 days ago

      Any time you hear someone openly supporting Trump at work, make an anonymous report to HR. Make it everyone’s problem.

    697 days ago

    I’m not American, but that was fun to watch. I had my popcorn and everything. It felt like I’m watching Cartman debate Wendy or something.

    7 days ago

    He says he won and his supporters believe it. That’s all they need. Doesn’t matter if he was dominated or not.

      7 days ago

      But it also reassures anyone hesitant about her ability to hold her own as a leader. Her real job was not coming off as a political hack from a desperate party. And instead she played him like a concert fucking pianist.

        27 days ago

        Just like for almost 4 years the American ppl have been played like “a concert fucking pianist”?

        See ya at the pump. Or the grocery store. Or living behind a 7 Eleven because housing prices are out of control.

        Look at the deeds, not the words. She is part of the current administration and cannot run from her track record.

          137 days ago

          Current admin has accomplished more towards my political priorities than any republican candidate ever has or ever will.

          We get it, whatever single issue you’re hung up on means you hate Harris. Whatever. Be an adult.

      7 days ago

      This isn’t accurate. They may not change their vote, but this hurt them. This further proved that Trump is demented, bumbling, and easy to manipulate.

      7 days ago

      Trump and his followers are truth proclaimers, not truth seekers. They believe truth is dictated by consensus, volume, devotion, etc because that’s what their religion and their narcissistic delusions teach them. Everyone else knows that truth is something to be analyzed and determined, not proclaimed.

      So in general, yeah it’s a waste of time paying attention to what their reaction is. They’re a predictable bunch.

        147 days ago

        They believe truth is dictated by consensus, volume, devotion, etc because that’s what their religion and their narcissistic delusions teach them. Everyone else knows that truth is something to be analyzed and determined, not proclaimed.

        It’s the same old shit the Nazis did.

      197 days ago

      I don’t think you can use a racist cult as a measuring stick. Of course it doesn’t matter to them, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter at all.

      • He didn’t say it didn’t matter, he said it’s a waste of time worrying about their reactions. Which in a sense, is true, considering how predictable those reasons always are.

    • Keep in mind, Blue MAGA here tried to claim Biden won his debate.

      It’s obligatory for those on a team to claim they win. If you were voting for Harris before the debate, you are still voting for Harris after the debate. If you were voting for Trump, there is almost no chance that changed based on this debate.

      If you are on the right and not voting for Trump this election, you probably aren’t voting. Cheney isn’t bringing votes to the Democrats.

      The votes left to get (amongst registered) are leftists who are still struggling to vote for a candidate who supports a genocide. You won’t get them abusing them with the idea that they need to sacrifice their morals for a candidate. Only the candidate can get those voters, and they can only do so with a policy shift. It’s probably about 2.5 to 5 percent of registered Democrats s in this bucket. More than enough to make or break the Harris candidacy.

      The only other option for more votes is to create more registered voters (link above). So we’re very rapidly coming up to the point where neither the Harris or Trump campaign can j crease their vote share in the critical states that are going to decide this election.

      Using the relatively well established rule of about 2 weeks for information to filter through the news and to emerge in polling, and the consideration that the voter registration deadline is coming up, that we should expect a policy shift from Harris around October 12th -16th. This is simply because there really aren’t any more votes for the campaign to get once the registration deadlines begin to pass.

        187 days ago

        I’ve never heard anyone claiming that Biden won his debate. I’ve heard some say it was survivable, which it was not. Having watched both debates, I think it’s pretty safe to say that Biden lost his and Harris won hers. Both with rather big margins.

          7 days ago

          I mean, their claims were happening here, live. See the past mega threads. There really is no reason to cite ignorance for something so easily verifiable.

        87 days ago

        The votes left to get (amongst registered) are leftists who are still struggling to vote for a candidate who supports a genocide.

        I can’t tell if you’re being genuine and clueless or malicious.

        Let’s assume you’re the former first. WaPo did a pretty cool piece with undecided swing voters during the debate. It resulted in a small but significant shift left. You can check it out here:

        Unfortunately, I’m going to assume the latter. To quote Kamala, “This is the same tired old playbook” the Russian troll farms trotted out when Biden was in the race. I’m not sure if you’re one of those that fell for it or if you’re a troll yourself, but it’s not working anymore. If Trump were in office, he’d gleefully tell Netanyahu to bomb Palestine out of existence. If this is going to be a talking point, at least discuss it in good faith.

      37 days ago

      In a triage situation, you focus on those who are most likely to survive given the resources available. You can’t fix extremists so focus on the ones you can save instead.

    608 days ago

    We don’t really know whether nobody has dominated Donald Trump like that, because we don’t know what Putin says when they talk.