Factorio Space Age! It was Satisfactory 1.0, but I got distracted 😅
Same! I finally “beat” satisfactory by delivering all the project parts. In early access I unlocked all milestones but never delivered the final project part.
Starting space age, only got up to automating green science, working on military science now. Probably won’t be able to play much this week though.
My group is roughly about to head to space for the first time or launch our first rocket so that’s exciting
Same! Telling myself I’ll get back to it tho
Just started Baldur’s Gate 3. Never played a CRPG before (does Disco Elysium count?) so it has been quite the learning curve for combat. Pretty stuck in the Underdark, it seems. Looks like I’ll have to help out a slavetrader Gekh in order to proceed because I don’t think I can defeat him and his buddies…
Disco Elysium absolutely counts.
I hope that you’re having so much fun with BG3, after I finished it’s definitely one of my favorites. The underdark is tough, I wish you good luck.
Thanks :)
What are you playing, bpt11?
I’ve been doing a replay of Omori
If you don’t want to help the slavers, here is a tip: you can destroy ladders.
I’ll add another one: get to them from the miconids village, do not engage them from the lower ground by the lake.
Once you’re done that, destroy the stairs first and push them down afterwards. You won’t believe how easy this fight gets.
Or you know, you could always lower the difficulty. No shame in doing so
Satisfactory!! 1.0 is great
I saw that it released but I haven’t checked it out yet, I’ll have to make sure I do
Completely agree. It’s utterly addictive, and the further you get, more and more fun tech gets unlocked. Been playing it with some friends, and we’re all hooked.
I always describe satisfactory as subnautica but about automating machinery like a tycoon game but with more reminiscent of portal. Needless to say its really fun!
I’ve played a bit of Factorio and enjoyed it a little too much, but watching some video clips of Satisfactory a couple of years ago really didn’t grab me. Do you think it’s likely that either watching the game have a very poor sense of what it’s like (for someone already familiar with Factorio), or that the game has gotten a whole heap better over the last 2ish years?
Hmmmm, good question, bit of both, it has changed a lot, but there is also heavy focus on the building mechanics also if that’s your thing, rather than just straight up automation. So like you can make some very very impressive structures in the game. Saying that, you can mostly ignore the building for pretty and just go full on factory just grow mode.
I guess also depends how much you like/are comfortable with the fps view point vs top down? If you like automation and or crafting games, def worth giving it Whirl IMHO!
Just reinstalled Satisfactory. Time to finish it for once.
I didn’t even know finishing it was something you could do lol
You just have to finish that one last thing…
Well I am about to test that theory.
Same, already but another 120 hours in!
My brother got me into Frostpunk recently. It’s been kicking my ass lol
Frostpunk 1 or 2?
Oh nice, I just replayed The Last Autumn since the trees are changing color, just waiting on the first snowfall to play the main game. Let me know if there’s anything especially challenging you want advice on!
I’m just on my 3rd or 4th run trying the New Home scenario. Haven’t made it past the first month lol
Frostpunk has such weird balance. I found it to be an extremely difficult game until a few core loops clicked. Then it was suddenly completely trivial and I lost interest
Like a lot of people, Factorio and Satisfactory. Been also playing a bit of Binding of Isaac and DRG. Also watching a friend play Morrowind because I love that game souch
Rock & stone fellow miner !
Just started playing deadlock, valve’s new MOBA and I love it. I really hope when it’s out of play test they add more champions to play as.
There’s a bunch of planned but unreleased heroes still in development that might drop in an update at any time. They are already in the game in a WIP state, so you can find videos of people who have used commands to access that stuff in sandbox or custom matches.
Mirage was only just added, Valve doesn’t announce or elaborate much on what is coming when, they are basically adding stuff as it becomes ready.
Climbing ropes weren’t even in the game a few updates ago.
Zelda a link to the past (emulated on pocket snes).
Did you play SH2 remake? If so what did you think?
I wish, what I’ve seen of it is amazing, but I don’t have the money or the specs to do it. 🥲
I’m in the same boat. I look forward to playing it someday though
Do tabletop games count? If so, then… Dungeons and Dragons haha. I’m learning the ropes, having fun with it :)
Tabletop games absolutely count! I love D&D, I’m glad you’re having fun!
Oh damn I didn’t even think about tabletop games counting! In that case I have to amend my answer to also include Pathfinder 2.
Almost everyone on Lemmy are huge nerds (me included) and are too busy playing Factorio to post replies to your question. THE FACTORY MUST GROW
I’ve been taking a video game break to play more board games. Zoo Vadis has been a top pick lately and I highly recommend.
I started Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth. I’ve been loving it, it’s like they made the game for me. It’s a perfect unwind game at the end of a day of work between the calming music, character conversations, and silly or cute mini games; but there’s also enough strategy and action in battles to keep my mind stimulated when I want more than that.
I took an entire week off for Rebirth, and the whole time was like “Whee! :D”
I’m getting pretty antsy for the PC release. Cannot wait!
Minecraft and dwarf fortress. I may pick up factorios extension if and when I have time
I was playing Dwarf Fortress, but the bugs made me shelve the game for the foreseeable future. It’s great until the bugs kill your game.
Were you playing the stable or beta adventure version?
Stable release via Steam. Really enjoy the game until the bugs creep in.
I was thinking of starting back up again. What bugs are you encountering?