Hello y’all , there might be supervillians that you people may agree with times for various reasons , I would agree with Poison Ivy the most, what about you ?
Magneto. If someone is trying to genocide you, you don’t just ask nicely and hope that they change their mind. You fight them.
I’ve appreciated a lot of these stories so much differently as an adult.
Xavier, the good guy, is loaded and low-key supports mutant genocide because his motivation is to maintain the system that allows for out groups to be genocided.
Magneto is attempting to make everyone safer by dismantling the systems of oppression.
Oh dude, I’m watching the X-Men cartoon from the 90s for the first time and I totally hear you! (Yeah, it was sitting in my backlog, late is better than never I guess).
The humans find any fuckin time to mess up with them!
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Wait is it?
How exactly? Haha.
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See also: Killmonger.
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The leader of the replicants in Blade Runner.
If I’m not mistaken he’s only killed and attacked in self defense. He just wants to live.
Roy Batty is the character’s name. Though he has killed for more than just self defense, though ultimately it was done to find a way for them to not die.
Ah it’s been a while since I’ve watched the movie. I still believe the motives relatable.
He killed Tyrell in rage, and it’s implied he killed Sebastian as well.
Mister Freeze, the fact he’d do absolutely anything to cure his wife
Jason Voorhees… Fuck horny teenagers, let me enjoy crystal lake without teenagers humping and stirring drama
Scar from The Lion King.
Mufasa says that the lions keep the system in balance, but the system he’s describing is an absolute monarchy based on male primogeniture, with him and his family at the top. As the main beneficiary of the system, he’s not a reliable source of information.
We see that not only the supposedly ‘bad’ hyenas but also ‘good’ characters like Timon and Pumba are outcasts forced to live off scraps, so clearly the system isn’t benefitting everyone, despite what we hear from Mufasa’s propaganda. We also know that, in fact, lions eat other animals, including the kinds shown bowing down to them at the beginning and end of the film. We never hear from these animals, but logic suggests that they’re bowing as much out of fear as fealty.
Now, granted, Scar’s revolution doesn’t work out too well, given the famine that ensues, but he was at least trying for a more equitable distribution of resources than under Mufasa’s tyrannical reign.
… He murdered his brother and framed his nephew.
Nobody’s perfect.
That’s just normal monarchy things.
Happens all the time in Denmark.
Very much like hamlet by shakespeare
Can’t make an omelet without killing a few lions.
Who hasn’t?
So the Circle of Life is really just the Ouroboros of Capitalism…
Ozymandias from Watchmen
- General Hummel, The Rock
His only demanding was the compensation of families from fallen soldiers that were under his command.
- The machines and agent Smith, The Matrix
In the Animatrix we get the explaination that men made the machine that eventually enslaved them. The machines developed consciousness, were trying to life peacefully next to humanity, but humanity eventually chased them out. While creating their own colony even then machines were chased by men. So fight to survive and eventually supress humanity by creating ‘The Matrix’
This thread is fine , unless someone comes and says ,
Donald trump
from Home alone 2 !!
Tim Curry from Home Alone 2.
Mr. Rabbit!
Fuck that guy. He was down to kill a whole school full of kids to keep his secret, but was happy to make deals with a fat cat. BTW, did you watch the UK or American version?
I dont know his ideology !
No fuckin way
Rau le Crauzet from Gundam. Humanity is pretty much eating itself over pettiness and greed.
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Rhas al Ghul is the original longtermism.
I think that philosophy, in it’s current techbro incarnation, is pretty… Dumb, but the way rhas talks about it, it kinda makes sense.
Ghazgkull Mag Uruk Thraka. All he wanted was to unify all Orks in the galaxy and exterminate everyone else to bring the spirit realm of the gods into physical reality.
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Thanos is complete idiot. Life is the primary resource on which other life relies. Destroying half of all life in the universe is also destroying half the universe’s resources, accomplishing absolutely nothing.
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The movie thanos probably ? But he could have used mindstone to make all of us less greedy / sustainable etc ? The comic thanos just wanted to murder half the univ coz he was in love with lady death , who liked silver surfer more for having billions killed !
Eh, the think with thanos, though, is that being less greedy/more sustainable doesn’t change the inevitable overpopulation issues.
Not that killing half the universe does, either, really. So it was pointless in the end
A sustainable development might have made the universe a better place to live ! Generally ecosystems anyway manage overpopulation issues !
I think Thanos had the right motives and goal (in the movies - I havnt read any comics) but his plan to get there wasn’t great. Even assuming removing half of the consuming population is the best solution available (if you can completely alter all of reality why not just make more or infinite resources?), his plan to just randomly select half the population, delete them, and leave them in their loved ones memories is overtly torturous and malicious to everyone in society. He could have taken more care in the selection process instead of just taking at random, or he could have altered people’s memories so they didn’t feel the loss.
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Rhas al Ghul is the original longtermism.
I think that philosophy, in it’s current techbro incarnation, is pretty… Dumb, but the way rhas talks about it, it kinda makes sense.
Edit: I most definitely did not reply to this comment. I hope @Ernest sees this.
Disclaimer: I don’t directly watch drag race US I just watch clips and talkbacks online bc I love the queens but hate the manufactured drama.
Anyway, there are on season villains that I gravitate towards:
Phi Phi O’Hara. Definitely was in the right when it came to her spat with Alyssa, and the spooky one maybe should’ve stayed in Party City.
Most people view The Vixen on the show as mostly right. Off the show she’s more controversial.
Rajah O’Hara, I also wasn’t gagging.
I kind of agreed with Brita Filter up till the bitter end. But I’m kind of a delusional Brita fan.
I’m also a delusional Kandy Muse stan. Let her be arrogant! And she mopped the floor with Tamisha.
I also tend to feel sorry for unintentional delusional edit queens like Jan, Loosey LaDuca, and Thorgy Thor.
None of this was what was being asked about, and you didn’t even give reasoning, this is just a list of names of people you like from a show that probably no one else here knows…
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