• flere-imsaho
      62 days ago

      stalinists, like pigeons, are gonna shit over every place where they congregate. it is a pity that they have half the brain and quarter of the cuteness of the pigeons though.

    • socsa
      42 days ago

      I was just about to post this - our very own Dessalines is going full cringelord on this one and it is hilarious. Dude has absolutely zero self awareness.

    • @bitofhope
      52 days ago

      Condolences to the nations of Mali and Anguilla to have your TLD associated with this crap.

  • @bitofhope
    263 days ago

    Turns out chuds suddenly love DEI when it’s about making the Russian Military Industrial Complex feel safe and included in major open source projects. My heart goes out to the victims of discrimination willingly working for military contractors who now have to submit their Linux kernel patches for review like most people.

  • @OneCardboardBox@lemmy.sdf.org
    4 days ago

    This is exactly the same “problem” as when open-source projects started enforcing codes of conduct: Any organization is an inherently political entity and is entitled to make political decisions about who can or can’t be a member of that organization.

    I’ve seen lots of $word-$number named-accounts claiming that this “puts in jeopardy the future of open source”. Fuck off. There’s no evidence that these people are banned from submitting patches to the kernel, just that they’ve been removed from a particular role of authority within an organization.

    And to the people saying “But why U trust NSA to submit patches?!”… motherfucker if you’re only worrying about that now, you’re many years too late. I’ve been told by an angel in a dream that TempleOS is still free from CIA interference.

    • @YourNetworkIsHaunted
      123 days ago

      I’ve been told by an angel in a dream that TempleOS is still free from CIA interference.

      Yeah, but the only game it runs is Prayer Warriors, and at this point I’ve stood against the devil long enough that all the spark is gone from it.

      • @bitofhope
        93 days ago

        How dare you spread misinformation on the Internet? True believers know TempleOS comes packaged with a number of Fun and Unfun games.

        After Egypt is a certified parish classic. Child commits adultery to child? Really punish.

  • @gerikson
    3 days ago

    This shitshow brought all the tankies to the yard in lobste.rs too:


    I especially like the dude relitigating the Continuation War from the orthodox Russian historiographical position that the Second World War started on 22 Jun 1941:


    Edit I wondered about the curious term “genocide-siege” and lo and behold, reading the Wiki page on the Siege I found this nugget

    On 18 March 2024, the Russian foreign ministry issued a statement via TASS to the German foreign ministry saying that the siege of Leningrad was a genocide.

    • @gerikson
      112 days ago

      The tankies are giving each other high-fives and are labelling me as a “Eurocentric Swede” which isn’t exactly the insult they think it is.

      • @swlabr
        102 days ago

        As a leftist, I don’t think I’ve drunk enough red kool aid to come around on Russia. I just don’t get it.

        • socsa
          22 days ago

          Have you tried looking in the mirror and repeating the phrase “I am the imperialist and it’s not ok”

          • @gerikson
            52 days ago

            That’s the thing. What Russia under Putin is doing is textbook imperialism, not the weird alt-left definition which defines it as “what the US and its allies does”. But hey, mangling and redefining terms is a Soviet/Russian tradition.

            Stepping back, take a look at what the Russian duma is legislating and point to the “leftist” content. Just the other day they decided that “childfree propaganda” should be outlawed. Breed more cannon fodder for the Motherland!

    • @bitofhope
      103 days ago

      [Comment removed by moderator pushcx: Don’t pour gas on the fire by adding even more geopolitics.]

      What does it take to cross the line of incendiary geopolitics in this thread?

      • @gerikson
        103 days ago

        I actually recently made a little script to preserve the nuggets of wisdomshit produced by the esteemed commentariat and then either deleted by them in shame or purged in righteous mod fury.

        The deleted comment is this:

        There are a lot russians who don’t support Russian aggression. Discrimination based on a trait people are born with, be it skin color or nationality, is racism. Linus is racist.

        Can they also ban Israeli settlers from contributing to Linux or is that inconvenient for mossad agents to back door linux?

        • @o7___o7
          82 days ago

          Russian defense contractor stans accusing a Finnish guy of being racist is just perfection.

        • @bitofhope
          143 days ago

          Assigned Baikal Electronics employee at birth

    • flere-imsaho
      123 days ago

      …and that’s one of the dudes personally invited to the site by its main moderator (see, the public invite trees can be useful sometimes).

  • @selfA
    414 days ago

    I’m slowly feasting on this awful shit but I gotta jump in and say it, these posts are the most Russian thing I’ve ever seen:

    Just to be clear, I’m not saying good words to any regime. I mean both the US sanction and the Russian invasion suck. I don’t want another country bossing over what you can do, and I don’t want another country pointing guns on your head either.

    Russia is bad, but that doesn’t mean I’m in support of bans like this without a reason. Just because you “have the reason to commit crimes” is not strong enough a reason to exclude you! How child’s bully it is!

    a bunch of these posts are literally the exact documented template that the Internet Research Agency used. so many of them degrade into weird broken English as the poster tries and fails to modify the script for the situation.

    this is fucking amazing, seriously. if you want to sharpen your instincts for what foreign state trolling looks like, these are the posts that’ll do it.

    • @selfA
      294 days ago

      So we’ve got into politics in software. Good lord (spaghetti one, of course)! I thought we already have problem with quality diving in IT, because of all those newcomers wanting money and laziness only.

      Sad to see we learned nothing from hundreds of years of wars and occupations. Glad someone mentioned Poland and India. Millions killed by USA joining every war to just sell weapons to both sides of conflict - will be funny too when many people stop dreaming and see this is the truth.

      Edit: of course I’m waiting for all this flagging and downvotes, because I’ve spoken badly about The Greatest Nation Ever.

      hello my fellow ordinary software developers. lazy newcomers wanting money and laziness, am I right? the Flying Spaghetti Monster!

      anyway, here are my astonishingly thin takes on imperialism and why it’s definitely never something Russia does

      • @V0ldek
        173 days ago

        Glad someone mentioned Poland and India. Millions killed by USA joining every war to just sell weapons to both sides of conflict

        Wait, is a Russian troll trying to paint USA in a bad light by mentioning… Poland? Famously a nation that suffered immensely from the USA and only benefited from its eastern Russian Friends and Liberators.

        • @Evinceo
          103 days ago

          Russia complaining that the US sells too many weapons is an awkward line when the AK platform is the universal symbol for armed conflict across the globe.

      • @corbin
        244 days ago

        Meanwhile, actual Pastafarians (hi!) know that the Russian Federation openly persecutes the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster for failing to help the government in its authoritarian activities, and also that we’re called to be anti-authoritarian. The Fifth Rather:

        I’d really rather you didn’t challenge the bigoted, misogynist, hateful ideas of others on an empty stomach. Eat, then go after the bastards.

        May you never run out of breadsticks, travelers.

      • @bitofhope
        183 days ago

        Wow, it took until 2024 but politics have finally arrived into software. Having politics is not at all in the spirit of the GPL. Not giving these people a privileged access to the codebase is discrimination obviously. What do you have against apolitical entities like Baikal Electronics?

      • @froztbyte
        144 days ago

        it’s also hilarious just how much the sentence structure is a shining beacon indicating sockpuppeting

        wonder how many orange posters will eat this shit up uncritically because they’re too used to their shitty filters not shoving this shit out the door

    • David GerardOPMA
      174 days ago

      and the ukrainians also telling the very concerned posters to fuck right off

      • @bitofhope
        93 days ago

        You’re underselling it. I see the Ukranian poster very politely telling the Russian missile and drone supplier company employee to shut up and handle his grievances through their legal department and see how that works out for them. All while he continues to listen to the daily barrage of missile and drone strikes in his neighborhood and wonder how many of those weapons are running Linux.

  • @istewart
    114 days ago

    what do we pay this dang guy for, anyway

    • @selfA
      154 days ago

      he has many responsibilities:

      • sometimes he disagrees with an article title that’s entirely accurate and people aren’t buying his assertion that it’s clickbait, so he adds a question mark to it to try to make the article look less credible
      • tone policing
      • ignoring blatant flagging abuse
      • adding sites and posters on YC’s shitlist to the autodead filter
      • his bonuses are almost definitely predicated on how many of Garry Tan’s many fash friends feel comfortable posting on the orange site
      • @Evinceo
        83 days ago

        You missed his most important job, reminding everyone about previous discussions of PG essays whenever someone reposts a PG essay.

      • @froztbyte
        104 days ago

        don’t forget stock control on the [flag] cupboard

  • @froztbyte
    74 days ago

    cultural NOBUS is a hell of a drug

  • @basmati@lemmus.org
    -153 days ago

    Another far right instance on lemmy? You people need to stay on reddit. Disgusting Nazi scum.

    • @YourNetworkIsHaunted
      152 days ago

      Joined 22 days ago and racked up 250+ comments that at first glance all appear to be either Russian apologia or (more often) telling left-leaning people to not vote. I try not to throw the “Russian troll” accusation around glibly because there’s no way to conclusively say you’re not just a stupid asshole, but my dude you are doing one hell of a Russian troll impression.

    • @selfA
      173 days ago

      yeah man I’m really tired of far right shit on Lemmy like: not wanting an arms manufacturer to have special privileges on an open source project. not liking Russia. maybe a third thing???

      fuck off with this lazy shit, nobody’s buying

    • @swlabr
      163 days ago

      It takes a lot of leg power for this amount of logical leaping.

      • @khalid_salad
        123 days ago

        maybe they think the awful systems get designed here

    • @bitofhope
      113 days ago

      I don’t want nazis there either. At least on fedi you can defederate from them.