You don’t have to “sign up”. You can just scroll down a bit to the “Find A Protest Now” button, or click the direct link I provided above.

ETA, you don’t even need a clever sign to hold up. Just being present is good enough.

    5310 days ago

    I highly recommend not visiting this website, but if you absolutely should please use Tor. The log collection policy of this website is unknown and god forbid somehow the logs are obtained it could be used against you.

      2010 days ago

      This is good advice. Thoth here’s a thought. Most people around here know about tor and VPNs and http proxies and whatever else. And even without that probably in general leave a more anonymous footprint on the web. I’m betting there are millions of “normies” visiting that site from their phones following FB or X (lol) or IG or TikTok links. (Which would be the same phones they will have on them when they attend one of these protests. ) But I’m betting there’s millions of visitors. Trump can’t even deport millions of people, much as he’d like to claim. If they start arresting millions for visiting a website (not that they’d have anywhere to put them) that would certainly have people rioting in the streets.

    • Forbo
      9 days ago

      The admin running the site is blocking access from Tor.

      Error: Forbidden Your client does not have permission to get URL / from this server.

      Edit: I just sent them an email to the address on their WhoIs registration asking them to allow Tor. Email is, I encourage you to do the same.

      Or this is all a honeypot and we’re all fucked. Yippee!

    • Sixty
      2510 days ago

      People who don’t mind being lumped in with Nazis. Teslas might be sold by owners at a loss, but besides the CyberStuck the other models sell used.

      For example where I live in Canada the district has never voted anything but conservative for decades. Nobody is harassing Tesla owners here, different story if they drive 25 kilometers down the highway into the city.

        310 days ago

        I’ve kind of debated buying one just because it possibly can be a great deal on an electric car. Slap a few “I hate Elon” magnets on there and hopefully no one torches it lol.

        • Sixty
          19 days ago

          If you can avoid 1st party Tesla service centers (not user friendly or pro right to repair like an Apple product and attitude) and deal with the “I’m not a nazi, just frugal” stickers, it could be worth any perceived risk.

          I get the other view, that it’s quite wasteful to just destroy them. Not that it would’ve happened anyways. That wouldn’t be realistic, just progressive fantasies.

            • Sixty
              18 days ago

              Watching Doug DeMuro do this to an old Ford Exploder has been fun. Big learning curve, but I think anyone with a garage can pull it off.

      10 days ago

      No one. Which is why we shouldn’t bother existing Tesla owners.

      But they should still put their cars up for sale. Flood the market.

    • Null User ObjectOP
      5510 days ago

      Elongated Muskrat is currently sabotaging democracy. This is one of the few ways we can deliver consequences for his actions.

        • Null User ObjectOP
          1110 days ago

          LOL, wut? Where on earth did you get that idea? It’ll be illegal if the fascists get their way and take over, but we’re not there yet. This is one way we can help to stop that from happening.

            10 days ago

            Haha so rather than check out what your president says you just flame whoever informs you. Thanks for this 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

            • Null User ObjectOP
              710 days ago

              There was nothing about your comment indicating it was something Trump said. He says a thousand dumbass things every day. Nobody can keep track of it all. You shouldn’t expect everyone to have had all the same experiences you’ve had. A comment like that really requires a /s to signal that you’re not being serious.

                10 days ago

                Lorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Erat dui sapien morbi, netus taciti mollis ultricies. Congue inceptos suscipit maecenas; neque neque egestas scelerisque penatibus ultrices? Maecenas fames elementum sagittis dignissim fringilla; feugiat cubilia? Vulputate dolor hac maximus platea pulvinar neque molestie. Sapien convallis praesent integer consequat; potenti eu massa mus suspendisse. Nunc vulputate magna conubia praesent id fusce.

                It’s genuinely not my problem if you aren’t able to discern reality from sarcasm. Take personal responsibility for your own mistakes. Telling other people off because you made a mistake just makes you look silly. I hope the rest of your day is as pleasant as you are.

                • Null User ObjectOP
                  710 days ago

                  I hope the rest of your day is as pleasant as you are.

                  See, that doesn’t need a /s. Sometimes sarcasm is obvious in written form. Sometimes it’s not.

        • You are thinking far to linearly. Think of this as a guerilla tactics to take advantage of media focus and what would happen if Musk crashed out.

              10 days ago

              Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good enough.

              Not all of us have the means to overthrow a government. We do have the means to make buying a Tesla as embarrassing and as difficult as possible.

              If you want to help fund a government overthrow, I suggest that you work with the embassy for your country in the US to help make that change.

            • Null User ObjectOP
              510 days ago

              Clearly you have better ideas of what we can do. That’s awesome! Get out there and start organizing people to implement your superior plan! 💪

              410 days ago

              We obviously know it’s broken. The far right has control of every branch of the government, tell us how new laws are passed when there are no checks and balances?

              And yes, before its stated, i know a lot of blame is on the left who didn’t codify shit when they had the chance, that’s the past, that doesn’t help us now.

    • queermunist she/her
      1410 days ago

      Musk borrows against Tesla all the time. Billionaires don’t generally have a ton of liquid cash, they need to take out loans and put up collateral.

        • Null User ObjectOP
          710 days ago

          Clearly you have better ideas of what we can do. That’s awesome! Get out there and start organizing people to implement your superior plan! 💪

            • Null User ObjectOP
              10 days ago

              You’re still not talking about your better idea. We’re all ears. Don’t hold back. What do you think we should do instead?

                • Null User ObjectOP
                  610 days ago

                  These are not things individuals can do this weekend. These all require the actions of the politicians that are owned by the billionaires that don’t want these changes. What are your great ideas that individual citizens can implement right now?

                • Dadd Volante
                  510 days ago

                  Ah yes! Get idea! Just completely change the system! Why didn’t WE think of that!

                  Good show! I’ll call everyone today and tell them that these protests are completely stupid and we have a better idea now

        • queermunist she/her
          510 days ago

          His other companies aren’t valued as highly.

          The only one that seems to make money is SpaceX, and that one isn’t public so we don’t actually know if it makes money or it’s as shitty as all his other companies.

          Without Tesla he’ll have real trouble getting loans… or Trump will give him a bailout, obviously, but it would still be useful if more people saw that he’s not self-made and relies on free money from the government.

          410 days ago

          At the very least, it has to slightly annoy him. But likely also has a psychological effect. Will it make him suddenly decide not to be an asshole? Probably not. But it may spin him further out of control, to where he starts making even stupider decisions until he finally fucks with the wrong people or the wrong stuff and then really finds out.

        • queermunist she/her
          19 days ago

          Yup. If Tesla goes down, he won’t be able to take out loans as easily anymore and might need to sell assets for liquid cash.

    179 days ago

    YSK - You can find a Tesla protest near you by making a sign and looking for the closest Tesla Service Center/Dealer…

  • TrackinDaKraken
    79 days ago

    We had one here in my small suburb town a couple of days ago. I was surprised, and pleased to see it. There were only about 50 people, but there was 50 people.

      18 days ago

      There’s a million things you could do with that. The musk of kleptocracy? I dunno.

      Or you could do a bunch of other Elon refences - Don’t buy from klepto-guy, gimme a Model FU, Elon owes a horse by now, etc.