Need to make a primal scream without gathering footnotes first? Have a sneer percolating in your system but not enough time/energy to make a whole post about it? Go forth and be mid!

Any sub may be subsneered in this subthread, techtakes or no.

If your sneer seems higher quality than you thought, feel free to cut’n’paste it into its own post — there’s no quota for posting and the bar really isn’t that high.

The post Xitter web has spawned soo many “esoteric” right wing freaks, but there’s no appropriate sneer-space for them. I’m talking redscare-ish, reality challenged “culture critics” who write about everything but understand nothing. I’m talking about reply-guys who make the same 6 tweets about the same 3 subjects. They’re inescapable at this point, yet I don’t see them mocked (as much as they should be)
Like, there was one dude a while back who insisted that women couldn’t be surgeons because they didn’t believe in the moon or in stars? I think each and every one of these guys is uniquely fucked up and if I can’t escape them, I would love to sneer at them.

  • Mii
    8718 days ago

    Oh look, Elon openly snuggling up to Nazis and “just asking questions”. As if I didn’t hate this clown enough.

    (For anyone out of the loop: the AfD is a far-right political party in Germany and the spiritual successor to the NSDAP. They’re praising the SS, advocate for legalization of holocaust denial and historical revisionism, removal of hate crimes from the code of law, and more. They’re so openly Nazis that they got kicked out of the EU parliament’s far-right ID coalition for being too fucking Nazi. There’s no leeway. They’re literal card-carrying national socialists.)

    • deborah
      2018 days ago

      They want to ban kosher food and circumcision, but love the Israeli government and the war on Gaza, which says… so many things, about so many people.

    • @sc_griffith
      1617 days ago

      he’s been openly a nazi propagandist pretty much since he took over twitter. they are hiding black crime stats from you.png, “this is the actual truth,” etc. without saying “I am literally a Nazi” or “we should do holocaust” I genuinely don’t know how much more open he can be about it

      • @maol
        1114 days ago

        The Henry Ford of our generation.

        • @froztbyte
          714 days ago

          oh huh. I didn’t actually know about that bit. TIL!

          christ every little bit of history I read which had some power-hungry rich fucker going “mmmm maybe we should hear them out”, and then watching what’s happening in popular media coverage and shit. le sigh.

      1317 days ago

      Notice that he, of course, does not list any of those “policies” that he’s “read”.

      • deborah
        17 days ago

        Conservative: I have been censored for my conservative views. Me: Holy shit! You were censored for
wanting lower taxes? Con: LOL not those views. Me: So....deregulation? Con: Haha no not those views either. Me: Which views, exactly? Con: Oh, you know the ones

        (for mastodon users who don’t get the image: it’s Andrew Lawrence’s “you know the ones” tweet)

    • johne
      1218 days ago

      I really didn’t think the second part of “Those who don’t learn history” was going to be so literal.

    • @ebu
      1118 days ago

      Maybe I’m missing something.

      translation: thinking about this too much, or at all really, would be disastrous for my political ideology and ego, so someone else please waste their time and energy typing up a reply i won’t read, so i can continue having the image of an intellectual engaged in vigorous debate without actually having to do anything

      • deborah
        1418 days ago

        I suspect Elon’s pretty comfortable with his political ideology and ego, tbh. But I agree with the second part.

        • @ebu
          918 days ago

          ehh, probably

        • @V0ldek
          817 days ago

          Counterpoint, his entire “tweeting through it” public show he’s been putting out is emblematic of a deeply insecure person.

      • @Soyweiser
        1017 days ago

        Imho that is just plausible deniability, just asking questions style shit. So news papers can keep writing ‘his politics are so vague, we don’t know’ while he keeps unbanning fascists on twitter.

    • William B Peckham
      -717 days ago

      @mii @blakestacey I cannot and will not argue about your points, they’re absolutely valid. The words you’re using however are not correct. Nazis are fascists, as are these right wing monsters. They are antisocialist, not socialists. They are against socialism and against democracy and only for their own brand of autocracy.

      • @mountainriver
        1517 days ago

        “National socialism” is the term the Nazis invented to describe themselves. “Nazi” is the abbreviation of the term “national socialism”. Could be good to know.

        • @sc_griffith
          2317 days ago

          also good to point out for someone just finding out about this:

          (1) The name is a lie in the same way “the democratic people’s republic of north korea” is. So Peckham is absolutely correct that the Nazis hated socialists and were not socialists, as evidenced by the fact that they tried to kill all of them.

          (2) The modern version of this lie is pretending the Nazis were socialists, and it’s a very common tactic in the far right. So Peckham is correct that we should not call them socialists, it’s just that using the term “national socialist” doesn’t actually imply you think they are socialists.

          (3) They did spring originally from the fusing of former socialist idealogues with the far right. So as with many massively successful lies there is a distant evolutionary relationship to something true.

          • @selfA
            2217 days ago

            no, nobody here is particularly shocked that fascists would lie about being socialists

          • flere-imsaho
            16 days ago

            don’t be the annoying pedant; we’re fully capable of understanding that the “national socialist german workers’ party” was not a socialist party (and that a “nazi” is a pejorative and was from the start), that the phrase “marxist-leninist” is generally used to mean “left-authoritarian but want to pretend it isn’t”, that the “communist party of the soviet union” was actually presiding over a project of building an authoritarian state capitalism, and that the “republican” party in the united states is trying to make the united states a theocratic dictatorship.

              • @blakestaceyOPA
                1215 days ago

                Congratulations on missing the entire point of everything explained to you at considerable length and on coming back with a vintage not-pology.

                The egress is that-a-way.