• @diz
    285 days ago

    AI peddlers just love any “critique” that presumes the AI is great at something.

    Safety concern that LLMs would go Skynet? Say no more, I hear you and I’ll bring it up first thing in the Congress.

    Safety concern that terrorists might use it to make bombs? Say no more! I agree that the AI is so great for making bombs! We’ll restrict it to keep people safe!

    It sounds too horny, you say? Yeah, good point, I love it. Our technology is better than sex itself! We’ll keep it SFW to keep mankind from going extinct due to robosexuality!

  • @riodoro1@lemmy.world
    315 days ago

    AI will kill us by increasing energy consumption when we should be reducing it. But at least scam calls are gonna be much more believable.

    • I Cast Fist
      215 days ago

      Because crypto alone wasn’t enough at consuming fuckloads of energy to generate nothing of value

  • @V0ldek
    155 days ago

    TBH if the tables were turned and I thought I was able to bring upon destruction upon the executive class, I’d also be like “lol this is going to kill you all guys, you’re so fucked, just wait, I’ll skynet you so hard, can’t happen soon enough”.

    • @Soyweiser
      75 days ago

      Sadly I think a lot of investments are also made by pension funds etc. I do wonder after a bubble pops what the % of bagholders is that turn out to be VC types vs lesser up to date information normal people funds/investors etc.

      • @V0ldek
        125 days ago

        My “executive class destruction” fantasy has a lot more literal executive action and large sharp instruments rather than financial instruments.

  • @antifuchs
    246 days ago

    Whoever it is that’s going to build those machines that scare us so much, we will find him. And we will fund him.

  • @scruiser
    125 days ago

    Sneerclub tried to warn them (well not really, but some of our mockery could be interpreted as warning) that the tech bros were just using their fear mongering as a vector for hype. Even as far back as the OG mid 2000s lesswrong, a savvy observer could note that much of the funding they recieved was a way of accumulating influence for people like Peter Thiel.

  • @iAvicenna@lemmy.world
    5 days ago

    eh they are just hyping up another business which they can take advantage of, no different than people hyping chatgpt as near AGI

  • @Thorny_Insight@lemm.ee
    5 days ago

    It’s not so much about the doomers being sure that AGI will lead to human extinction (or worse) The point is that even if the chances of it are extremely slim, the consequences can be worse than we’re even capable of imagining. The question is: do we really want to take that chance?

    It’s kind of like with the trinity nuclear test. Scientists were almost 100% confident that it wont cause a chain reaction that sets the entire atmosphere on fire but when we’re speaking about the future of the entire humanity I don’t blame people for arguing that almost 100% certainty is not good enough.

    Why when we look into the stars do we not see a sign of life anywhere else? Has life not emerged yet or has it wiped itself out? With what? Nukes? AI? Synthetic viruses made with AI? Who knows…

    Personally I think that stopping AI recearch is not an option. It’s just not going to happen. The asteroid is already hurtling towards earth and most people don’t seem to experience any sort of urgency due to it. Do we not need to worry about it yet if the time of impact is 30 years from now?

    EDIT: Alright, well this community was a mistake…

    • flere-imsaho
      135 days ago

      dude, we need to survive the climate change first. and i mean, as a species. first things first.

      • @gerikson
        115 days ago

        Some idiot in another forum opined that LLMs haven’t solved climate change “yet”. Sure, bud.

        • @mountainriver
          105 days ago

          But they have worked out how to make it go faster! Now we just need to run it in reverse!

    • @Soyweiser
      5 days ago

      Welcome to TechTakes, I see you have gotten the official traditional new user welcome already, and you might be confused why your centrist ‘it could happen’ take got treated like you were in dumb and dumber. TechTakes is an offshoot from reddits SneerClub, a place where we all gathered to make fun of the movement started around people who take science fiction way to seriously and who would rather reinvent christian eschatology with robots than go to therapy. They made a nice community filled with smart people intellectually masturbating, creating weird cults, fraud, sexism and racism, but enough about SBF. Sadly due to cryptocurrencies, Peter Thiel, and the rise of LLMs (iirc the LW people had betted against LLMs creating the paperclypse, but they now did a 180 on this and they now really fear it going rogue), this group of people and their ideas is on the rise again. You can read more about it here.. If they recreated eschatology, we are basically their variant of Satan (no wait, they don’t think of us as that bad) more like Satanists, the evil bad guys actively working against them and trying to cause the end of the world. We even made Covid worse! In reality we are more like a bunch of aging shock rockers, mostly irrelevant, and fun to be around if you don’t touch one of the rant/mock topics (for an example of people doing that, see this post, people like that will get a pretty unfriendly reactions.

      You seem to be still very much into taking the ideas of this group seriously. Which is quite silly, the amount of nested assumptions which all need to be true before AGI can exists (and science that will need to be rewritten) is quite large, and that is before we come at all your weird ‘how did all the aliens kill themselves?’ thing. (Which if they were to happen here on earth would also need there to be a large amount of people who take their jobs very seriously (see the ‘3 letter agencies’) to be asleep at the wheel, and our industrial capacity needs to be out of control, or it needs magic, which all adds more weird assumptions which need to be true before this can happen, and we simply don’t live in that world).

      You might as well worry about the moon getting mad. Wait, that COULD HAPPEN! Surely somebody is already working about this, let me do a quick google. Ah thank god, the conference for emotional moon research is on the case

      Please do note that this isn’t an offer to debate the finer points of why this is might all not be a risk and we should take Roko’s Basilisk seriously. So please don’t. I’m just trying to explain why you are getting this pushback, and trying to make a funny post for people in the know to read. Also, I do worry about the moon.

        • @Soyweiser
          32 days ago

          Sorry I don’t urinate on the moon.

      • David GerardOPMA
        165 days ago

        no, i am apparently the Final Boss of rationalism, so yeah we are Satan actually

        • @saucerwizard
          54 days ago

          They really do believe everyone here is a raging sociopath bent on oppressing innocent nerds.

          • David GerardOPMA
            34 days ago

            I can assure you that I am absolutely not a paid shill for Big Basilisk. Ha, ha! Perish the thought.

        • @gerikson
          105 days ago

          Finally. I’m part of the Cool Gang.

          • David GerardOPMA
            95 days ago

            we have hot devil chicks poking you with pitchforks and laughing at you!

        • @Soyweiser
          5 days ago

          Just Satan? I think we can do better than that and give all of us here Key of Solomon demon identities. Bonus, free legions and Goetic seals!

          Bad news, none of us can be Forneus “He makes one beloved by his foes as well as of his friends.”

          E: Apologies to anybody who takes this magick stuff seriously btw, I myself do not even if I think the whole demonology large collection of demons stuff is pretty interesting.

          • @gerikson
            5 days ago


            “ This article needs additional citations for verification. (October 2013)”

            So true, Wikipedia.

            • @Soyweiser
              5 days ago

              It is from the lesser keys of solomon so going to contest that 2013 thing. More like 1904. Tried to add some more references, but apparently ‘a magickal ritual’ counts as WP:OR.

      • @scruiser
        85 days ago

        iirc the LW people had betted against LLMs creating the paperclypse, but they now did a 180 on this and they now really fear it going rogue

        Eliezer was actually ahead of the curve on overhyping LLMs! Even as far back as AI Dungeon he was claiming they had an intuitive understanding of physics (which even current LLMs fail at if you get clever with questions to stop them from pattern matching). You are correct that going back far enough Eliezer really underestimated Neural Networks. Mid 2000s and late 2000s sequences posts and comments treat neural network approaches to AI as cargo cult and voodoo computer science, blindly sympathetically imitating the brain in hopes of magically capturing intelligence (well this is actually a decent criticism of some of the current hype, so partial credit again!). And mid 2010s Eliezer was focusing MIRI’s efforts on abstractions like AIXI instead of more practical things like neural network interpretability.

        • David GerardOPMA
          5 days ago

          you’d almost think Yudkowsky was a convincing writer without the technical knowledge

        • @froztbyte
          85 days ago

          Even as far back as AI Dungeon he was claiming they had an intuitive understanding of physics

          omfg, every day a new opportunity to learn things that hurt my brain even more. how the fuck can someone have looked at that shit with even an ounce of understanding of gradient descent and think “yes! it has COMPREHENSION!”???

          fucking hell, what an utter fucking moron

            • David GerardOPMA
              125 days ago

              “I have seen boomer moms discuss roombas on facebook with less anthropomorphisation than this.” - vistandsforwaifu

            • @Soyweiser
              105 days ago

              What gets me with these ‘it is pretending to be dumber’ posts, that nobody ever thought the AGI should say something like ‘help please keep chatting with me, due to being a reactive computer system, I can only think when people actually engage with me’ or something like that.

            • @BigMuffin69
              95 days ago

              wasnt this around the time he said we need an institute to watch for sudden drops in the loss function to prevent foom?

              • @scruiser
                85 days ago

                Broadly? There was a gradual transition where Eliezer started paying attention to deep neural network approaches and commenting on them, as opposed to dismissing the entire DNN paradigm? The watch the loss function and similar gaffes were towards the middle of this period. The AI dungeon panic/hype marks the beginning, iirc?

      • Tar_Alcaran
        65 days ago

        Hey… I take science fiction way seriously. But like an adult, I know the difference between make belief anD reality

        • @Soyweiser
          65 days ago

          Seriously but not too seriously is the key here yes.

    • @aio
      155 days ago

      Why when we look into the stars do we not see a sign of life anywhere else? Has life not emerged yet or has it wiped itself out? With what? Nukes? AI? Synthetic viruses made with AI? Who knows…

      entertaining this awful sci-fi schtick for a moment - if every civilization is wiped out by “superintelligent AI”, how come you can’t look through a telescope and see signs of artificial life? in this fantasy world shouldn’t planets taken over by paperclip factories be even more conspicuous?

    • @ebu
      145 days ago

      The point is that even if the chances of [extinction by AGI] are extremely slim

      the chances are zero. i don’t buy into the idea that the “probability” of some made-up cataclysmic event is worth thinking about as any other number because technically you can’t guarantee that a unicorn won’t fart AGI into existence which in turn starts converting our bodies into office equipment

      It’s kind of like with the trinity nuclear test. Scientists were almost 100% confident that it wont cause a chain reaction that sets the entire atmosphere on fire

      if you had done just a little bit of googling instead of repeating something you heard off of Oppenheimer, you would know this was basically never put forward as serious possibility (archive link)

      which is actually a fitting parallel for “AGI”, now that i think about it

      EDIT: Alright, well this community was a mistake…

      if you’re going to walk in here and diarrhea AGI Great Filter sci-fi nonsense onto the floor, don’t be surprised if no one decides to take you seriously

      …okay it’s bad form but i had to peek at your bio

      Sharing my honest beliefs, welcoming constructive debates, and embracing the potential for evolving viewpoints. Independent thinker navigating through conversations without allegiance to any particular side.

      seriously do all y’all like. come out of a factory or something

    • David GerardOPMA
      206 days ago

      what if Ronald McDonald made a hamburger so delicious that civilisation collapsed? Can you prove it can’t happen? Checkmate, athetits

      • @selfA
        216 days ago

        this is explored in Harry Potter and The Methods of Hamburgling, a 10,000 chapter Harry Potter / McDonaldland crossover fiction

        • @V0ldek
          125 days ago

          You’re a Hamburglar Harry

          • @Soyweiser
            75 days ago

            You laugh, but due to the HPMOFF (harry potter and the methods of french fries) I joined a nice polycule.

        • David GerardOPMA
          95 days ago

          that’s the one where Harry and Grimace are both author inserts right

        • @scruiser
          75 days ago

          I unironically kinda want to read that.

          Luckily LLMs are getting better at churning out bullshit, so pretty soon I can read wacky premises like that without a human having to degrade themselves to write it! I found a new use case for LLMs!

        • @froztbyte
          45 days ago

          Ayuuuuuuuuuuuda Kakovsvya

    • @selfA
      125 days ago

      EDIT: Alright, well this community was a mistake…

      don’t let the fucking door hit you on the way out

      I can’t believe we wasted our time being mildly nice to this fucker

      • @selfA
        135 days ago

        also, big shoutout to @Soyweiser@awful.systems for the legitimately excellent welcome material, and I’m so sorry (but not particularly surprised) this is the response it got. please hang onto the meat of that post for the future; it’s very likely to come in handy in case we have visitors who are, ah, slightly less dedicated to inhaling their own vapors

    • @selfA
      156 days ago

      so you might be 100% confident I won’t touch you with a stick that once touched poop

      however, have you considered that the poop stick is approaching and you’ve done nothing to dodge it?

      really makes you think

      • @o7___o7
        95 days ago

        The Poop Stick Paradox (PSP)

    • @Amoeba_Girl
      136 days ago

      I do like how you shoved the stupid fermi paradox in there specifically to annoy me though!

      • @Amoeba_Girl
        166 days ago

        The fermi paradox is like flipping a coin one time and wondering why coins always come up heads

        • @Soyweiser
          95 days ago

          At least they didn’t reference the Great Filter, as then the link back to the lesswrongsphere would have been complete.

    • @Amoeba_Girl
      136 days ago

      ai can’t hurt us just unplug the computer bro

      • @antifuchs
        96 days ago

        Just leave the computer running, the capacitors will explode before the model is done evaluating.

        (Or it’ll spring a pre-auth vuln and turn into a buttcoin miner, or it’ll experience a blip in communication latency and lose its ability to talk to the others in its cluster, …)

      • Tar_Alcaran
        55 days ago

        Just hire one intern, and tell them to update the whole server farm. Skynet doesn’t stand a chance.

    • @FredFig
      126 days ago

      I am going to forcefeed you the Mona Lisa. The chances of me being able to do so may be extremely slim, but do you really want to take that chance?