I drink coffee daily, it gives me zero energy. I drink it for the taste and in the winter for the warmth. I’m exhausted at all times 😎🤙
Same, but for tea and maté. Though sometimes if I crank too much mate too quickly, I’ll get hyper anxious for the rest of the day. Not buzzed or jittery, just the sense that everything I’ve been working towards is about to come crashing down upon me… and still exhausted.
Lmao same. Though it’s also become a bit of a work ritual. I’ll have anywhere between 2-6 cups over the course of a workday when I’m in the office.
The unfortunate corrolary to this is that if you are fueling your tasks with anger and caffeine, letting go of that anger can be supremely demotivating. Trying to be a healthier person to be around can turn around and sap your will for your efforts. At least that is how my experience has been.
So you’re saying substitute more caffeine, or are we gonna try a different emotion?
How about envy? Pick one person to be really jealous of and let that drive you to new heights. Or become a Sith.
I vote lust. Develop an intense fetish for your own ability to focus and be productive.
Unrealistic, settle for bondage like the rest of us.
The priapism is gonna be a problem
With that attitude, it will be…
Personally I have been microdoseing anxiety for years. Sure, it’s a bad solution but it is a “functioning” solution.
Nothing more permanent than a temporary solution that works
Post-covid its not working for me anymore. Something broke and it hasn’t come back. It was my go to 😔
Or just do insane amounts of Adderall. (You can also always sell it fast if ya need to)
Maybe the upgrade to this can be righteous anger, like an anime hero, lots of screaming and yelling but it’s out of raw determination rather than hatred for all things lol.
I found that once I had my life on track, being diagnosed in my late thirties, it was easier to tackle life without medication. Because methylphenidate is not an easy drug to take. I would swear profusely even when not doing anything and it killed my appetite, which was bad because I rarely ate anyway. It’s just I was hungry but it made me feel sick to eat.
When there are more negatives than the problems it’s fixing I had to make a choice to rawdog life. It just means I have no control over whether I do something. Want to play Minecraft so bad but can’t find the drive, guess we just watching YouTube until Monday then being sad it’s back to work.
It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. You just described my life, but without the diagnosis or trying meds.
Atomoxetine joins the chat. In cases where drugs with focus on dopamine don’t work, such for noradrenaline usually do.
Are those the only two you’ve tried? Are you open to stimulants?
You sound like somebody I could glean a few good nuggets of wisdom from.
Ask away my friend, I’ll do my best.
Haha it took me a long time to figure out you meant “sweat.” I was busy trying to wrap my head around excessive swearing as a symptom lol
caffeine weed and anger
chefs kiss triceratopseleventy
My neurologist told me to give up caffeine, been 1 month so far. Genuinely haven’t noticed a difference in my life yet, turns out in the short term I was addicted to the taste of redbull, not the caffeine.
I’m thinking I’ll have to give up weed too since I’ve started getting hyperemesis every other time I smoke. (I’m prescribed a thc oil but I genuinely feel nothing when I take it, even if I take 10x the dose, so 🤷 )
And if I’m giving up weed I might as well give up cigarettes too…
Not nicotine though, you’ll pry nicotine from my cold, stroke induce dead hands. I’ll be chewing on this gum till the noise in my head stops.
Any chance that thc oil contains THCA and needs to be decarbed? Seems weird to feel nothing, unless your prescription was minuscule to begin with.
I can’t imagine they’d prescribe oil that needs to be further processed by the patient. The printed dosage instructions from my doctor just say to take 0.5ml sublingual, and the pharmacist didn’t say anything otherwise. It was topaz t25 oil, my friends tried some because I was convinced it was the wrong product or something, and it worked for them.
I have issues with other drugs too, like I still puke when dosed up on ondansatron, and the reason Im prescribed cannabis is because I can’t take opiods for my chronic pain condition, even 8mg of codeine causes my respiratory rate to drop dangerously low. My chronic pain is the result of a genetic disorder, so I’ve just assumed I metabolised things badly, though Ive asked several doctor about it and because I’m in the public healthcare system I can’t access CYP2D6 testing to know for sure.
Oh wow, thanks for the explanation.
And regarding the further processing, it depends on the product and how it’s taken. Maybe it’s just less controlled where I am, because you can buy just about anything you want with a medical card and there are plenty of thca products available.
But you’re obviously in a unique situation and the stuff works for your friends, so my guess seems a lot less likely!
Yeah it’s pretty regulated here, you present your evidence for being a medical cannabis candidate to your GP/PCP (or they tell you they think you’re a candidate) who refers to you to a clinic that specialises in cannabis, the intake appointment was 2 hours long, they prescribe specific products based on your symptoms and needs, then script gets sent to a compounding chemist and you go and pick up the medication from the chemist, the same chemist that you’d go to for advil and beta blockers.
perhaps they developed a high tolerance quickly? just trying to guess
Before getting diagnosed I would routinely drink at least a pot (maybe two) of coffee throughout the day to stay motivated and probably three mixed drinks at the minimum after dinner to slow down the “inner restlessness.”
Not a healthy lifestyle at all.
slow down the “inner restlessness.”
Is that possible‽
I watched my undiagnosed mother self medicate with a 2-3 pot per day habit for decades. Fortunately she was able to quit, but not before she retired – and not before developing a heart arrhythmia. Fuck anyone who thinks this isn’t a serious condition.
Yeah maybe, but you were staying hydrated.
I’ve been told I have ADHD by my friends with ADHD, so apparently I’m spec’d deep into anger. Kids, it works!
I’m over here doing both AND while medicated. Though most of the rage comes from bumping heads with people that don’t have ADHD and keep pulling my attention away from shit. Sometimes the normal “hey check this out real quick shit is funny” or to dump a different problem/task on me. Because I am unfortunately the person that has fixed enough weird shit and they seem to refuse to remember stuff I have shown them (time after time after time). Which means I get stuck having to rush all the shit I was doing before the interruptions and end up staying later than everyone else to not forget what I need to do the next day.
I have begun giving a “me warning” to new folks to let them know that I might come across as an absolute asshole and very short with them at times. But that they should just be aware that I am not actually mad at them personally, and to be direct with me right back if I go too far and say something (like “too far man” or similar) as I will actually try to correct myself.
Ripping me out of my forced hyperfocus absolutely infuriates me. I worked very very very very very very hard to get into a mindset that will allow me to work, and it is so fragile… please do not interrupt if I ask you not to.
I suffered a job exactly like this for almost a decade. Public facing, helpdesk kind of work. Obviously I was also assigned office-like busywork as well.
So the entire job was just having my brain ripped between “What was I doing?” And “Excuse me fix my problem sir, but let me ramble about how frustrated it makes me for like 20 minutes first because you’re cheaper than a therapist!”
I’m still trying to undo how much that place screwed me up.
cries in high school teacher
I’m trying to get out of the field but it isn’t easy. I chose the wrong career 😆 🤣 😂
Sympathetic hugs for you! 🫂
I feel your pain friend. I’m sure you’re a fantastic teacher though! But I bet the constant focus-breaking and admin side of things puts a serious strain on you!
I found myself teaching a martial arts class regularly as a side thing. (Classes across all age groups), and even though people think I’m “so outgoing”, lemme tell ya…the martial arts part is the least exhausting part of it! 😂
I hope you find something that still feels fulfilling but allows you to work more naturally. :)
Thanks so much for this post! ❤️
I actually did get good at it and even experienced the same via masking. Unfortunately, masking and perfectionism are not sustainable over a whole career and what sucks is that the teaching field tries to (in my experience) keep people within the education discipline via guilt and a lack of training outside of the classroom.
Anyway, I don’t totally regret my career but it’s time to move on. Thanks for the good wishes and response, friend.
Jokes on you, my ADHD makes caffeine do absolutely nothing to me. I can drink two energy drinks and then take a nap.
I nap regularly anymore and drink a lot of coffee. Now this has me questioning if I have ADHD, yet my OCD keeps me in check.
Caffeine is so relaxing, you get funny looks if you doze off at work after chugging an energy drink tho
I quit caffeine a month ago (my neurologist is convinced my redbull “addiction” was causing the migraines I’ve been having since I was 6) and it’s no skin off my back to quit for 6 months to prove him wrong.
Only the insomnia!
I used to have a red bull right before bed to help me relax and sleep soundly, now I’ve got nothing (weed makes me want to clean my house then throw up)
I haven’t had any caffeine cravings, but I have started hallucinating from the sleep deprivation. I was told caffeine withdrawals usually only last 2 weeks so I’m wondering if this is just my natural sleep cycle shining through.
I’ve got a sublingual melatonin tincture that I need to remember to use because it helps somewhat, but despite multiple alarms and post it notes near my bed I completely forget I have it as an option.
With caffeine and anger, I’ve found that dysfunction is possible.
I’m terrified to think of where I’d be without either.
I mean, the caffeine is scientifically proven to be completely ineffective self medication with worse long term health effects than the literal amphetamines that are actually effective.
On the other hand, it doesn’t need a prescription, so
is scientifically proven
Sorry, what?
At what doses?
Yeah if someone’s self-medicating with like 18 cups of coffee per day they’re gonna have a bad time, but like 2 cups shouldn’t wreck somebody. I feel like this needs more specificity.
(Although more than 4 cups per day will start leeching calcium from your bones, so watch out for that)
tbf I’d be dosing on caffeine even if I didn’t have ADHD
Are two 64oz mugs a day, a sign I might have ADHD? 🤔 I feel like I get nothing from it, but nice warm feeling.
Man that’s a lot of weed
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gotta get those numbers up
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buy little cups.
./points to temple.exe
That was me when I worked in an office with a fancy coffee maker. Current place I’m down to maybe 2 cups (well, they’re XL, but there’s only 2 of them!)
I cant imagine rawdogging life
I go through phases… I’ll drink tons of coffee then end up not touching it for days or even weeks at a time. (Right now it’s been nearly a week.)
I’ve managed to get myself into just one in the morning then rotate between water and tea for the rest of the day. I always crave coffee but it makes me feel shit and tired.
Ya coffee doesn’t do anything for me, but I do like the taste. It’s mainly about just having something warm to drink, whether it’s coffee, tea or hot chocolate for me.
Yup! By the latter quarter of my time in college I was up to 10 cups of strong af black coffee before midday, and a quarter pack of cigarettes. Then the pandemic hit and it was harder than ever getting cigs and was forced to quit cold turkey when I got infected. Not dealing with traffic also made the anxiety I got from coffee not managable and had to tone that down too.
I’ve managed to reduce my coffee intake to once a day at most, early in the AM. Mostly for the flavour. A good shot of espresso with condensed milk does wonders, but will leave me somewhat jittery since my resistance has dropped so much.
I kinda miss drinking coffee from 6am to 10pm.
decaf! it has saved my entire cardiac system lol
Oh, does decaf make good espresso? I got pretty spoiled with my taste, living in a coffee producing country, lol.
I rarely go straight decaf (because I can tell) but when I feel like my tolerance is peaking I’ll mix decaf into my regular beans in whatever ratio. It works fine for all brew methods.
Hm, I might have to try it then!
decaffeinating likely removes a few flavor compounds inevitably, but in my semi coffee snob experience I’ve had plenty of flavorful decaf espresso
caffeine just makes me shake uncontrollably and clench my jaw really hard. so far meds have just fucked me up badly. FML