do people just… not clean themselves in the shower?
Towels don’t only dry, they exfoliate. Even if you loofa scrub in the shower you’re still leaving skin on your towel.
Bit it’s skin that has just been washed. It’s not like you’re rubbing day old ball sweat on your face.
Unless you’re into that, of course 🤷
To each their own
what if i want someone else’s?
Are you asking for mine, because then we need to start talking about price.
Ill do it for less than this guy
My partner used to have a roommate that thought that because he only used the towel when he was “clean” after showering, that meant he never had to wash the towel. What started out as a white towel turned into a yellowing black stained horror. I can’t imagine the smell. 🤢
Yeah… no
I have also known people who claimed this. Gross.
(artist not widely known to be objectional at time of publication)
Heh! That was exactly what I was thinking of!
If you’re cleaning yourself properly, who cares?
I fry my face, body, bits, face, body, legs, face, whatever… I’m clean. If imma eat my partner’s ass after a rave, why would I care if my face gets a little touch of clean grundle?
It doesnt matter, i washed. If i was dirty immediately after stepping out of a shower then i think i need to clean my house.
I have been stupid and had the water way too hot. I would sweat leaving the shower. So relaxing tho
Who the fuck actually cares? Are straight guys so homophobic they can’t even touch a towel that has touched their own freshly cleaned junk?
Nah, these guys ain’t straight and/or cis. If touching their own balls makes them that uncomfy then they’ve got some stuff they’re hiding and need to work through.
Edit: even so, tho, the OP doesn’t look like they’re a dude; which makes me wonder if she has a different towel for every part of her body. Like, damn bitch, granted I ain’t straight or cis, but I use two towels, one for my hair, one for the rest of me. I may be a gal but I don’t need more than that, and the hair one is mainly because my hair holds enough water that I kinda need a second towel.
For me it’s more I don’t want my head hair wrapped around my junk. It’s uncomfortable, and behind deliberate about how I dry my body has made sure it doesn’t happen anymore.
There isn’t anything special about your balls that makes them dirtier than the rest of your body. You’ve just washed them. They’re clean.
This is just not correct. Sweat and folds and proximity to other parts, probably double wrapped all day in plastic clothing… Not washing your arms and not washing your balls for a day has very different results.
Plastic clothing?
Who cares? I just washed them, they’re clean. Do women have a second pussy towel or something?
But also yeah, start at top, he’s right.
If you just took a shower and your balls are still “dirty” your problem isn’t the order in which you dry yourself.
If you can take a shower like a functional adult, it turns out skin is skin and wiping water off your ballsack is fundamentally identical to wiping water off the back of your hand.
If you washed your balls clean enough, it doesn’t matter. It’s not like being a girl and having to deal with your period continuing while you wash and dry.
It’s just more skin for fucks sake.
and hopefully clean skin just out of the shower.
at least that’s what I tell myself…
To me is not hopefully, I do clean well enough when taking a shower. Is not that hard.
It’s just for skin fucks sake.
Why is this gendered? I use the same towel on my cooch as my face after I shower, I would be pretty impressed by the dedication to doing laundry of someone who has a specialized crotch-drying towel.
The poster doesn’t have balls so they were curious
Count yourself lucky if a single guy has separate towels for handwashing and showering/bathing.
i’m single and i have two separate towels, but to be honest i only use the big one for everything, the small one is so guests don’t dry their hands on the towel that dries my entire body
That’s fair.
One towel is more than enough for bathing, hand washing, floor mopping, kitchen towel, car window washing, oil rag
It is pretty fucked to make a guest use the towel you dry your ass with the dry their hands. I like to keep a seperate one just for that
I’m a single guy and I’ve got several matching body/ small towel combos. I wrap one of the small ones around my face bank robber bandana style when I wash my beard 2 or 3 times a week. On the other days I start with my head and work my way down with the same towel, hanging the unused small one by the sink as a hand towel.
I’m married and we just have the towel.
I’m married and there’s always a second towel on the rail so I just use that one for my balls and ass. I guess that is why it’s there.
Why the bloody would you?
I wash my balls at least as much as I watch my face, why would I have a problem with drying both with the same towel?
I honestly bet my balls get more washing than my face.
My hair doesn’t behave well, so if I’m not wearing a hat I jump in the shower and give it a quick wash. I never get out of the shower without giving the pits and balls a quick lather.
Generally I also shower in the evenings kind of regardless of the morning routine.
The secret is to use the towel to dry one’s nether regions after washing them, not before.
By the way, it applies to women as much as to men.
You also just start from the head and go down to finish with your feet. (I know how that sounds lol)
Like it’s basic drying stuff… no?
I try to dry my feet first so I don’t slip so I use two towels
The point being that if one needs to at the end go back up to the face to make sure everything is perfect, one needs not worry about the possibility of that meaning one is rubbing one’s face on ball-sweat.
I mean at the end of the day, if you washed yourself well, you don’t need to worry about anything. It’s should be clean. ^^
Not just drying, also for cleaning. You don’t pick up the dirt from the floor, just to add more whilst cleaning the table.
No seperate towel. Clean your balls in the shower and even if you keep them sucked into your anus all day, which is bad for both organs so don’t leave em in for long, you can clean the most gnarly of sacks. My point is clean them.
There are way dirtier things being done in a bedroom or playing outside sports. Why does it matter if you are clean? Why is a woman asking that silly question like as if we don’t kiss the mouth of someone who just gargle them balls
The Germans have a word for people like you
So, I understand the literal meaning, but what does it actually mean as slang? Girl kisser doesn’t really say much lol.
I was just making a joke, nothing serious
;_; I know, I’m asking you to explain the joke please because I also like to laugh.
And also because now I’m genuinely curious about how it’s used if it’s actual slang.
It’s not actual slang, just saying he kisses girls as a way to subvert expectations to “there’s a word for people like you” where an insult normally follows but this is just a “okay” moment