Fuckin’ grows out of the ground!
Who’s a jammy bastard?
Eggs come out their fuckin’ arses!
TBF, Plants are Literally an Infinite Food Hack and Life of any kind is the rarest resource in the universe, Maybe we should be ashamed at ourselves for not recognizing daily miracles.
Actual food hack: Save vegetable trimmings in a bag in the freezer. Onion skins, carrot peelings, celery bits, broccoli stems, etc. When it’s full, put them in a pot and cover with water and cook at medium heat for a couple hours to make free vegetable broth.
broccoli stems are yummy though
You still have to peel them right with like a peeler? Otherwise the skin can be tough.
The crunch is the appeal!
It doesn’t usually crunch. It’s usually tough and very chewy and fibrous. Like a really tough stalk of celery.
Edit: Just to clarify I’m talking about this part of the broccoli.
yea just boil that and it’s very tasty and easy to eat
It’s also good raw, but you do have to peel it.
Agree to disagree, I’ve ruined more than one broccoli cheddar soup trusting a stem has softened enough when it’s almost as cheap, and sometimes cheaper, to just get the florets.
Put all your bones in a freezer bag and make bone broth. Free protein.
Yeah but then you get a shit queue placement in your next reincarnation.
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I think they were just making fun of the wording of " put all your bones…"
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I’ve been doing that for years but I never thought to use vegetable waste. Plus I can make the most amazing vegan spaghetti sauce with it.
Vegetable will get you flavor. Bone broth gets you some real nutrition.
I remember reading some kind of tip, maybe making a sauce out of onion and garlic skin, but in any case, is there any concern with mold or food safety with this method? There was some talk of it with whatever I read.
If you’re freezing it all, no. It could get freezer burned but that just makes it taste off it should still be safe to eat. If you keep stuff in the fridge not freezer, or you let things sit on the counter too long between each processing step, it could go bad. That’s just general food safety though not just a trimmings thing
They go straight into the freezer, and are then boiled for a while, and then frozen and then boiled again.
I haven’t had a problem, but you should probably wash them first
Well, that’s the thing, who washes onion skins? Unless you’re going to use them later. But even then, dirt tends to get stuck between the outer layers.
i love it, but the “bag” to which you refer, is a plastic bag. the freezer? that you bought at a big box store? or say you bought second hand? that all requires massive amounts of infrastructure. Massive amounts of power. Massive engineering projects to bring you that power.
you’re not a hippy just because you store veggies in the freezer.
It’s not more efficient. I’m just cheap.
My chicken egg didn’t make any new chickens after planting and smells really bad. 1/10 would not recommend
You’re supposed to plant the chicken. The chicken comes first, then the eggs.
Remember to bury it with the head downward so the eggs will bloom.
You planted them too deep.
go to the farmer’s market and find a cool person and say “I need that good shit”
waters ((Hacker voice)): Enhance
Came here to post this (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
Came here to post this. Watch this for 50th time. Up vote it. Watch it again.
With current wages and prices, life as a medieval peasant doesn’t look so bad in comparison.
Imagine: fruit and veggies that actually still taste like the real thing, literally half the year off, and no mobile ads.If a hacker planted [your] random seed, you’re in deep trouble, generally
Ehh, I don’t have time to wait around for garlic. I do however plant spring onions from the grocer in my kitchen. They grow faster than I can eat them and come back quickly with a substantial amount of neglect.
I killed my cilantro & parsley doing that in my herb garden with organic green onions. And I’m completely fine with that.
It’s about the only time I’ll prioritize organic produce over regular produce, those damn onions are delicious!
I’ve got root.
There’s also a seed that can spawn a talented musician that will take care of you when you’re old.
But probably not.
That seed more often spawns a low-paid service industry worker who calls you once a year on your birthday.
There’s this Youtuber that appears on my feed and it’s like he’s just discovering that seeds and parts of fruits and vegetables grow more fruits and vegetables when put in dirt.