This story just gets better and better.
Was there ever any doubt that she was lying?
No, but it’s fun to see the proof.
The video was more than I could have even hoped for: ignoring a pregnant woman who asked her to stop, taking flash photo selfies, getting felt up in a crowded theater, and flipping the bird to the poor people who work there chef’s kiss
The attack ads write themselves if the democrats are willing to use them, lol. It’s crazy.
I thought simply airing clips of her speaking would be damaging enough, but this video of her without audio… Just wow
Plus her
husbandboy toy Hieled Hitler in the beginning!*I’m kidding but it almost looked like he did. Though I guess that might not be a negative thing for the people that vote Boebert.
EDITED to correct inaccurate husband statement.
Not her husband. The party of family values’ champion seen here disrespecting a pregnant mother, getting handsy with her fuhrers only date, and putting her shirt back on to free up her hands for a goodbye bird.
Ha, it gets even more hypocritical. The guy is called Quinn Gallagher and he’s part owner of a bar in Aspen that hosts drag shows.
What a bad influence he probably got her hooked on vaping too
That’s not her husband. She filed for divorce.
Every word uttered by a conservative is deception or manipulation. Every word. The proof that she was vaping was that she said she wasn’t.
But yet somehow she rolled a nat 1 on this deception check. Hahaha.
Probably shouldn’t have put INT or WIS as a dump stat.
Then she wouldn’t meet the requirements for the Politician quest line.
You just need to have your faction invest in the gerrymandering skill tree.
It was part of the 1812 patch.
How do you dump strength, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma? No knowledge on dex, but I bet it’s low. Her constitution seems high though. Those must have been some bad rolls when she rolled for stats.
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Good O’l Projection (GOP)®
Gaslight, Obstruct, Project.
So it was a smokescreen after all!
Boebert’s website:
As a mother of four children, I believe that life begins at conception, and I will always defend life
Boebert in reality:
Vapes indoor in front of a pregnant woman, then acts out when she’s told to be considerate.
I’m so tired of this right wing “fuck my neighbors, / countrymen, I can do whatever I want” bullshit.
I have a piece of shit like this living behind me. Dude is always shooting guns and illegal fireworks over the house at 1am, and when you approach him, he gets on a “you hate freedom” tirade.
Makes you wonder how much freedom he can take.
Sounds like someone needs to fire off their own fireworks as soon as another someone goes to sleep
I usually just call the cops on him, and then he has a Randy Marsh “I thought this wasa merrica” moment, pushes the officers, and goes to jail for the night, again.
They don’t understand that there is freedom to and there is freedom from.
I can have the freedom to fire a gun in the air.
I can have the freedom from falling bullets.
I can’t have both, unless these freedoms only apply to me.
Look, I vape! -blows a giant cloud the size of someone’s head in a crowded theatre-
She knew exactly what was happening. I’ve been vaping near enough ten years and haven’t ever felt the need for that big or hot of a hit. I guess it would be viable to have a home build that you don’t use in public spaces, but personally I’ve always preferred small, low temp hits with significantly less exhaust. Though I suppose expecting her or those like her to be considerate of others is like expecting a capybara to have scales. Utter nonsense.
for that big or hot of a hit.
She’s a conservative so there is an innate need to prove they aren’t weak or meek. She does this by picking on the weak and meek around her to prove she isn’t “one of them”.
It’s also a convenient way to refill on the hot air when they’re running low. You don’t want to see how they top off their bullshit tank. It’s not pretty.
So thaaaats where the waste goes when they empty the septic tank.
Seriously what an idiot. If you need to hit your vape, at the very least go the restroom and small puff in the stall incognito style. Not trying to champion that and of course you should really go outside but good lord. Complete blatant dumbassery here.
Bathroom or even the hall or the freakin back of the theater even. Literally any amount of consideration for others and she might lose her voters though.
People get high, drunk and fuck on the rear seats all the time without messing with anyone. But yeah, it doesn’t count if you aren’t an asshole to others while doing it.
If she had whipped out a pufco i might have to find a modicum of respect for this.
If she had a puffco it’d be significantly less of a disturbance than that unnecessary cloud of waste.
When you elect someone to congress who emotionally peaked in high school.
She dropped out of high school.
High school is being very, very generous. Middle school is more likely the answer.
She is kind of similar to a fog machine in a lot of ways
How dare you insult fog machines like that!
Right! At least fog machines are useful
Less post-production added plastic, better for the environment.
Yes they both spew suffocating gas but at least fog machines are fun at a party, this bitch probably would just vomit on your couch
Not her first time her bullshit being called out because someone was recording it. She should start assuming that someone has recorded her before she opens her mouth to spew bullshit.
Caught her in 4K.
Gotta love how the theater tracking her like she was at the Jan 6th riot. Covering their ass for when she would inevitably try to lie her way out of it. Without the footage she would have just claimed she was kicked out for being a MAGA loser. No you were kicked out for being an entitled drunk ass, everyone can see it.
Could we get a photo album of the cretins that voted for this smoothbrain?
I think there’s a website with them on it.
That’s classist as fuck.
You can be poor and not roll up to Walmart un-showered in a threadbare moomoo chain smoking 305’s and needing to be told to not smoke in the store. But those people choose not to.
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Suggesting that the people featured on that site support Boebert
Are you saying that if you asked people in one of her district’s Walmarts you wouldn’t find anyone who voted for her?
Im saying that that site is classist as is suggesting that because someone is poor and has acted inappropriately that they necessarily back her.
But if some of those pictures are taken in her district then some of those people voted for her, right?
You are literally the only one here suggesting that shopping at Walmart has anything to do with one’s class or being poor.
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Intellectualism is dead, this is your representative now. Fling the shit with the other apes. Consume.
20 years ago this would been the end of her political career.
Now she can rest assured that her constituents will either never see this on Fox News, or Fox will come up with some way to justify the continued existence of her political career.
Hopefully her next challenger will use these videos in campaign ads and at least shame her supporters into not voting for her or not voting at all.
Alea iacta est.
There is no turning back now.
Lauren and all of her 900 voters are pieces of shit.
It’s all about attention seeking by being as obnoxious as possible. I can see how it works for a rebellious 15 year old, but not as the basis of a political manifesto. Except there is no such thing as bad publicity.
Yep, agreed. The trump way
So her earlier comments about it (where she adamantly denied vaping and claimed her only crime was laughing and singing) were a lie? Shocker.
Anyone see the part where her boyfriend there was grabbing her boob for a solid 2 minutes? Classy.
tbh I’d do the same thing. Totally trashy and she’s a disgusting person, but… that’s how I like them.
She’s a good example of how being ugly on the inside can show on the outside… when she was first elected, I don’t remember thinking she looked ao ridiculous, but now all I see is Mr. Ed’s racist, less educated cousin.
This guy puts it better than I ever could.
Yeah, how this became about vaping is a real head-scratcher. Sure, it’s rude, but come on. The rest of the story is so much more compelling.
Because it’s not against the law to grab some titty
Can’t get cancer from someone else grasping a silicone lump
Her Boobert
I think she could be very attractive if she wasn’t so stupid. Such a shame